diff options
91 files changed, 26 insertions, 16729 deletions
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/90d_linse-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/90d_linse-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 01d2541..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/90d_linse-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
- 20081204: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Feltnavnene ændret så de giver mening.
- 20090108: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Højre/venstre byttet om.
- 20090320: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Total omskrivning
- 20090420: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Nyt resume.
- -->
-<macro name="90d_linse" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = '90D linse:'
- if ( getValue('90d_linse.mangler.odxt') == '' and getValue('90d_linse.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = 'Inblikket til fundusbaggrunden er ' .. getValue('90d_linse.indblik.odxt')
- .. ' på o.dxt og ' .. getValue('90d_linse.indblik.osin')..' på venstre.\n'
- else
- if ( getValue('90d_linse.mangler.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = 'Inblikket til fundusbaggrunden er ' .. getValue('90d_linse.indblik.odxt')
- .. ' på o.dxt.\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('90d_linse.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = 'Inblikket til fundusbaggrunden er ' .. getValue('90d_linse.indblik.osin')
- ..' på o.sin.\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('90d_linse.mangler.odxt') == '' )
- then
- if ( getValue('90d_linse.implikation.odxt') == 'retinal hævelse' )
- then
- out = out .. 'På o.dxt findes der retinal hævelse'
- if ( getValue('90d_linse.randbloedninger.odxt') ~= '' and getValue('90d_linse.exsudaterater.odxt') ~= '')
- then
- out = out .. ' med randblødning og exhudater.\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('90d_linse.randbloedninger.odxt') == '' and getValue('90d_linse.exsudaterater.odxt') ~= '')
- then
- out = out .. ' med exhudater.\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('90d_linse.randbloedninger.odxt') ~= '' and getValue('90d_linse.exsudaterater.odxt') == '')
- then
- out = out .. ' med randblødning.\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('90d_linse.randbloedninger.odxt') == '' and getValue('90d_linse.exsudaterater.odxt') == '')
- then
- out = out .. '.\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('90d_linse.implikation.odxt') == 'atrofi' )
- then
- out = out .. 'På o.dxt findes der atrofi.\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('90d_linse.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- if ( getValue('90d_linse.implikation.osin') == 'retinal hævelse' )
- then
- out = out .. 'På o.sin findes der retinal hævelse'
- if ( getValue('90d_linse.randbloedninger.osin') ~= '' and getValue('90d_linse.exsudaterater.osin') ~= '')
- then
- out = out .. ' med randblødning og exhudater.\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('90d_linse.randbloedninger.osin') == '' and getValue('90d_linse.exsudaterater.osin') ~= '')
- then
- out = out .. ' med exhudater.\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('90d_linse.randbloedninger.osin') ~= '' and getValue('90d_linse.exsudaterater.osin') == '')
- then
- out = out .. ' med randblødning.\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('90d_linse.randbloedninger.osin') == '' and getValue('90d_linse.exsudaterater.osin') == '')
- then
- out = out .. '.\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('90d_linse.implikation.osin') == 'atrofi' )
- then
- out = out .. 'På o.sin findes der atrofi.\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('90d_linse.yderligere') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('90d_linse.yderligere') .. '\n'
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="missing_eye_osin_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="right_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('right_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('right_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="left_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('left_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('left_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="retinal_haevelse_odxt">
- if ( value == 'retinal hævelse' )
- then
- enable('retinal_haevelse_odxt')
- else
- disable('retinal_haevelse_odxt')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="retinal_haevelse_osin">
- if ( value == 'retinal hævelse' )
- then
- enable('retinal_haevelse_osin')
- else
- disable('retinal_haevelse_osin')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="90-D linse (B.2.2.7)"
- layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <!-- o.dxt -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.dxt"
- name="90d_linse.mangler.odxt" script="right_eye"
- map="missing_eye_odxt_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="right_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="vbox">
- <!-- Indblik -->
- <combobox name="90d_linse.indblik.odxt" value="">
- <item caption="Klart" value="klart"/>
- <item caption="Let sløret" value="let sløret"/>
- <item caption="Meget sløret" value="meget sløret"/>
- </combobox>
- <!-- Observationer -->
- <radiobuttons name="90d_linse.implikation.odxt" value=" "
- script="retinal_haevelse_odxt">
- <radiobutton caption="Retinal hævelse" value="retinal hævelse"/>
- <radiobutton caption="Atrofi" value="atrofi"/>
- <radiobutton caption="Andet (se suppl.)" value=""/>
- </radiobuttons>
- <frame name="retinal_haevelse_odxt" layout="vbox">
- <checkbox name="90d_linse.randbloedninger.odxt" caption="Randblødning"
- truevalue="randblødning" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <checkbox name="90d_linse.exsudaterater.odxt" caption="Exsudater"
- truevalue="exsudater" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- o.sin -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.sin"
- name="90d_linse.mangler.osin" script="left_eye"
- map="missing_eye_osin_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="left_eye_frame" caption="o.sin" layout="vbox">
- <!-- Indblik -->
- <combobox name="90d_linse.indblik.osin" value="">
- <item caption="Klart" value="klart"/>
- <item caption="Let sløret" value="let sløret"/>
- <item caption="Meget sløret" value="meget sløret"/>
- </combobox>
- <!-- Observationer -->
- <radiobuttons name="90d_linse.implikation.osin" value=" "
- script="retinal_haevelse_osin">
- <radiobutton caption="Retinal hævelse" value="retinal hævelse"/>
- <radiobutton caption="Atrofi" value="atrofi"/>
- <radiobutton caption="Andet (se suppl.)" value=""/>
- </radiobuttons>
- <frame name="retinal_haevelse_osin" layout="vbox">
- <checkbox name="90d_linse.randbloedninger.osin" caption="Randblødning"
- truevalue="randblødning" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <checkbox name="90d_linse.exsudaterater.osin" caption="Exsudater"
- truevalue="exsudater" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <label caption="Supplerende:"/>
- <textedit name="90d_linse.yderligere" value=""/>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer/>
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/ b/server/xml/macros/
index 8056e2a..ef341e2 100644
--- a/server/xml/macros/
+++ b/server/xml/macros/
@@ -1,7 +1,29 @@
- example.xml
+ test_altcombobox.xml \
+ test_button.xml \
+ test_checkbox.xml \
+ test_combobox.xml \
+ test_dbwidget.xml \
+ test_lineedit.xml \
+ test_listbox.xml \
+ test_meta.xml \
+ test_metawidget.xml \
+ test_multilist.xml \
+ test_radiobuttons.xml \
+ test_resume.xml
xmldir = $(datadir)/xml/macros
xml_DATA = \
- example.xml
+ test_altcombobox.xml \
+ test_button.xml \
+ test_checkbox.xml \
+ test_combobox.xml \
+ test_dbwidget.xml \
+ test_lineedit.xml \
+ test_listbox.xml \
+ test_meta.xml \
+ test_metawidget.xml \
+ test_multilist.xml \
+ test_radiobuttons.xml \
+ test_resume.xml
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/akselaengde-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/akselaengde-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index bb670ea..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/akselaengde-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="akselaengde" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('akselaengde.mangler.odxt') == '' or getValue('akselaengde.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Akselængde: ' .. getValue('akselaengde.metode') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('akselaengde.mangler.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'o.dxt: ' .. getValue('akselaengde.laengde.odxt') .. ' mm\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('akselaengde.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'o.sin: ' .. getValue('akselaengde.laengde.osin') .. ' mm\n'
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="missing_eye_osin_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="right_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('right_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('right_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="left_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('left_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('left_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="lt40gt10">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return false
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= 10 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 40)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Akselængde"
- layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <!-- o.dxt -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.dxt"
- name="akselaengde.mangler.odxt" script="right_eye"
- map="missing_eye_odxt_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="right_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Akselængde:"/>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <lineedit name="akselaengde.laengde.odxt" script="lt40gt10"
- regexp="\d{1,2},\d{2}" value=""/>
- <label caption="mm"/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- o.sin -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.sin"
- name="akselaengde.mangler.osin" script="left_eye"
- map="missing_eye_osin_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="left_eye_frame" caption="o.sin" layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Akselængde:"/>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <lineedit name="akselaengde.laengde.osin" script="lt40gt10"
- regexp="\d{1,2},\d{2}" value=""/>
- <label caption="mm"/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/aktuelle-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/aktuelle-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ec3edf..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/aktuelle-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
- 20081203: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Feltnavnene ændret så de giver mening.
- -->
- 20090108: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Alt tekst ændret.
- Layout af multilist input er ændret så det er liniebaseret.
- -->
- 20090225: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Resume format ændret så det er parsbart.
- -->
- 20090226: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Rettet så den rent faktisk indeholder de felter den skal...
- -->
- 20090320: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Begge øjne er nu på, på samme tid. Resume er lavet intelligent.
- -->
-<macro name="aktuelle" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = 'Aktuelle:\n'
- if ( getValue('aktuelle.symptomer.odxt') == '' and getValue('aktuelle.symptomer.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'ingen\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('aktuelle.symptomer.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'På o.dxt har der været\n'
- out = out .. getValue('aktuelle.symptomer.odxt') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('aktuelle.symptomer.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'På o.sin har der været\n'
- out = out .. getValue('aktuelle.symptomer.osin') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('aktuelle.symptomer.odxt') ~= '' or getValue('aktuelle.symptomer.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Symptomerne er opstået ' .. getValue('aktuelle.opstaaet')
- .. ' og efterfølgende ' .. getValue('aktuelle.efterfoelgende')
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="now">
- -- Set date to now if no other data available within last 24 hours.
- return os.time(), os.time() - 24*60*60, 'system'
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="evolution_enable">
- if( getValue('aktuelle.symptomer.odxt') ~= '' or getValue('aktuelle.symptomer.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- enable('evolution')
- else
- disable('evolution')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Aktuelle (B.2.1.3)"
- layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Symptomlister:"/>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame caption="Højre" layout="vbox">
- <multilist name="aktuelle.symptomer.odxt" value=""
- innerwidget="aktuelle_entry_odxt" script="evolution_enable">
- <metawidget name="aktuelle_entry_odxt" layout="hbox"
- formatlanguage="lua"
- format=
- "
- days = (os.time() - tonumber(getValue('dato_odxt'))) / (60 * 60 * 24)
- num = 0
- identifier = ''
- suffix = ''
- if(num == 0 and math.abs(days) ~= days)
- then
- num = 0.1
- identifier = 'dag'
- suffix = 'e'
- end
- if(num == 0 and math.floor(days/7) == 0)
- then
- num = days
- identifier = 'dag'
- suffix = 'e'
- end
- if(num == 0 and math.floor(days/31) == 0)
- then
- num = days / 7
- identifier = 'uge'
- suffix = 'r'
- end
- if(num == 0 and math.floor(days/365) == 0)
- then
- num = days / 31
- identifier = 'måned'
- suffix = 'er'
- end
- if(num == 0)
- then
- num = days / 365
- identifier = 'år'
- suffix = ''
- end
- num = math.floor(num * 2) / 2
- if(num == 1)
- then
- suffix = ''
- end
- return getValue('observeret_odxt') .. ': igennem ' .. num .. ' '
- .. identifier .. suffix .. '.'
- ">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Observeret:"/>
- <altcombobox name="observeret_odxt" layout="vbox" value="Sløret syn">
- <item caption="Sløret syn" value="Sløret syn"/>
- <item caption="Mørk plet i synsfeltet" value="Mørk plet i synsfeltet"/>
- <item caption="Metamorfopsier" value="Metamorfopsier"/>
- <item caption="Mikropsi" value="Mikropsi"/>
- <item caption="Dyskromatopsi" value="Dyskromatopsi"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="andet_odxt">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="andet_odxt" value=""/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Dato:"/>
- <datetime name="dato_odxt" fuzziness="3" map="now"/>
- <label caption=""/>
- </frame>
- </metawidget>
- </multilist>
- </frame>
- <frame caption="Venstre" layout="vbox">
- <multilist name="aktuelle.symptomer.osin" value=""
- innerwidget="aktuelle_entry_osin" script="evolution_enable">
- <metawidget name="aktuelle_entry_osin" layout="hbox"
- formatlanguage="lua"
- format=
- "
- days = (os.time() - tonumber(getValue('dato_osin'))) / (60 * 60 * 24)
- num = 0
- identifier = ''
- suffix = ''
- if(num == 0 and math.abs(days) ~= days)
- then
- num = 0
- identifier = 'dag'
- suffix = 'e'
- end
- if(num == 0 and math.floor(days/7) == 0)
- then
- num = days
- identifier = 'dag'
- suffix = 'e'
- end
- if(num == 0 and math.floor(days/31) == 0)
- then
- num = days / 7
- identifier = 'uge'
- suffix = 'r'
- end
- if(num == 0 and math.floor(days/365) == 0)
- then
- num = days / 31
- identifier = 'måned'
- suffix = 'er'
- end
- if(num == 0)
- then
- num = days / 365
- identifier = 'år'
- suffix = ''
- end
- num = math.floor(num * 2) / 2
- if(num == 1)
- then
- suffix = ''
- end
- return getValue('observeret_osin') .. ': igennem ' .. num .. ' '
- .. identifier .. suffix .. '.'
- ">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Observeret:"/>
- <altcombobox name="observeret_osin" layout="vbox" value="Sløret syn">
- <item caption="Sløret syn" value="Sløret syn"/>
- <item caption="Mørk plet i synsfeltet" value="Mørk plet i synsfeltet"/>
- <item caption="Metamorfopsier" value="Metamorfopsier"/>
- <item caption="Mikropsi" value="Mikropsi"/>
- <item caption="Dyskromatopsi" value="Dyskromatopsi"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="andet_osin">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="andet_osin" value=""/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Dato:"/>
- <datetime name="dato_osin" fuzziness="3" map="now"/>
- <label caption=""/>
- </frame>
- </metawidget>
- </multilist>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame name="evolution" layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Opstået:"/>
- <radiobuttons name="aktuelle.opstaaet" value="." layout="hbox">
- <radiobutton caption="Pludseligt"
- value="pludseligt"/>
- <radiobutton caption="Gradvist"
- value="gradvist"/>
- </radiobuttons>
- <label caption=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Efterfølgende:"/>
- <combobox name="aktuelle.efterfoelgende" value="og har efterfølgende været uændrede">
- <item caption="Uændret" value="uændrede"/>
- <item caption="Forværret" value="forværret"/>
- <item caption="Forbedret" value="forbedret"/>
- </combobox>
- <label caption=""/>
- </frame>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer/>
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/allergier-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/allergier-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ba8f597..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/allergier-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
- 20081202: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Feltnavnene ændret så de giver mening.
- -->
- 20090108: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Alt tekst ændret.
- Layout af multilist input er ændret så det er liniebaseret.
- -->
-<macro name="allergier" version="1.0">
- <resume>Allergier:
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Allergier (B.1.1)"
- layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="vbox" help="Der anføres allergi eller intolerance for medicin, konserveringsmidler, iod eller andre emner, som man kunne blive udsat for i forbindelse med diagnostik, pleje og behandling på øjenafdelingen.\nDer anføres IKKE høfeber og hududslæt som følge af pollen, husdyr, fødemidler, rengøringsmidler, kosmetik etc. eller kendte medicinbivirkninger, f.eks. nyresten og prikken i fingrene som reaktion på acetazolamid.\nSåfremt der ikke findes nogen allergier som falder under punkt a) anføres: Allergier: Ingen kendte.\nSåfremt man ikke finder en relevant allergi i menuen indhentes linien ”Andet”, den relevante allergi skrives i journalen, og der lægges note til administrator, som vil indføje den ikke kendte allergiårsag blandt standardmulighederne. Der skal i journalteksten altid foreligge oplysning om hvordan en allergi eller intolerance ytrer sig, f.eks. ”hududslæt, konjunktivitis, anafylaktisk shock”">
- <altcombobox name="cave"
- layout="vbox"
- value="Ingen kendte"
- type="select">
- <altitem caption="Anfør liste" value="list" innerwidget="cave_multilist">
- <frame caption="Søg og tilføj" layout="vbox">
- <multilist layout="vbox" name="cave_multilist" innerwidget="cave_metawidget">
- <metawidget name="cave_metawidget" layout="hbox"
- format="${prep} ${reak}.">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Præparat:"/>
- <altcombobox name="prep" width="100" layout="vbox"
- type="search" value="" regexp=".+">
- <item caption="Indtast præparat" value=""/>
- <item caption="Alphagan" value="Alphagan"/>
- <item caption="Atacant" value="Atacant"/>
- <item caption="Azopt" value="Azopt"/>
- <item caption="Diazepam, (stesolid)" value="Diazepam, (stesolid)"/>
- <item caption="Erythromycin" value="Erythromycin"/>
- <item caption="Fluorescein" value="Fluorescein"/>
- <item caption="Ibuprofen (Mavesår)" value="Ibuprofen (Mavesår)"/>
- <item caption="Iod" value="Iod"/>
- <item caption="Konserveringsmiddel" value="Konserveringsmiddel"/>
- <item caption="Lumigan" value="Lumigan"/>
- <item caption="Penicillin" value="Penicillin"/>
- <item caption="Plaster" value="Plaster"/>
- <item caption="Sulfopræparater" value="Sulfopræparater"/>
- <item caption="Timolol" value="Timolol"/>
- <item caption="Travatan" value="Travatan"/>
- <item caption="Tropicamide" value="Tropicamide"/>
- <item caption="Trusopt" value="Trusopt"/>
- <item caption="Xalatan" value="Xalatan"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" innerwidget="prep_andet">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Indtast:"/>
- <lineedit name="prep_andet"/>
- </frame>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption=""/>
- <label caption="giver"/>
- <label caption=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Reaktion:"/>
- <altcombobox name="reak" width="100" layout="vbox"
- type="select" value="" regexp=".+">
- <item caption="Vælg reaktion" value=""/>
- <item caption="hududslæt" value="giver hududslæt"/>
- <item caption="konjunktivitis" value="giver konjunktivitis"/>
- <item caption="anafylaktisk shock" value="giver anafylaktisk chock"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" innerwidget="reak_andet">
- <frame name="frame_reak_andet" layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Indtast:"/>
- <lineedit name="reak_andet"/>
- </frame>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- <spacer/>
- </metawidget>
- </multilist>
- </frame>
- </altitem>
- <item caption="Ingen kendte" value="Ingen kendte"/>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/amd_behandling_overskrift-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/amd_behandling_overskrift-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index adc2e8d..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/amd_behandling_overskrift-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="amd_behandling_overskrift" version="1.0">
- <resume>Behandling af AMD med Lucentis</resume>
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Påbegyndelse af behandlingsforløb"
- layout="vbox">
- <checkbox name="amd_behandling.begynd"
- caption="Behandling påbegyndes"
- truevalue="begynd"
- falsevalue=""
- regexp="begynd"/>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/amd_behandlingsindikation-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/amd_behandlingsindikation-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a963184..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/amd_behandlingsindikation-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
- 20081202: Lars Bisballe Jensen
- Ændret til nyt format i resume og naming scheme.
- -->
-<macro name="amd_behandlingsindikation" version="1.0">
- <resume>${amd.indikation} ${amd.indikation.oeje}</resume>
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Behandlingsindikation (B.2.10)"
- layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Øje:" width="50"/>
- <radiobuttons name="amd.indikation.oeje" value="">
- <radiobutton caption="o.dxt" value="o.dxt"/>
- <radiobutton caption="o.sin" value="o.sin"/>
- </radiobuttons>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Der findes indikation for:"/>
- <combobox name="amd.indikation" value="">
- <item caption="PDT" value="Der findes indikation for PDT behandling."/>
- <item caption="Argon laser" value="Der findes indikation for argon laser behandling."/>
- <item caption="Intravitreal angiostatisk behandling" value="Der findes indikation for intravitreal angiostatisk behandling."/>
- <item caption="Ingen behandlingsindikation" value="Der findes ikke indikation for behandling."/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer/>
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/amd_genbehandlingsindikation-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/amd_genbehandlingsindikation-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 91d0d7e..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/amd_genbehandlingsindikation-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="amd_genbehandlingsindikation" version="1.0">
- <resume>${amd.indikation} ${amd.indikation.oeje}</resume>
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Behandlingsindikation (B.2.10)"
- layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Øje:" width="50"/>
- <radiobuttons name="amd.indikation.oeje" value="">
- <radiobutton caption="o.dxt" value="o.dxt"/>
- <radiobutton caption="o.sin" value="o.sin"/>
- </radiobuttons>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Der findes indikation for:"/>
- <combobox name="amd.indikation" value="">
- <item caption="Der findes indikation for at gentage behandlingen."
- value="Der findes indikation for at gentage behandlingen."/>
- <item caption="Der holdes pause med behandlingen."
- value="Der holdes pause med behandlingen."/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer/>
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/amd_kontrolunders_overskrift-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/amd_kontrolunders_overskrift-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9298984..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/amd_kontrolunders_overskrift-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="amd_kontrolunders_overskrift" version="1.0">
- <resume>Kontrolundersøgelse i AMD forløb</resume>
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Påbegyndelse af kontrolforløb"
- layout="vbox">
- <checkbox name="amd_kontrolunders.begynd"
- caption="Kontrol påbegyndes"
- truevalue="begynd"
- falsevalue=""
- regexp="begynd"/>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/amd_procedure-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/amd_procedure-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ac8112d..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/amd_procedure-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="amd_procedure" version="1.0">
- <resume>Der afvaskes periorbitalt med Povidoniodid og efterfølgende dryppes
-der med Povidoniodid. Efter 5 minutter bedøves med en spongostan swap
-vædet i Lidokain 20 mg/ml med Adrenalin.
-Injektionsstedet nedadtil temporalt i konjunktiva 3,5 mm fra limbus
-afmærkes med passer. Gennem 30 gauge kanyle gives 0,05 ml:
-Lucentis ${lucentis_behandling.oeje}
-Der dryppes med oculoguttae Tobrex over injektionsstedet.
-Herefter medgives oculoguttae Tobrex til drypning x 2 i 2 døgn i det
-behandlede øje.
-Der gives tid til kontrol om 1 måned og stillingtagen til evt fornyet
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Procedure (B.3.1.3)" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label height="80" caption="Der afvaskes periorbitalt med povidoniodid og efterfølgende dryppes der med povidoniodid. Efter 5 min bedøves med spongostan vædet i Lidocain 20 mg/ml tilsat adrenalin.
-Injektionsstedet nedadtil temporalt i konjunktiva afmærkes med passer 3,5 mm fra limbus."/>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label width="250" caption="Med 30 gauge kanyle gives 0,05 ml Lucentis"/>
- <radiobuttons name="lucentis_behandling.oeje">
- <radiobutton value="o.dxt" caption="o.dxt"/>
- <radiobutton value="o.sin" caption="o.sin"/>
- </radiobuttons>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- <label caption="Der dryppes med oculoguttae Tobrex over injektionsstedet.
-Herefter medgives oculoguttae Tobrex til drypning x 2 i 2 døgn i det behandlede øje.
-Der gives tid til kontrol om 1 måned og stillingtagen til evt fornyet behandling."/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer/>
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/autorefraktion-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/autorefraktion-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 140b42c..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/autorefraktion-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="autorefraktion" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('autorefraktion.mangler.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Autorefraktion, o.dxt: ' .. getValue('autorefraktion.sf.odxt') .. ' sf'
- if ( getValue('autorefraktion.cyl.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('autorefraktion.cyl.odxt') .. ' cyl'
- end
- if ( getValue('autorefraktion.grader.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('autorefraktion.grader.odxt') .. ' grader\n'
- else
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('autorefraktion.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Autorefraktion, o.sin: ' .. getValue('autorefraktion.sf.osin') .. ' sf'
- if ( getValue('autorefraktion.cyl.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('autorefraktion.cyl.osin') .. ' cyl'
- end
- if ( getValue('autorefraktion.grader.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('autorefraktion.grader.osin') .. ' grader\n'
- else
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="missing_eye_osin_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="lt20gt-25">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return false
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= -25 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 20)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="lt10gt-15">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return true
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= -15 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 10)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="lt359gt0">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return true
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= 0 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 359)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="right_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('right_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('right_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="left_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('left_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('left_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Autorefraktion (B.2.2.3)"
- layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <!-- o.dxt -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.dxt"
- name="autorefraktion.mangler.odxt" script="right_eye"
- map="missing_eye_odxt_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="right_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Sf:"/>
- <lineedit name="autorefraktion.sf.odxt"
- regexp="[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt20gt-25" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Cyl:"/>
- <lineedit name="autorefraktion.cyl.odxt"
- regexp="|[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt10gt-15" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Grader:"/>
- <lineedit name="autorefraktion.grader.odxt"
- regexp="|[\d]+" script="lt359gt0" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- o.sin -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.sin"
- name="autorefraktion.mangler.osin" script="left_eye"
- map="missing_eye_osin_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="left_eye_frame" caption="o.sin" layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Sf:"/>
- <lineedit name="autorefraktion.sf.osin"
- regexp="[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt20gt-25" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Cyl:"/>
- <lineedit name="autorefraktion.cyl.osin"
- regexp="|[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt10gt-15" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Grader:"/>
- <lineedit name="autorefraktion.grader.osin"
- regexp="|[\d]+" script="lt359gt0" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/boelgefront-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/boelgefront-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 32a75d4..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/boelgefront-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="boelgefront" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('boelgefront.mangler.odxt') == '' or getValue('boelgefront.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- if ( getValue('boelgefront.mangler.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Bølgefront o.dxt: ' .. getValue('boelgefront.odxt') .. '\n'
- if ( getValue('boelgefront.odxt') == 'Udført' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Aberration: ' .. getValue('boelgefront.aberration.odxt') .. ' my HOA\n'
- out = out .. 'Pupilstørrelse: ' .. getValue('boelgefront.pupilstoerrelse.odxt') .. ' mm\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('boelgefront.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('boelgefront.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Bølgefront o.sin: ' .. getValue('boelgefront.osin') .. '\n'
- if ( getValue('boelgefront.osin') == 'Udført' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Aberration: ' .. getValue('boelgefront.aberration.osin') .. ' my HOA\n'
- out = out .. 'Pupilstørrelse: ' .. getValue('boelgefront.pupilstoerrelse.osin') .. ' mm\n'
- end
- end
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="extras_check.odxt">
- if ( getValue('boelgefront.odxt') == 'Udført' )
- then
- enable('extras.odxt')
- else
- disable('extras.odxt')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="extras_check.osin">
- if ( getValue('boelgefront.osin') == 'Udført' )
- then
- enable('extras.osin')
- else
- disable('extras.osin')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="gt0.1lt0.5">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return false
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= 0.1 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 0.5)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="gt2lt9">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return false
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= 2 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 9)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="right_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('right_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('right_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="left_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('left_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('left_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Bølgefront" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <!-- o.dxt -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.dxt"
- name="boelgefront.mangler.odxt" script="left_eye"
- map="missing_eye_odxt_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="left_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="boelgefront.odxt" value="Ikke udført" layout="vbox" script="extras_check.odxt">
- <item caption="Udført" value="Udført"/>
- <item caption="Ikke udført" value="Ikke udført"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" innerwidget="boelgefront.andet.odxt">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="boelgefront.andet.odxt"/>
- </frame>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- <frame name="extras.odxt" layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Aberration:"/>
- <label caption="Pupilstørrelse:"/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <lineedit name="boelgefront.aberration.odxt" script="gt0.1lt0.5" regexp="\d{1,2},\d{2}"/>
- <lineedit name="boelgefront.pupilstoerrelse.odxt" script="gt2lt9" regexp="\d{1,2},\d{1}"/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="my HOA"/>
- <label caption="mm"/>
- </frame>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- o.sin -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.sin"
- name="boelgefront.mangler.osin" script="right_eye"
- map="missing_eye_odxt_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="right_eye_frame" caption="o.sin" layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="boelgefront.osin" value="Ikke udført" layout="vbox" script="extras_check.osin">
- <item caption="Udført" value="Udført"/>
- <item caption="Ikke udført" value="Ikke udført"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" innerwidget="boelgefront.andet.osin">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="boelgefront.andet.osin"/>
- </frame>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- <frame name="extras.osin" layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Aberration:"/>
- <label caption="Pupilstørrelse:"/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <lineedit name="boelgefront.aberration.osin" script="gt0.1lt0.5" regexp="\d{1,2},\d{2}"/>
- <lineedit name="boelgefront.pupilstoerrelse.osin" script="gt2lt9" regexp="\d{1,2},\d{1}"/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="my HOA"/>
- <label caption="mm"/>
- </frame>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer/>
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/central_corneatykkelse-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/central_corneatykkelse-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b26f04..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/central_corneatykkelse-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="central_corneatykkelse" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('central_corneatykkelse.mangler.odxt') == '' or getValue('central_corneatykkelse.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Central corneatykkelse, ' .. getValue('central_corneatykkelse.metode') .. ':\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('central_corneatykkelse.mangler.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'o.dxt: ' .. getValue('central_corneatykkelse.tykkelse.odxt') .. ' mm\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('central_corneatykkelse.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'o.sin: ' .. getValue('central_corneatykkelse.tykkelse.osin') .. ' mm\n'
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="missing_eye_osin_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="right_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('right_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('right_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="left_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('left_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('left_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="lt1gt0">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return false
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= 0 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 1)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Central corneatykkelse"
- layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <!-- o.dxt -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.dxt"
- name="central_corneatykkelse.mangler.odxt" script="right_eye"
- map="missing_eye_odxt_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="right_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Tykkelse:"/>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <lineedit name="central_corneatykkelse.tykkelse.odxt" script="lt1gt0"
- regexp="\d{1},\d{3}" value=""/>
- <label caption="mm"/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- o.sin -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.sin"
- name="central_corneatykkelse.mangler.osin" script="left_eye"
- map="missing_eye_osin_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="left_eye_frame" caption="o.sin" layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Tykkelse:"/>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <lineedit name="central_corneatykkelse.tykkelse.osin" script="lt1gt0"
- regexp="\d{1},\d{3}" value=""/>
- <label caption="mm"/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame name="device_frame" layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Undersøgelse foretaget med:"/>
- <combobox name="central_corneatykkelse.metode" value="">
- <item caption="Automatisk CCT" value="Automatisk CCT"/>
- <item caption="Pentacam" value="Pentacam"/>
- <item caption="Optisk pachymetri" value="Optisk pachymetri"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/cycloplegisk_refraktion-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/cycloplegisk_refraktion-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index cdef363..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/cycloplegisk_refraktion-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="cycloplegisk_refraktion" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('cycloplegisk_refraktion.mangler.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Cycloplegisk refraktion, o.dxt: ' .. getValue('cycloplegisk_refraktion.sf.odxt') .. ' sf'
- if ( getValue('cycloplegisk_refraktion.cyl.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('cycloplegisk_refraktion.cyl.odxt') .. ' cyl'
- end
- if ( getValue('cycloplegisk_refraktion.grader.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('cycloplegisk_refraktion.grader.odxt') .. ' grader\n'
- else
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('cycloplegisk_refraktion.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Cycloplegisk refraktion, o.sin: ' .. getValue('cycloplegisk_refraktion.sf.osin') .. ' sf'
- if ( getValue('cycloplegisk_refraktion.cyl.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('cycloplegisk_refraktion.cyl.osin') .. ' cyl'
- end
- if ( getValue('cycloplegisk_refraktion.grader.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('cycloplegisk_refraktion.grader.osin') .. ' grader\n'
- else
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- <query class="cycloplegisk_refraktion" ttl="100000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = 'pracro'
- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="missing_eye_osin_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = 'pracro'
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="lt20gt-25">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return false
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= -25 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 20)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="lt10gt-15">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return true
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= -15 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 10)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="lt359gt0">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return true
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= 0 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 359)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="right_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('right_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('right_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="left_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('left_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('left_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Cycloplegisk refraktion"
- layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <!-- o.dxt -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.dxt"
- name="cycloplegisk_refraktion.mangler.odxt" script="right_eye"
- map="missing_eye_odxt_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="right_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Sf:"/>
- <lineedit name="cycloplegisk_refraktion.sf.odxt" map="cycloplegisk_refraktion.sf.odxt"
- regexp="[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt20gt-25" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Cyl:"/>
- <lineedit name="cycloplegisk_refraktion.cyl.odxt" map="cycloplegisk_refraktion.cyl.odxt"
- regexp="|[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt10gt-15" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Grader:"/>
- <lineedit name="cycloplegisk_refraktion.grader.odxt" map="cycloplegisk_refraktion.grader.odxt"
- regexp="|[\d]+" script="lt359gt0" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- o.sin -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.sin"
- name="cycloplegisk_refraktion.mangler.osin" script="left_eye"
- map="missing_eye_osin_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="left_eye_frame" caption="o.sin" layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Sf:"/>
- <lineedit name="cycloplegisk_refraktion.sf.osin" map="cycloplegisk_refraktion.sf.osin"
- regexp="[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt20gt-25" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Cyl:"/>
- <lineedit name="cycloplegisk_refraktion.cyl.osin" map="cycloplegisk_refraktion.cyl.osin"
- regexp="|[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt10gt-15" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Grader:"/>
- <lineedit name="cycloplegisk_refraktion.grader.osin" map="cycloplegisk_refraktion.grader.osin"
- regexp="|[\d]+" script="lt359gt0" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/de_5_trin-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/de_5_trin-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 08c698a..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/de_5_trin-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="de_5_trin" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('de_5_trin.checkbox') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('de_5_trin.checkbox')
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="de_5_trin">
- if ( getValue('de_5_trin.checkbox') ~= '' )
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="De 5 trin" layout="vbox">
- <checkbox name="de_5_trin.checkbox" caption="De 5 trin til forebyggelse af forveksling af øjnene er gennemgået." truevalue="De 5 trin til forebyggelse af forveksling af øjnene er gennemgået." falsevalue="" script="de_5_trin"/>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/egen_brille-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/egen_brille-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 14df7db..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/egen_brille-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="egen_brille" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('brillemaaler.mangler.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Egen brille, o.dxt: ' .. getValue('brillemaaler.sf.odxt') .. ' sf'
- if ( getValue('brillemaaler.cyl.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('brillemaaler.cyl.odxt') .. ' cyl'
- end
- if ( getValue('brillemaaler.grader.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('brillemaaler.grader.odxt') .. ' grader\n'
- else
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('brillemaaler.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Egen brille, o.sin: ' .. getValue('brillemaaler.sf.osin') .. ' sf'
- if ( getValue('brillemaaler.cyl.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('brillemaaler.cyl.osin') .. ' cyl'
- end
- if ( getValue('brillemaaler.grader.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('brillemaaler.grader.osin') .. ' grader\n'
- else
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- <query class="lensmeter" ttl="100000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="missing_eye_osin_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="lensmeter.osin.sph">
- -- Returning 0, 0 invalidates the result
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = 0
- if(lensmeter and lensmeter.osin and lensmeter.osin.sph and lensmeter.osin.sph.value and lensmeter.osin.sph.timestamp)
- then
- value = lensmeter.osin.sph.value
- -- convert . to ,
- value = string.gsub(value, '[.]', ',')
- timestamp = lensmeter.osin.sph.timestamp
- source = lensmeter.osin.sph.source
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="lensmeter.osin.cyl">
- -- Returning 0, 0 invalidates the result
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = 0
- if(lensmeter and lensmeter.osin and lensmeter.osin.cyl and lensmeter.osin.cyl.value and lensmeter.osin.cyl.timestamp)
- then
- value = lensmeter.osin.cyl.value
- -- convert . to ,
- value = string.gsub(value, '[.]', ',')
- timestamp = lensmeter.osin.cyl.timestamp
- source = lensmeter.osin.cyl.source
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="lensmeter.osin.axis">
- -- Returning 0, 0 invalidates the result
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = 0
- if(lensmeter and lensmeter.osin and lensmeter.osin.axis and lensmeter.osin.axis.value and lensmeter.osin.axis.timestamp)
- then
- value = lensmeter.osin.axis.value
- -- convert . to ,
- value = string.gsub(value, '[.]', ',')
- timestamp = lensmeter.osin.axis.timestamp
- source = lensmeter.osin.axis.source
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="lensmeter.odxt.sph">
- -- Returning 0, 0 invalidates the result
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = 0
- if(lensmeter and lensmeter.odxt and lensmeter.odxt.sph and lensmeter.odxt.sph.value and lensmeter.odxt.sph.timestamp)
- then
- value = lensmeter.odxt.sph.value
- -- convert . to ,
- value = string.gsub(value, '[.]', ',')
- timestamp = lensmeter.odxt.sph.timestamp
- source = lensmeter.odxt.sph.source
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="lensmeter.odxt.cyl">
- -- Returning 0, 0 invalidates the result
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = 0
- if(lensmeter and lensmeter.odxt and lensmeter.odxt.cyl and lensmeter.odxt.cyl.value and lensmeter.odxt.cyl.timestamp)
- then
- value = lensmeter.odxt.cyl.value
- -- convert . to ,
- value = string.gsub(value, '[.]', ',')
- timestamp = lensmeter.odxt.cyl.timestamp
- source = lensmeter.odxt.cyl.source
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="lensmeter.odxt.axis">
- -- Returning 0, 0 invalidates the result
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = 0
- if(lensmeter and lensmeter.odxt and lensmeter.odxt.axis and lensmeter.odxt.axis.value and lensmeter.odxt.axis.timestamp)
- then
- value = lensmeter.odxt.axis.value
- -- convert . to ,
- value = string.gsub(value, '[.]', ',')
- timestamp = lensmeter.odxt.axis.timestamp
- source = lensmeter.odxt.axis.source
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="lt20gt-25">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return false
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= -25 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 20)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="lt10gt-15">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return true
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= -15 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 10)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="lt359gt0">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return true
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= 0 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 359)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="right_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('right_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('right_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="left_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('left_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('left_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Egen brille (B.2.2.2)"
- layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <!-- o.dxt -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.dxt"
- name="brillemaaler.mangler.odxt" script="right_eye"
- map="missing_eye_odxt_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="right_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Sf:"/>
- <lineedit name="brillemaaler.sf.odxt" map="lensmeter.odxt.sph"
- regexp="[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt20gt-25" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Cyl:"/>
- <lineedit name="brillemaaler.cyl.odxt" map="lensmeter.odxt.cyl"
- regexp="|[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt10gt-15" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Grader:"/>
- <lineedit name="brillemaaler.grader.odxt" map="lensmeter.odxt.axis"
- regexp="|[\d]+" script="lt359gt0" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- o.sin -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.sin"
- name="brillemaaler.mangler.osin" script="left_eye"
- map="missing_eye_osin_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="left_eye_frame" caption="o.sin" layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Sf:"/>
- <lineedit name="brillemaaler.sf.osin" map="lensmeter.osin.sph"
- regexp="[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt20gt-25" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Cyl:"/>
- <lineedit name="brillemaaler.cyl.osin" map="lensmeter.osin.cyl"
- regexp="|[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt10gt-15" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Grader:"/>
- <lineedit name="brillemaaler.grader.osin" map="lensmeter.osin.axis"
- regexp="|[\d]+" script="lt359gt0" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/example.xml b/server/xml/macros/example.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ff502ed..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/example.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="example" version="1.0" resume="Axis: $.grader}\nCylinder: ${cyl}\nSphere: $.sf}\n">
- <queries>
- <query class="lensmeter" ttl="10000" automap="true"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name=.grader">
- -- LUA program
- return math.pi, 1234567890, 'local'
- </map>
- <map name="cyl">
- -- Returning 0, 0 invalidates the result
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- -- Check for the existence of each level.
- if( lensmeter and
- brillemaaler.odxt and
- brillemaaler.cyl.odxt and
- brillemaaler.cyl.value.odxt and
- brillemaaler.cyl.timestamp.odxt )
- then
- timestamp = brillemaaler.cyl.value.odxt
- value = brillemaaler.cyl.value.odxt
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="theanswer">
- .sf = tonumber(getValue(.sf'))
- .grader = tonumber(getValue(.grader'))
- if(.sf ==.grader )
- then
- setValue('cyl', name)
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets name="mainwindow"
- caption="Example Window"
- width="400"
- height="500"
- layout="vbox">
- <frame name="linse_frame" caption="Linser:" layout="vbox">
- <frame name="linse_framea" layout="hbox">
- <icon src="righteye"/>
- <label name="a" width="100" caption="Akse rotation:"/>
- <lineedit name=.grader" regexp="[24]*" map=.grader" lua="theanswer" value="244"/>
- </frame>
- <frame name="linse_frameb" layout="hbox">
- <icon src="lefteye"/>
- <label name="b" width="100" caption="Sphere:"/>
- </frame>
- <frame name="linse_framec" layout="hbox">
- <label name="c" width="100" caption="Cyl:"/>
- <lineedit name="cyl" regexp=".*" map="cyl" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame name="linse_frame" caption="FlereLinser:" layout="vbox">
- <multilist name="multilisttest" value="" layout="vbox" format="Sphere: $.sfcombo}, Cyl: ${multcyl}.">
- <frame name="linse_frameb" layout="hbox">
- <label name="b" width="100" caption="Sphere:"/>
- <combobox name=.sfcombo" width="100" value="val_lad" type="search">
- <item caption="sap" value="val_sap"/>
- <item caption="sat" value="val_sat"/>
- <item caption="sad" value="val_sad"/>
- <item caption="rat" value="val_rat"/>
- <item caption="rap" value="val_rap"/>
- <item caption="ram" value="val_ram"/>
- <item caption="rag" value="val_rag"/>
- <item caption="nap" value="val_nap"/>
- <item caption="Nat" value="val_Nat"/>
- <item caption="mat" value="val_mat"/>
- <item caption="map" value="val_map"/>
- <item caption="mad" value="val_mad"/>
- <item caption="lap" value="val_lap"/>
- <item caption="lag" value="val_lag"/>
- <item caption="lad" value="val_lad"/>
- <item caption="fat" value="val_fat"/>
- <item caption="fan" value="val_fan"/>
- <item caption="fad" value="val_fad"/>
- <item caption="fin" value="val_fin"/>
- <item caption="fit" value="val_fit"/>
- <item caption="lid" value="val_lid"/>
- <item caption="lip" value="val_lip"/>
- <item caption="lit" value="val_lit"/>
- <item caption="mid" value="val_mid"/>
- <item caption="mit" value="val_mit"/>
- <item caption="nit" value="val_nit"/>
- <item caption="nip" value="val_nip"/>
- <item caption="rid" value="val_rid"/>
- <item caption="rig" value="val_rig"/>
- <item caption="rim" value="val_rim"/>
- <item caption="rip" value="val_rip"/>
- <item caption="Sid" value="val_Sid"/>
- <item caption="sin" value="val_sin"/>
- <item caption="sip" value="val_sip"/>
- <item caption="log" value="val_log"/>
- <item caption="mom" value="val_mom"/>
- <item caption="mop" value="val_mop"/>
- <item caption="nod" value="val_nod"/>
- <item caption="rod" value="val_rod"/>
- <item caption="Ron" value="val_Ron"/>
- <item caption="rot" value="val_rot"/>
- <item caption="sod" value="val_sod"/>
- <item caption="fun" value="val_fun"/>
- <item caption="mud" value="val_mud"/>
- <item caption="mum" value="val_mum"/>
- <item caption="nut" value="val_nut"/>
- <item caption="rug" value="val_rug"/>
- <item caption="rut" value="val_rut"/>
- <item caption="sum" value="val_sum"/>
- <item caption="sun" value="val_sun"/>
- <item caption="fed" value="val_fed"/>
- <item caption="led" value="val_led"/>
- <item caption="leg" value="val_leg"/>
- <item caption="met" value="val_met"/>
- <item caption="Ned" value="val_Ned"/>
- <item caption="net" value="val_net"/>
- <item caption="bag" value="val_bag"/>
- <item caption="bad" value="val_bad"/>
- <item caption="bam" value="val_bam"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- <frame name="linse_framec" layout="hbox">
- <label name="c" width="100" caption="Cyl:"/>
- <lineedit name="multcyl" width="100" regexp=".*" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </multilist>
- </frame>
- <frame name="buttons" layout="hbox">
- <button name="cancel" caption="Annuller" action="cancel"/>
- <button name="commit" caption="Godkend" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/externa-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/externa-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 695f36e..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/externa-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="externa" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('externa.odxt.mangler') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Externa o.dxt:\n'
- out = out .. 'Placering af øvre øjenlågsrand i forhold til den øvre corneosklerale limbus ' .. getValue('externa.odxt.placering') .. '.\n'
- out = out .. 'Øjenlågsretraktion: ' .. getValue('externa.odxt.oejenslaagsretraktion') .. '\n'
- out = out .. 'Øjenspaltens højde: ' .. getValue('externa.odxt.hoejde') .. '\n'
- out = out .. 'Bløddelshævelse: ' .. getValue('externa.odxt.bloeddelshaevelse') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('externa.osin.mangler') == '' )
- then
- if ( getValue('externa.odxt.mangler') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- out = out .. 'Externa o.sin:\n'
- out = out .. 'Placering af øvre øjenlågsrand i forhold til den øvre corneosklerale limbus ' .. getValue('externa.osin.placering') .. '.\n'
- out = out .. 'Øjenlågsretraktion: ' .. getValue('externa.osin.oejenlaagsretraktion') .. '\n'
- out = out .. 'Øjenspaltens højde: ' .. getValue('externa.osin.hoejde') .. '\n'
- out = out .. 'Bløddelshævelse: ' .. getValue('externa.osin.bloeddelshaevelse') .. '\n'
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="missing_eye_osin_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="right_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('right_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('right_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="left_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('left_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('left_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Externa" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <!-- o.dxt -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.dxt"
- name="externa.odxt.mangler" script="right_eye"
- map="missing_eye_odxt_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="right_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Placering af øvre øjenlågsrand i forhold til den øvre corneosklerale limbus:"/>
- <combobox name="externa.odxt.placering" value="">
- <item caption="Går lige til limbus" value="går lige til limbus"/>
- <item caption="Ligger lidt over limbus" value="ligger lidt over limbus"/>
- <item caption="Ligger meget over limbus" value="ligger meget over limbus"/>
- <item caption="Er ikke beskrevet" value="er ikke beskrevet"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Øjenlågsretraktion:"/>
- <combobox name="externa.odxt.oejenslaagsretraktion" value="">
- <item caption="Ingen" value="ingen"/>
- <item caption="Let" value="let"/>
- <item caption="Moderat" value="moderat"/>
- <item caption="Kraftig" value="kraftig"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Øjenspaltens højde:"/>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <combobox name="externa.odxt.hoejde" value="">
- <item caption="0" value="0"/>
- <item caption="1" value="1"/>
- <item caption="2" value="2"/>
- <item caption="3" value="3"/>
- <item caption="4" value="4"/>
- <item caption="5" value="5"/>
- <item caption="6" value="6"/>
- <item caption="7" value="7"/>
- <item caption="8" value="8"/>
- <item caption="9" value="9"/>
- <item caption="10" value="10"/>
- <item caption="11" value="11"/>
- <item caption="12" value="12"/>
- <item caption="13" value="13"/>
- <item caption="14" value="14"/>
- <item caption="15" value="15"/>
- </combobox>
- <label caption="mm"/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Bløddelshævelse:"/>
- <combobox name="externa.odxt.bloeddelshaevelse" value="">
- <item caption="Ingen" value="ingen"/>
- <item caption="Let" value="let"/>
- <item caption="Moderat" value="moderat"/>
- <item caption="Kraftig" value="kraftig"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- o.sin -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.sin"
- name="externa.osin.mangler" script="left_eye"
- map="missing_eye_osin_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="left_eye_frame" caption="o.sin" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Placering af øvre øjenlågsrand i forhold til den øvre corneosklerale limbus:"/>
- <combobox name="externa.osin.placering" value="">
- <item caption="Går lige til limbus" value="går lige til limbus"/>
- <item caption="Ligger lidt over limbus" value="ligger lidt over limbus"/>
- <item caption="Ligger meget over limbus" value="ligger meget over limbus"/>
- <item caption="Er ikke beskrevet" value="er ikke beskrevet"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Øjenlågsretraktion:"/>
- <combobox name="externa.osin.oejenlaagsretraktion" value="">
- <item caption="Ingen" value="ingen"/>
- <item caption="Let" value="let"/>
- <item caption="Moderat" value="moderat"/>
- <item caption="Kraftig" value="kraftig"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Øjenspaltens højde:"/>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <combobox name="externa.osin.hoejde" value="">
- <item caption="0" value="0"/>
- <item caption="1" value="1"/>
- <item caption="2" value="2"/>
- <item caption="3" value="3"/>
- <item caption="4" value="4"/>
- <item caption="5" value="5"/>
- <item caption="6" value="6"/>
- <item caption="7" value="7"/>
- <item caption="8" value="8"/>
- <item caption="9" value="9"/>
- <item caption="10" value="10"/>
- <item caption="11" value="11"/>
- <item caption="12" value="12"/>
- <item caption="13" value="13"/>
- <item caption="14" value="14"/>
- <item caption="15" value="15"/>
- </combobox>
- <label caption="mm"/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Bløddelshævelse:"/>
- <combobox name="externa.osin.bloeddelshaevelse" value="">
- <item caption="Ingen" value="ingen"/>
- <item caption="Let" value="let"/>
- <item caption="Moderat" value="moderat"/>
- <item caption="Kraftig" value="kraftig"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/farvesynstest-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/farvesynstest-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b3d8462..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/farvesynstest-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,594 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="farvesynstest" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- transformation = ''
- vanishing = ''
- hidden = ''
- diagnostic = ''
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('farvesynstest.transformation.12.checkbox') == 'correct' )
- then
- transformation = transformation .. '12 '
- else
- transformation = transformation .. getValue('farvesynstest.transformation.12') .. ' '
- end
- if ( getValue('farvesynstest.transformation.8.checkbox') == 'correct' )
- then
- transformation = transformation .. '8 '
- else
- transformation = transformation .. getValue('farvesynstest.transformation.8') .. ' '
- end
- if ( getValue('farvesynstest.transformation.6.checkbox') == 'correct' )
- then
- transformation = transformation .. '6 '
- else
- transformation = transformation .. getValue('farvesynstest.transformation.6') .. ' '
- end
- if ( getValue('farvesynstest.transformation.29.checkbox') == 'correct' )
- then
- transformation = transformation .. '29 '
- else
- transformation = transformation .. getValue('farvesynstest.transformation.29') .. ' '
- end
- if ( getValue('farvesynstest.transformation.57.checkbox') == 'correct' )
- then
- transformation = transformation .. '57 '
- else
- transformation = transformation .. getValue('farvesynstest.transformation.57') .. ' '
- end
- if ( getValue('farvesynstest.transformation.5.checkbox') == 'correct' )
- then
- transformation = transformation .. '5 '
- else
- transformation = transformation .. getValue('farvesynstest.transformation.5') .. ' '
- end
- if ( getValue('farvesynstest.transformation.3.checkbox') == 'correct' )
- then
- transformation = transformation .. '3 '
- else
- transformation = transformation .. getValue('farvesynstest.transformation.3') .. ' '
- end
- if ( getValue('farvesynstest.transformation.15.checkbox') == 'correct' )
- then
- transformation = transformation .. '15 '
- else
- transformation = transformation .. getValue('farvesynstest.transformation.15') .. ' '
- end
- if ( getValue('farvesynstest.transformation.74.checkbox') == 'correct' )
- then
- transformation = transformation .. '74 '
- else
- transformation = transformation .. getValue('farvesynstest.transformation.74') .. ' '
- end
- if ( getValue('farvesynstest.vanishing.2.checkbox') == 'correct' )
- then
- vanishing = vanishing .. '2 '
- else
- vanishing = vanishing .. getValue('farvesynstest.vanishing.2') .. ' '
- end
- if ( getValue('farvesynstest.vanishing.6.checkbox') == 'correct' )
- then
- vanishing = vanishing .. '6 '
- else
- vanishing = vanishing .. getValue('farvesynstest.vanishing.6') .. ' '
- end
- if ( getValue('farvesynstest.vanishing.97.checkbox') == 'correct' )
- then
- vanishing = vanishing .. '97 '
- else
- vanishing = vanishing .. getValue('farvesynstest.vanishing.97') .. ' '
- end
- if ( getValue('farvesynstest.vanishing.45.checkbox') == 'correct' )
- then
- vanishing = vanishing .. '45 '
- else
- vanishing = vanishing .. getValue('farvesynstest.vanishing.45') .. ' '
- end
- if ( getValue('farvesynstest.vanishing.5.checkbox') == 'correct' )
- then
- vanishing = vanishing .. '5 '
- else
- vanishing = vanishing .. getValue('farvesynstest.vanishing.5') .. ' '
- end
- if ( getValue('farvesynstest.vanishing.7.checkbox') == 'correct' )
- then
- vanishing = vanishing .. '7 '
- else
- vanishing = vanishing .. getValue('farvesynstest.vanishing.7') .. ' '
- end
- if ( getValue('farvesynstest.vanishing.16.checkbox') == 'correct' )
- then
- vanishing = vanishing .. '16 '
- else
- vanishing = vanishing .. getValue('farvesynstest.vanishing.16') .. ' '
- end
- if ( getValue('farvesynstest.vanishing.73.checkbox') == 'correct' )
- then
- vanishing = vanishing .. '73 '
- else
- vanishing = vanishing .. getValue('farvesynstest.vanishing.73') .. ' '
- end
- if ( getValue('farvesynstest.hidden.1.checkbox') == 'correct' )
- then
- hidden = hidden .. '- '
- else
- hidden = hidden .. getValue('farvesynstest.hidden.1') .. ' '
- end
- if ( getValue('farvesynstest.hidden.2.checkbox') == 'correct' )
- then
- hidden = hidden .. '- '
- else
- hidden = hidden .. getValue('farvesynstest.hidden.2') .. ' '
- end
- if ( getValue('farvesynstest.hidden.3.checkbox') == 'correct' )
- then
- hidden = hidden .. '- '
- else
- hidden = hidden .. getValue('farvesynstest.hidden.3') .. ' '
- end
- if ( getValue('farvesynstest.hidden.4.checkbox') == 'correct' )
- then
- hidden = hidden .. '- '
- else
- hidden = hidden .. getValue('farvesynstest.hidden.4') .. ' '
- end
- if ( getValue('farvesynstest.diagnostic.26.checkbox') == 'correct' )
- then
- diagnostic = diagnostic .. '26 '
- else
- diagnostic = diagnostic .. getValue('farvesynstest.diagnostic.26') .. ' '
- end
- if ( getValue('farvesynstest.diagnostic.42.checkbox') == 'correct' )
- then
- diagnostic = diagnostic .. '42 '
- else
- diagnostic = diagnostic .. getValue('farvesynstest.diagnostic.42') .. ' '
- end
- if ( getValue('farvesynstest.diagnostic.35.checkbox') == 'correct' )
- then
- diagnostic = diagnostic .. '35 '
- else
- diagnostic = diagnostic .. getValue('farvesynstest.diagnostic.35') .. ' '
- end
- if ( getValue('farvesynstest.diagnostic.96.checkbox') == 'correct' )
- then
- diagnostic = diagnostic .. '96 '
- else
- diagnostic = diagnostic .. getValue('farvesynstest.diagnostic.96') .. ' '
- end
- out = out .. "Transformation:"
- for i = 0, string.len(transformation) - 15, 1 do
- out = out .. ' '
- end
- out = out .. "| Vanishing:\n"
- out = out .. transformation .. ' | '
- out = out .. vanishing .. '\n'
- out = out .. "Hidden:"
- for i = 0, string.len(hidden) - 7, 1 do
- out = out .. ' '
- end
- out = out .. "| Diagnostic\n"
- out = out .. hidden .. " | "
- out = out .. diagnostic .. '\n'
- return out
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="not0">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return false
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="t12">
- if ( value == 'wrong' )
- then
- enable('farvesynstest.transformation.12')
- else
- disable('farvesynstest.transformation.12')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="t8">
- if ( value == 'wrong' )
- then
- enable('farvesynstest.transformation.8')
- else
- disable('farvesynstest.transformation.8')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="t6">
- if ( value == 'wrong' )
- then
- enable('farvesynstest.transformation.6')
- else
- disable('farvesynstest.transformation.6')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="t29">
- if ( value == 'wrong' )
- then
- enable('farvesynstest.transformation.29')
- else
- disable('farvesynstest.transformation.29')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="t57">
- if ( value == 'wrong' )
- then
- enable('farvesynstest.transformation.57')
- else
- disable('farvesynstest.transformation.57')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="t5">
- if ( value == 'wrong' )
- then
- enable('farvesynstest.transformation.5')
- else
- disable('farvesynstest.transformation.5')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="t3">
- if ( value == 'wrong' )
- then
- enable('farvesynstest.transformation.3')
- else
- disable('farvesynstest.transformation.3')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="t15">
- if ( value == 'wrong' )
- then
- enable('farvesynstest.transformation.15')
- else
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deleted file mode 100644
index 25da15f..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/field_names.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-Nedenstende rettet i egen_brille macroen fra .sphere til .sf
-Nedenstende rettet i egen_brille macroen fra .axis til .grader
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/fluorescens_faser-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/fluorescens_faser-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 47f204d..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/fluorescens_faser-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
- 20081204: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Feltnavnene ændret så de giver mening.
- -->
-<macro name="fluorescens_faser" version="1.0">
- <resume>Fluorescens angiografi viser god fyldning af det retinale kartræ.
-Svarende til det retinale ødem ses der i de tidlige faser
-Gennem de angiografiske faser udvikles der
- <queries>
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- <scripts>
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- <widgets caption="Faser (B.2.7.2)"
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- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- <label caption="Tidlige faser:"/>
- <combobox name="fluorescens.tidlige_faser" value="">
- <item caption="Hyperfluorescens" value="Hyperfluorescens" />
- <item caption="Hypofluorescens" value="Hypofluorescens" />
- <item caption="Normalt fluorescensmønster" value="Normalt fluorescens mønster" />
- </combobox>
- <label caption="Angiografiske faser:" />
- <altcombobox name="fluorescens.angiografi_faser"
- value="ingen ændringer i fluorescensen" layout="vbox">
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- value="ingen ændringer i fluorescensen" />
- <item caption="Gradvis tiltagende fluorescens, i senfaserne, velafgrænset med retinale kar som negative skygger henover"
- value="gradvis tiltagende hyperfluorescens, som i senfaserne står distinkt velafgrænset med de retinale kar som negative skygger henover" />
- <item caption="Tiltagende hypofluorescens foreneligt med karnydannelse" value="tiltagende hypofluorescens foreneligt med karnydannelse" />
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diff --git a/server/xml/macros/fluorescens_injektion-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/fluorescens_injektion-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e95ec81..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/fluorescens_injektion-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
- 20081204: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Feltnavnene ændret så de giver mening.
- -->
-<macro name="fluorescens_injektion" version="1.0">
- <resume>I henhold til ovenstående ordination foretages der fluorescein angiografi efter afdelingens retningslinier.
-Injektion af fluorescein ved: ${fluorescens_injektion.initialer}</resume>
- <queries>
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- <scripts>
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- <label caption="Øje:" width="50"/>
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- <radiobutton caption="o.dxt" value="o.dxt"/>
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diff --git a/server/xml/macros/fluorescens_konklusion-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/fluorescens_konklusion-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 06dd6f7..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/fluorescens_konklusion-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
- 20081208: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Feltnavnene ændret så de giver mening.
- -->
- 20090107: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Fluorescens info felterne skjules nu istedet for kun at blive disabled.
- -->
- 20090211: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Fluorescens info felterne bliver nu disabled igen, men har f[et fjernet den
- altcombo som omkransede dem. Desuden er et 'andet' felt tilføjet.
- -->
-<macro name="fluorescens_konklusion" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = 'Konklusion:\n'
- if( getValue('fluorescens.konklusion.) == 'Klassisk subretinal neovaskulær membran.'
- or getValue('fluorescens.konklusion.) == 'Overvejende klassisk subretinal neovaskulær membran.' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('fluorescens.konklusion.) .. '\n'
- out = out .. 'Membranen er beliggende:'
- .. getValue('fluorescens.membran.position') .. '\n'
- out = out .. 'Membranstørrelse:'
- .. getValue('fluorescens.membran.stoerrelse') .. 'µm\n'
- else
- if( getValue('fluorescens.konklusion.) == 'andet' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('fluorescens.konklusion.andet') .. '\n'
- else
- out = out .. getValue('fluorescens.konklusion.) .. '\n'
- end
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="angiografi_konklusion">
- -- This script sets the value of additional according to.konklusion.
- if( getValue('fluorescens.konklusion.) == 'Klassisk subretinal neovaskulær membran.'
- or getValue('fluorescens.konklusion.) == 'Overvejende klassisk subretinal neovaskulær membran.' )
- then
- enable('yderligere_info_frame')
- else
- disable('yderligere_info_frame')
- end
- if( getValue('fluorescens.konklusion.) == 'andet' )
- then
- enable('andet_frame')
- else
- disable('andet_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
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- </radiobuttons>
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- <combobox name="fluorescens.konklusion"
- value="Atrofiske foranderinger. Der findes ingen behandlingsindikation."
- script="angiografi_konklusion">
- <item caption="Atrofiske foranderinger. Der findes ingen behandlingsindikation"
- value="Atrofiske foranderinger. Der findes ingen behandlingsindikation." />
- <item caption="Pigmentepitelløsning. Der findes ingen behandlingsindikation"
- value="Pigmentepitelløsning. Der findes ingen behandlingsindikation." />
- <item caption="Klassisk subretinal karnydannelse"
- value="Klassisk subretinal neovaskulær membran." />
- <item caption="Overvejende klassisk subretinal neovaskulær membran"
- value="Overvejende klassisk subretinal neovaskulær membran." />
- <item caption="Minimalt klassisk subretinal neovaskulær membran"
- value="Minimalt klassisk subretinal neovaskulær membran." />
- <item caption="Okkult subretinal neovaskulær membran."
- value="Okkult subretinal neovaskulær membran." />
- <item caption="Andet"
- value="andet" />
- </combobox>
- <frame name="andet_frame" layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="fluorescens.konklusion.andet" value=""/>
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- <label caption="Yderligere information:"/>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Membran beliggenhed:" width="150"/>
- <combobox name="fluorescens.membran.position" value="">
- <item caption="Subfovealt" value="Subfovealt" />
- <item caption="Juxtafovealt" value="Juxtafovealt" />
- <item caption="Extrafovealt" value="Extrafovealt" />
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- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Membranstørrelse:" width="150"/>
- <lineedit name="fluorescens.membran.stoerrelse" regexp="[0-9,.-]+" value=""/>
- <label caption="µm" />
- <spacer/>
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- <!-- Knapper -->
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deleted file mode 100644
index 2355f8f..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/gennemgang_af_de_5_trin-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="gennemgang_af_de_5_trin" version="1.0">
- <resume>De 5 trin til forebyggelse af forveksling af øjnene er gennemgået.</resume>
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- if ( value == 'ja' )
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- return false
- end
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diff --git a/server/xml/macros/gravid_eller_ammende-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/gravid_eller_ammende-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b378b27..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/gravid_eller_ammende-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="gravid_eller_ammende" version="1.0">
- <resume>Gravid eller ammende: ${gravid_ammende}</resume>
- <queries>
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- <scripts>
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- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer/>
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/header-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/header-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 191f05e..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/header-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
- 20090420: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Tilføjede '-' til cpr nummeret.
- 20090526: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Nye min størrelser på lineedits, så navnet altid kan ses.
- -->
-<macro name="header" version="1.0">
- <resume/>
- <queries>
- <query service="pentominos" class="cpr" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pentominos" class="referral" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="cpr_bindestreg">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = 'pentominos'
- if(cpr and cpr.cpr and cpr.cpr.value and cpr.cpr.timestamp and cpr.cpr.source)
- then
- value = string.sub(cpr.cpr.value,1,6) .. '-' .. string.sub(cpr.cpr.value,7,11)
- timestamp = cpr.cpr.timestamp
- source = cpr.cpr.source
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Patient informationer (B.0)"
- layout="hbox">
- <!-- Patient info -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Navn:" width="50"/>
- <lineedit name="" map="" readonly="true"
- value="Patienten kunne ikke findes" width="150"/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Cpr-nr:" width="50"/>
- <lineedit name="header.cpr" map="cpr_bindestreg" value="-" readonly="true" width="150"/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- Henvisnings info -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label width="100" caption="Henvisende læge:"/>
- <lineedit name="henvisning.laege" map="henvisning.laege" readonly="true"
- value="Henvisnings informationer kunne ikke findes"/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label width="100" caption="Henvisningskode:"/>
- <lineedit name="henvisning.diagnose_kode" map="henvisning.code" value="-" readonly="true"/>
- <label width="60" caption="Diagnose:"/>
- <lineedit width="100" name="henvisning.diagnose" map="henvisning.diagnose" value="-" readonly="true"/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/henvisning-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/henvisning-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 49ed8c4..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/henvisning-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
- 20090420: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Tilføjede '-' til cpr nummeret.
- 20090526: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Nye min størrelser på lineedits, så navnet altid kan ses.
- -->
-<macro name="henvisning" version="1.0">
- <resume>Henvist fra øjenlæge ${henvisning.laege} til forundersøgelse for ${henvisning.diagnose}</resume>
- <queries>
- <query service="pentominos" class="referral" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Henvisning (B.0.1)"
- layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <!-- Henvisnings info -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label width="100" caption="Henvisende læge:"/>
- <lineedit name="henvisning.laege" map="henvisning.laege"
- value="Henvisnings informationer kunne ikke findes"/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label width="100" caption="Henvisningskode:"/>
- <lineedit name="henvisning.diagnose_kode" map="henvisning.code" value="-"/>
- <label width="60" caption="Diagnose:"/>
- <lineedit width="100" name="henvisning.diagnose"
- map="henvisning.diagnose" value="-"/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/information-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/information-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e14d3e2..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/information-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
- 20081202: Lars Bisballe Jensen
- Ændret til nyt format i resume og naming scheme.
- 20081203: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- LUA script til validering af checkbox, så den ikke bliver godkendt
- hvis den ikke er aktiveret.
- -->
-<macro name="information" version="1.0">
- <resume>${amd.information}</resume>
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="check">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return false
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Information (B.2.8)"
- layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <checkbox name="amd.information" script="check"
- truevalue="Der er udleveret informationsfolder."
- falsevalue=""
- caption="Der er udleveret informationsfolder"/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer/>
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/informeret_samtykke-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/informeret_samtykke-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 98e2f27..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/informeret_samtykke-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
- 20081202: Lars Bisballe Jensen
- Ændret til nyt format i resume og naming scheme.
- 20090402: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Tilføjet felt til yderligere aftaler med patient.
- 20090526: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Tekst omformuleret.
- -->
-<macro name="informeret_samtykke" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = 'Pt informeres om muligheden for behandling og de risici og bivirkninger, som kan være forbundet hermed. Specielt informeres om, behandlingen foregår ved en injektion i øjet i lokalbedøvelse, samt at der kræves månedlig kontrol for at vurdere om behandlingen skal gentages. Endvidere at behandlingen kan være forbundet med smerter og irritation det første døgn, og i sjældne tilfælde kan medføre infektion. På baggrund af den givne behandling indvilliger patienten i at få foretaget behandlingen.\n\n'
- out = out .. 'Der er givet informeret samtykke, ' .. getValue('amd.samtykke') .. '.\n'
- if( getValue('amd.aftaler') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Yderligere aftaler med patienten: ' .. getValue('amd.aftaler')
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="check">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return false
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Informeret samtykke (B.2.11)"
- layout="vbox">
- <label height="80" caption="Pt informeres om muligheden for behandling og de risici og bivirkninger, som kan være forbundet hermed. Specielt informeres om, behandlingen foregår ved en injektion i øjet i lokalbedøvelse, samt at der kræves månedlig kontrol for at vurdere om behandlingen skal gentages. Endvidere at behandlingen kan være forbundet med smerter og irritation det første døgn, og i sjældne tilfælde kan medføre infektion. På baggrund af den givne behandling indvilliger patienten i at få foretaget behandlingen."/>
- <checkbox caption="Der er givet informeret samtykke."
- name="amd.samtykke" value="" truevalue="JA"
- falsevalue="" script="check"/>
- <label caption="Yderligere aftaler med patienten:"/>
- <lineedit name="amd.aftaler" value=""/>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer/>
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/intravitreal_injektion_indikation-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/intravitreal_injektion_indikation-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 18763dc..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/intravitreal_injektion_indikation-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="intravitreal_injektion_indikation" version="1.0">
- <resume>Der findes indikation for intravitreal injektion med Lucentis.
-Pt. klargøres i henhold til afdelingens instruks.
-Klargøring udført af: ${intravitreal.initialer}
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Intravitreal injektion indikation (B.3.1.1)" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Der er fundet indikation for intravitreal injektion med Lucentis og patienten klargøres i henhold til afdelingens instruks."/>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Initialer:"/>
- <lineedit name="intravitreal.initialer" regexp="[a-zæøåA-ZÆØÅ]{2,5}"/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer/>
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/keratometri-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/keratometri-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1465c5b..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/keratometri-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="keratometri" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- function tonmb(value)
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- return tonumber(value)
- end
- function tostr(value)
- value = string.format('%.02f', value)
- value = string.gsub(value, '\\.', ',')
- return value
- end
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('keratometri.mangler.odxt') == '' )
- then
- rr1 = tonmb(getValue('keratometri.r1.odxt'))
- rr2 = tonmb(getValue('keratometri.r2.odxt'))
- rx1 = tonmb(getValue('keratometri.x1.odxt'))
- if ( rx1 &gt;= 0 and rx1 &lt; 90 ) then
- rx2 = rx1 + 90
- end
- if ( rx1 &gt;= 90 and rx1 &lt;= 180 ) then
- rx2 = rx1 - 90
- end
- rd1 = tonumber(string.format('%.02f', 337.5 / rr1))
- rd2 = tonumber(string.format('%.02f', 337.5 / rr2))
- if ( rd1 &lt; rd2 )
- then
- ry1 = tonumber(string.format('%.02f', rd1 - rd2))
- ry2 = rx1
- else
- ry1 = tonumber(string.format('%.02f', rd2 - rd1))
- ry2 = rx2
- end
- rr1 = tostr(rr1)
- rr2 = tostr(rr2)
- print (rr1)
- out = out .. 'Keratometri, o.dxt:\n' ..
- 'Radius 1: ' .. rr1 .. ' mm (' .. rd1 .. ' D) i ' .. rx1 .. ' grader.\n' ..
- 'Radius 2: ' .. rr2 .. ' mm (' .. rd2 .. ' D) i ' .. rx2 .. ' grader.\n' ..
- 'Cylinder: ' .. ry1 .. ' i ' .. ry2 .. ' grader\n\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('keratometri.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- lr1 = tonmb(getValue('keratometri.r1.osin'))
- lr2 = tonmb(getValue('keratometri.r2.osin'))
- lx1 = tonmb(getValue('keratometri.x1.osin'))
- if ( lx1 &gt;= 0 and lx1 &lt; 90 ) then
- lx2 = lx1 + 90
- end
- if ( lx1 &gt;= 90 and lx1 &lt;= 180 ) then
- lx2 = lx1 - 90
- end
- ld1 = tonumber(string.format('%.02f', 337.5 / lr1))
- ld2 = tonumber(string.format('%.02f', 337.5 / lr2))
- if ( ld1 &lt; ld2 )
- then
- ly1 = tonumber(string.format('%.02f', ld1 - ld2))
- ly2 = lx1
- else
- ly1 = tonumber(string.format('%.02f', ld2 - ld1))
- ly2 = lx2
- end
- lr1 = tostr(lr1)
- lr2 = tostr(lr2)
- print (lr1)
- out = out .. 'Keratometri, o.sin:\n' ..
- 'Radius 1: ' .. lr1 .. ' mm (' .. ld1 .. ' D) i ' .. lx1 .. ' grader.\n' ..
- 'Radius 2: ' .. lr2 .. ' mm (' .. ld2 .. ' D) i ' .. lx2 .. ' grader.\n' ..
- 'Cylinder: ' .. ly1 .. ' i ' .. ly2 .. ' grader'
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- <query class="keratometri" ttl="100000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = 'pracro'
- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="missing_eye_osin_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = 'pracro'
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="lt20gt0">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return false
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= 0 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 20)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="lt180gt0">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return false
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= 0 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 180)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="right_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('right_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('right_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="left_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('left_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('left_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Keratometri"
- layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <!-- o.dxt -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.dxt"
- name="keratometri.mangler.odxt" script="right_eye"
- map="missing_eye_odxt_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="right_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="R1:"/>
- <lineedit name="keratometri.r1.odxt" regexp="[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt20gt0" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="R2:"/>
- <lineedit name="keratometri.r2.odxt" regexp="[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt20gt0" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="X1 (fladeste akse):"/>
- <lineedit name="keratometri.x1.odxt" regexp="[\d]+" script="lt180gt0" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- o.sin -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.sin"
- name="keratometri.mangler.osin" script="left_eye"
- map="missing_eye_osin_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="left_eye_frame" caption="o.sin" layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="R1:"/>
- <lineedit name="keratometri.r1.osin" regexp="\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt20gt0" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="R2:"/>
- <lineedit name="keratometri.r2.osin" regexp="\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt20gt0" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="X1 (fladeste akse):"/>
- <lineedit name="keratometri.x1.osin" regexp="[\d]+" script="lt180gt0" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/manifest_refraktion-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/manifest_refraktion-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 46b6f35..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/manifest_refraktion-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="manifest_refraktion" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('manifest_refraktion.mangler.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Manifest refraktion, o.dxt: ' .. getValue('manifest_refraktion.sf.odxt') .. ' sf'
- if ( getValue('manifest_refraktion.cyl.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('manifest_refraktion.cyl.odxt') .. ' cyl'
- end
- if ( getValue('manifest_refraktion.grader.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('manifest_refraktion.grader.odxt') .. ' grader\n'
- else
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('manifest_refraktion.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Manifest refraktion, o.sin: ' .. getValue('manifest_refraktion.sf.osin') .. ' sf'
- if ( getValue('manifest_refraktion.cyl.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('manifest_refraktion.cyl.osin') .. ' cyl'
- end
- if ( getValue('manifest_refraktion.grader.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('manifest_refraktion.grader.osin') .. ' grader\n'
- else
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- <query class="manifest_refraktion" ttl="100000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="missing_eye_osin_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = 'pracro'
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="lt20gt-25">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return false
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= -25 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 20)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="lt10gt-15">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return true
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= -15 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 10)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="lt359gt0">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return true
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= 0 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 359)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="not0">
- if(value == 'Ikke udfyldt')
- then
- return false
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="right_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('right_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('right_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="left_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('left_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('left_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Manifest refraktion"
- layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <!-- o.dxt -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.dxt"
- name="manifest_refraktion.mangler.odxt" script="right_eye"
- map="missing_eye_odxt_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="right_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Sf:"/>
- <lineedit name="manifest_refraktion.sf.odxt" map="manifest_refraktion.sf.odxt"
- regexp="[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt20gt-25" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Cyl:"/>
- <lineedit name="manifest_refraktion.cyl.odxt" map="manifest_refraktion.cyl.odxt"
- regexp="|[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt10gt-15" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Grader:"/>
- <lineedit name="manifest_refraktion.grader.odxt" map="manifest_refraktion.grader.odxt"
- regexp="|[\d]+" script="lt359gt0" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- o.sin -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.sin"
- name="manifest_refraktion.mangler.osin" script="left_eye"
- map="missing_eye_osin_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="left_eye_frame" caption="o.sin" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Sf:"/>
- <lineedit name="manifest_refraktion.sf.osin" map="manifest_refraktion.sf.osin"
- regexp="[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt20gt-25" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Cyl:"/>
- <lineedit name="manifest_refraktion.cyl.osin" map="manifest_refraktion.cyl.osin"
- regexp="|[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt10gt-15" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Grader:"/>
- <lineedit name="manifest_refraktion.grader.osin" map="manifest_refraktion.grader.osin"
- regexp="|[\d]+" script="lt359gt0" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/medicin-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/medicin-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index bc21446..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/medicin-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
- 20081202: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Feltnavnene ændret så de giver mening.
- -->
- 20090108: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Alt tekst ændret.
- Layout af multilist input er ændret så det er liniebaseret.
- -->
- 20090319: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Øje ændret til combobox istedet for radiobuttons.
- -->
-<macro name="medicin" version="1.0">
- <resume>Medicin:
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Medicin (B.1.2)"
- layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="vbox" help="For ambulante patienter noteres de typer og den dosering af medicin, som foreligger oplyst og som har relevans for sygdomsforløbet. Der kan refereres til indskannet medicinliste, såfremt denne er dækkende og læselig.\nFor indlagte patienter noteres detaljeret medicinanamnese med præparatnavn og dosering.">
- <altcombobox name="medicin" layout="vbox" width="200" value="Intet dagligt forbrug." type="select">
- <item caption="Intet dagligt forbrug" value="Intet dagligt forbrug."/>
- <item caption="Se indscannet samtykkeskema" value="Se indscannet samtykkeskema."/>
- <altitem caption="Anfør liste" value="list" innerwidget="medicin_list">
- <frame name="frame_medicin_list" caption="Søg og tilføj" layout="vbox">
- <multilist name="medicin_list" layout="vbox"
- innerwidget="medicin_list_entry">
- <metawidget name="medicin_list_entry" layout="hbox" format="${medicin.praeparat} x ${medicin.dosis}${medicin.eye}">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Præparat: ex. 'Primcillin 250 mg (tabl.)'"/>
- <dbwidget name="medicin.praeparat" driver="QPSQL" server="" user="lmsread" database="lms"
- select="drugname, form, strength"
- from="package"
- where="drugname || ' ' || strength || ' (' || form || ')'"
- format="${drugname} ${strength} (${form})"
- width="250"/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption=""/>
- <label caption=" x "/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Dosis: ex. '2 tbl. dagl.'" />
- <lineedit name="medicin.dosis" width="75" value="" regexp=".+"/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption=""/>
- <label caption=" - "/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Øje:"/>
- <combobox name="medicin.eye" value="">
- <item caption="Ingen" value=""/>
- <item caption="o.dxt" value=" o.dxt"/>
- <item caption="o.sin" value=" o.sin"/>
- <item caption="o.u" value=" o.u"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- <spacer />
- </metawidget>
- </multilist>
- </frame>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/motilitet-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/motilitet-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 229850e..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/motilitet-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="motilitet" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- out = out .. 'Motilitetsundersøgelse viser ' .. getValue('motilitet')
- if( getValue('motilitet') == 'dobbeltsyn i yderstilling' or getValue('motilitet') == 'dobbeltsyn i midterstilling, men ikke fikseret øje')
- then
- out = out .. ' svarende til trækretningen for ' .. getValue('motilitet.traekretning')
- end
- out = out .. '.\n'
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="motilitet">
- if(value == 'dobbeltsyn i yderstilling' or value == 'dobbeltsyn i midterstilling, men ikke fikseret øje')
- then
- enable('motilitet_frame')
- else
- disable('motilitet_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Motilitet" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Motilitetsundersøgelse viser:"/>
- <combobox name="motilitet" value="" script="motilitet">
- <item caption="Intet dobbeltsyn" value="intet dobbeltsyn"/>
- <item caption="Dobbeltsyn i yderstilling" value="dobbeltsyn i yderstilling"/>
- <item caption="Dobbeltsyn i midterstilling, men ikke fikseret øje" value="dobbeltsyn i midterstilling, men ikke fikseret øje"/>
- <item caption="Fikseret øje" value="fikseret øje"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- <frame name="motilitet_frame" layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Svarende til trækretningen for:"/>
- <combobox name="motilitet.traekretning" value="">
- <item caption="m. rectus lateralis" value="m. rectus lateralis"/>
- <item caption="m. rectus medialis" value="m. rectus medialis"/>
- <item caption="m. rectus superior" value="m. rectus superior"/>
- <item caption="m. rectus inferior" value="m. rectus inferior"/>
- <item caption="m. obliquus superior" value="m. obliquus superior"/>
- <item caption="m. obliquus inferior" value="m. obliquus inferior"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/oct_konklusion-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/oct_konklusion-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 532b677..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/oct_konklusion-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
- 20081204: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Feltnavnene ændret så de giver mening.
- 20090108: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Højre/venstre byttet om.
- 20090402: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- 'missing eye' tilføjet.
- 20090427: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- 'andet' mulighed tilfoejet til combo (altcombo).
- -->
-<macro name="oct_konklusion" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('oct.mangler.odxt') == '' or getValue('oct.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Central nethinde konklusion:\n'
- if ( getValue('oct.mangler.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'OCT o.dxt ' .. getValue('oct.beskrivelse.odxt') .. '.\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('oct.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'OCT o.sin ' .. getValue('oct.beskrivelse.osin') .. '.\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('oct.kommentarer') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('oct.kommentarer') .. '\n'
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="missing_eye_osin_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="right_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('right_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('right_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="left_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('left_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('left_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="OCT konklusion (B."
- layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <!-- o.dxt -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.dxt"
- name="oct.mangler.odxt" script="right_eye"
- map="missing_eye_odxt_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="right_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Tykkelse:"/>
- <lineedit name="oct.tykkelse.odxt" value="" readonly="true"/>
- <label caption="µm"/>
- </frame>
- <label caption=""/>
- </frame>
- <altcombobox name="oct.beskrivelse.odxt" type="select" value="normal" layout="vbox">
- <item caption="Pigmentepitelløsning" value="pigmentepitelløsning"/>
- <item caption="Serøs amotio" value="serøs amotio"/>
- <item caption="Cystoidt makulært ødem" value="cystoidt makulært ødem"/>
- <item caption="Subretinal udfyldning" value="subretinal udfyldning"/>
- <item caption="Retinal traktion" value="retinal traktion"/>
- <item caption="Normal" value="normal"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" innerwidget="octandetr" value="andet" layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="octandetr" value="" regexp=".+"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- o.sin -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.sin"
- name="oct.mangler.osin" script="left_eye"
- map="missing_eye_osin_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="left_eye_frame" caption="o.sin" layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Tykkelse:"/>
- <lineedit name="oct.tykkelse.osin" value="" readonly="true"/>
- <label caption="µm"/>
- </frame>
- <label caption=""/>
- </frame>
- <altcombobox name="oct.beskrivelse.osin" type="select" value="normal" layout="vbox">
- <item caption="Pigmentepitelløsning" value="pigmentepitelløsning"/>
- <item caption="Serøs amotio" value="serøs amotio"/>
- <item caption="Cystoidt makulært ødem" value="cystoidt makulært ødem"/>
- <item caption="Subretinal udfyldning" value="subretinal udfyldning"/>
- <item caption="Retinal traktion" value="retinal traktion"/>
- <item caption="Normal" value="normal"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" innerwidget="octandetl" value="andet" layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="octandetl" value="" regexp=".+"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Kommentarer:"/>
- <lineedit name="oct.kommentarer" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/oct_maaling-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/oct_maaling-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a3dc291..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/oct_maaling-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
- 20081204: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Feltnavnene ændret så de giver mening.
- -->
- 20090108: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Højre/venstre byttet om.
- -->
- 20090402: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- 'missing eye' tilføjet.
- -->
-<macro name="oct_maaling" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('oct.mangler.odxt') == '' or getValue('oct.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Central nethindetykkelse:\n'
- if ( getValue('oct.mangler.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'OCT o.dxt ' .. getValue('oct.tykkelse.odxt') .. ' µm\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('oct.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'OCT o.sin ' .. getValue('oct.tykkelse.osin') .. ' µm\n'
- end
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="missing_eye_osin_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="lt10000gt0">
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= 0 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 10000)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="right_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('right_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('right_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="left_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('left_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('left_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="OCT måling (B."
- layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <!-- o.dxt -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.dxt"
- name="oct.mangler.odxt" script="right_eye"
- map="missing_eye_odxt_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="right_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Tykkelse:"/>
- <lineedit name="oct.tykkelse.odxt" regexp="\d{1,5}" script="lt10000gt0" value=""/>
- <label caption="µm"/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- o.sin -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.sin"
- name="oct.mangler.osin" script="left_eye"
- map="missing_eye_osin_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="left_eye_frame" caption="o.sin" layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Tykkelse:"/>
- <lineedit name="oct.tykkelse.osin" regexp="\d{1,5}" script="lt10000gt0" value=""/>
- <label caption="µm"/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/oejendrypning-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/oejendrypning-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 94fb820..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/oejendrypning-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
- 20081204: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Feltnavnene ændret så de giver mening.
- -->
- 20081209: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Nye dryppe regimer = redesign med multilist.
- -->
- 20090108: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Tilføjede et datofelt.
- -->
-<macro name="oejendrypning" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = 'I henhold til øjenafdelingens retningslinier dryppes der med:\n'
- out = out .. getValue('oejendrypning.ocgtt.preparation') .. '\n'
- out = out .. 'Drypning er foretaget af: ' .. getValue('oejendrypning.ocgtt.initialer')
- .. ', den ' ..'%e. %b %Y %k:%M', tonumber(getValue('oejendrypning.ocgtt.dato')))
- return out
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="now">
- -- Set date to now if no other data available within last 24 hours.
- return os.time(), os.time() - 24*60*60, 'pracro'
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Øjendrypning (B.2.3)"
- layout="vbox">
- <!-- Øjendrypning -->
- <frame caption="Vælg præparat og tilføj til listen.">
- <multilist name="oejendrypning.ocgtt.preparation" layout="hbox" innerwidget="dryppemeta" value="">
- <metawidget name="dryppemeta" format="Ocgt. ${oejendrypning.prep} ${oejendrypning.eye}" layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Præparat:"/>
- <combobox name="oejendrypning.prep">
- <item caption="Mydriacyl 1%" value="mydriacyl 1%"/>
- <item caption="Metaoxedrin 10%" value="metaoxedrin 10%"/>
- <item caption="Tropicamid ukons. 0,5%" value="tropicamid ukons. 0,5%"/>
- <item caption="Phenylephrin ukons. 10%" value="phenylephrin ukons. 10%"/>
- <item caption="Voltaren" value="Voltaren"/>
- <item caption="Tetracaine 0,5%" value="Tetracaine 0,5%"/>
- <item caption="Oxybuprokain 8 mg/ml" value="Oxybuprokain 8 mg/ml"/>
- <item caption="Cyclogyl 1%" value="Cyclogyl 1%"/>
- <item caption="Metaoxedrin 10%" value="Metaoxedrin 10%"/>
- </combobox>
- <label caption=""/>
- <label caption="Øje:"/>
- <combobox name="oejendrypning.eye">
- <item caption="o.dxt" value="o.dxt"/>
- <item caption="o.sin" value="o.sin"/>
- <item caption="o.u" value="o.u"/>
- </combobox>
- <spacer/>
- </metawidget>
- </multilist>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label width="200" caption="Drypning foretaget af (initialer):"/>
- <lineedit name="oejendrypning.ocgtt.initialer" regexp="[a-zæøåA-ZÆØÅ]{2,5}" value=""/>
- <label width="50" caption=" den "/>
- <datetime name="oejendrypning.ocgtt.dato" fuzziness="5" map="now" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer/>
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/oejentryk-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/oejentryk-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index fcca504..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/oejentryk-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
- 20081203: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Feltnavnene ændret så de giver mening.
- -->
- 20090108: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Højre/venstre byttet om.
- -->
- 20090402: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- 'missing eye' tilføjet.
- -->
-<macro name="oejentryk" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('tonometri.mangler.odxt') == '' or getValue('tonometri.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Øjentryk:\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('tonometri.mangler.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'o.dxt: ' .. getValue('tonometri.tryk.odxt') .. ' mmHg\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('tonometri.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'o.sin: ' .. getValue('tonometri.tryk.odxt') .. ' mmHg\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('tonometri.mangler.odxt') == '' or getValue('tonometri.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('tonometri.apparat') .. '.\n'
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="missing_eye_osin_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="lt80gt0">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return false
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= 0 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 80)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="right_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('right_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('right_eye_frame')
- end
- if( getValue('tonometri.mangler.odxt') == 'mangler' and getValue('tonometri.mangler.osin') == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('device_frame')
- else
- enable('device_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="left_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('left_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('left_eye_frame')
- end
- if( getValue('tonometri.mangler.odxt') == 'mangler' and getValue('tonometri.mangler.osin') == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('device_frame')
- else
- enable('device_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Øjentryk (B.2.2.5)"
- layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <!-- o.dxt -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.dxt"
- name="tonometri.mangler.odxt" script="right_eye"
- map="missing_eye_odxt_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="right_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Tryk:"/>
- <spacer/>
- <lineedit name="tonometri.tryk.odxt" regexp="\d{1,2}" script="lt80gt0" value=""/>
- <label caption="mmHg"/>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- o.sin -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.sin"
- name="tonometri.mangler.osin" script="left_eye"
- map="missing_eye_osin_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="left_eye_frame" caption="o.sin" layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Tryk:"/>
- <spacer/>
- <lineedit name="tonometri.tryk.osin" regexp="\d{1,2}" script="lt80gt0" value=""/>
- <label caption="mmHg"/>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame name="device_frame" layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Tonometer måling foretaget med:"/>
- <combobox name="tonometri.apparat" value="">
- <item caption="Applanationstonometer" value="Appl"/>
- <item caption="Lufttonometer" value="Luft"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/orbita-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/orbita-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a052696..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/orbita-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="orbita" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('orbita.odxt.mangler') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Orbita o.dxt:\n'
- out = out .. 'Den retrobulbære resistance er ' .. getValue('orbita.odxt.resistance') .. '.\n'
- out = out .. 'Hertelmål: ' .. getValue('orbita.odxt.hertelmaalx') .. '-' .. getValue('orbita.odxt.hertelmaaly') .. '/' .. getValue('orbita.odxt.hertelmaalz') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('orbita.osin.mangler') == '' )
- then
- if ( getValue('orbita.odxt.mangler') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- out = out .. 'Orbita o.sin:\n'
- out = out .. 'Den retrobulbære resistance er ' .. getValue('orbita.osin.resistance') .. '.\n'
- out = out .. 'Hertelmål: ' .. getValue('orbita.osin.hertelmaalx') .. '-' .. getValue('orbita.osin.hertelmaaly') .. '/' .. getValue('orbita.osin.hertelmaalz') .. '\n'
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="missing_eye_osin_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="right_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('right_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('right_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="left_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('left_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('left_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Orbita" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <!-- o.dxt -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.dxt"
- name="orbita.odxt.mangler" script="right_eye"
- map="missing_eye_odxt_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="right_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Den retrobulbære resistance er:"/>
- <combobox name="orbita.odxt.resistance" value="">
- <item caption="Normal" value="normal"/>
- <item caption="Øget" value="øget"/>
- <item caption="Hård" value="hård"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Hertelmål:"/>
- <combobox name="orbita.odxt.hertelmaalx" value="">
- <item caption="5" value="5"/>
- <item caption="6" value="6"/>
- <item caption="7" value="7"/>
- <item caption="8" value="8"/>
- <item caption="9" value="9"/>
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- <item caption="16" value="16"/>
- <item caption="17" value="17"/>
- <item caption="18" value="18"/>
- <item caption="19" value="19"/>
- <item caption="20" value="20"/>
- <item caption="21" value="21"/>
- <item caption="22" value="22"/>
- <item caption="23" value="23"/>
- <item caption="24" value="24"/>
- <item caption="25" value="25"/>
- <item caption="26" value="26"/>
- <item caption="27" value="27"/>
- <item caption="28" value="28"/>
- <item caption="29" value="29"/>
- <item caption="30" value="30"/>
- </combobox>
- <label caption=" - "/>
- <combobox name="orbita.odxt.hertelmaaly" value="">
- <item caption="5" value="5"/>
- <item caption="6" value="6"/>
- <item caption="7" value="7"/>
- <item caption="8" value="8"/>
- <item caption="9" value="9"/>
- <item caption="10" value="10"/>
- <item caption="11" value="11"/>
- <item caption="12" value="12"/>
- <item caption="13" value="13"/>
- <item caption="14" value="14"/>
- <item caption="15" value="15"/>
- <item caption="16" value="16"/>
- <item caption="17" value="17"/>
- <item caption="18" value="18"/>
- <item caption="19" value="19"/>
- <item caption="20" value="20"/>
- <item caption="21" value="21"/>
- <item caption="22" value="22"/>
- <item caption="23" value="23"/>
- <item caption="24" value="24"/>
- <item caption="25" value="25"/>
- <item caption="26" value="26"/>
- <item caption="27" value="27"/>
- <item caption="28" value="28"/>
- <item caption="29" value="29"/>
- <item caption="30" value="30"/>
- </combobox>
- <label caption=" / "/>
- <combobox name="orbita.odxt.hertelmaalz" value="">
- <item caption="80" value="80"/>
- <item caption="81" value="81"/>
- <item caption="82" value="82"/>
- <item caption="83" value="83"/>
- <item caption="84" value="84"/>
- <item caption="85" value="85"/>
- <item caption="86" value="86"/>
- <item caption="87" value="87"/>
- <item caption="88" value="88"/>
- <item caption="89" value="89"/>
- <item caption="90" value="90"/>
- <item caption="91" value="91"/>
- <item caption="92" value="92"/>
- <item caption="93" value="93"/>
- <item caption="94" value="94"/>
- <item caption="95" value="95"/>
- <item caption="96" value="96"/>
- <item caption="97" value="97"/>
- <item caption="98" value="98"/>
- <item caption="99" value="99"/>
- <item caption="100" value="100"/>
- <item caption="100" value="100"/>
- <item caption="101" value="101"/>
- <item caption="102" value="102"/>
- <item caption="103" value="103"/>
- <item caption="104" value="104"/>
- <item caption="105" value="105"/>
- <item caption="106" value="106"/>
- <item caption="107" value="107"/>
- <item caption="108" value="108"/>
- <item caption="109" value="109"/>
- <item caption="110" value="110"/>
- <item caption="111" value="111"/>
- <item caption="112" value="112"/>
- <item caption="113" value="113"/>
- <item caption="114" value="114"/>
- <item caption="115" value="115"/>
- <item caption="116" value="116"/>
- <item caption="117" value="117"/>
- <item caption="118" value="118"/>
- <item caption="119" value="119"/>
- <item caption="120" value="120"/>
- <item caption="120" value="120"/>
- <item caption="121" value="121"/>
- <item caption="122" value="122"/>
- <item caption="123" value="123"/>
- <item caption="124" value="124"/>
- <item caption="125" value="125"/>
- <item caption="126" value="126"/>
- <item caption="127" value="127"/>
- <item caption="128" value="128"/>
- <item caption="129" value="129"/>
- <item caption="130" value="130"/>
- </combobox>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- o.sin -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.sin"
- name="orbita.osin.mangler" script="left_eye"
- map="missing_eye_osin_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="left_eye_frame" caption="o.sin" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Den retrobulbære resistance er:"/>
- <combobox name="orbita.osin.resistance" value="">
- <item caption="Normal" value="normal"/>
- <item caption="Øget" value="øget"/>
- <item caption="Hård" value="hård"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Hertelmål:"/>
- <combobox name="orbita.osin.hertelmaalx" value="">
- <item caption="5" value="5"/>
- <item caption="6" value="6"/>
- <item caption="7" value="7"/>
- <item caption="8" value="8"/>
- <item caption="9" value="9"/>
- <item caption="10" value="10"/>
- <item caption="11" value="11"/>
- <item caption="12" value="12"/>
- <item caption="13" value="13"/>
- <item caption="14" value="14"/>
- <item caption="15" value="15"/>
- <item caption="16" value="16"/>
- <item caption="17" value="17"/>
- <item caption="18" value="18"/>
- <item caption="19" value="19"/>
- <item caption="20" value="20"/>
- <item caption="21" value="21"/>
- <item caption="22" value="22"/>
- <item caption="23" value="23"/>
- <item caption="24" value="24"/>
- <item caption="25" value="25"/>
- <item caption="26" value="26"/>
- <item caption="27" value="27"/>
- <item caption="28" value="28"/>
- <item caption="29" value="29"/>
- <item caption="30" value="30"/>
- </combobox>
- <label caption=" - "/>
- <combobox name="orbita.osin.hertelmaaly" value="">
- <item caption="5" value="5"/>
- <item caption="6" value="6"/>
- <item caption="7" value="7"/>
- <item caption="8" value="8"/>
- <item caption="9" value="9"/>
- <item caption="10" value="10"/>
- <item caption="11" value="11"/>
- <item caption="12" value="12"/>
- <item caption="13" value="13"/>
- <item caption="14" value="14"/>
- <item caption="15" value="15"/>
- <item caption="16" value="16"/>
- <item caption="17" value="17"/>
- <item caption="18" value="18"/>
- <item caption="19" value="19"/>
- <item caption="20" value="20"/>
- <item caption="21" value="21"/>
- <item caption="22" value="22"/>
- <item caption="23" value="23"/>
- <item caption="24" value="24"/>
- <item caption="25" value="25"/>
- <item caption="26" value="26"/>
- <item caption="27" value="27"/>
- <item caption="28" value="28"/>
- <item caption="29" value="29"/>
- <item caption="30" value="30"/>
- </combobox>
- <label caption=" / "/>
- <combobox name="orbita.osin.hertelmaalz" value="">
- <item caption="80" value="80"/>
- <item caption="81" value="81"/>
- <item caption="82" value="82"/>
- <item caption="83" value="83"/>
- <item caption="84" value="84"/>
- <item caption="85" value="85"/>
- <item caption="86" value="86"/>
- <item caption="87" value="87"/>
- <item caption="88" value="88"/>
- <item caption="89" value="89"/>
- <item caption="90" value="90"/>
- <item caption="91" value="91"/>
- <item caption="92" value="92"/>
- <item caption="93" value="93"/>
- <item caption="94" value="94"/>
- <item caption="95" value="95"/>
- <item caption="96" value="96"/>
- <item caption="97" value="97"/>
- <item caption="98" value="98"/>
- <item caption="99" value="99"/>
- <item caption="100" value="100"/>
- <item caption="100" value="100"/>
- <item caption="101" value="101"/>
- <item caption="102" value="102"/>
- <item caption="103" value="103"/>
- <item caption="104" value="104"/>
- <item caption="105" value="105"/>
- <item caption="106" value="106"/>
- <item caption="107" value="107"/>
- <item caption="108" value="108"/>
- <item caption="109" value="109"/>
- <item caption="110" value="110"/>
- <item caption="111" value="111"/>
- <item caption="112" value="112"/>
- <item caption="113" value="113"/>
- <item caption="114" value="114"/>
- <item caption="115" value="115"/>
- <item caption="116" value="116"/>
- <item caption="117" value="117"/>
- <item caption="118" value="118"/>
- <item caption="119" value="119"/>
- <item caption="120" value="120"/>
- <item caption="120" value="120"/>
- <item caption="121" value="121"/>
- <item caption="122" value="122"/>
- <item caption="123" value="123"/>
- <item caption="124" value="124"/>
- <item caption="125" value="125"/>
- <item caption="126" value="126"/>
- <item caption="127" value="127"/>
- <item caption="128" value="128"/>
- <item caption="129" value="129"/>
- <item caption="130" value="130"/>
- </combobox>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/pupillen-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/pupillen-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3489990..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/pupillen-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="pupillen" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('pupillen.odxt.mangler') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Pupillen, o.dxt: ' .. getValue('pupillen.odxt') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('pupillen.osin.mangler') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Pupillen, o.sin: ' .. getValue('pupillen.osin') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('pupillen.supplerende') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. '\n'
- out = out .. getValue('pupillen.supplerende')
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="missing_eye_osin_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="right_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('right_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('right_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="left_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('left_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('left_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Pupillen" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <!-- o.dxt -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.dxt"
- name="pupillen.odxt.mangler" script="right_eye"
- map="missing_eye_odxt_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="right_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Pupillen:"/>
- <label caption=""/>
- </frame>
- <altcombobox name="pupillen.odxt" value="" layout="vbox">
- <item caption="Normal isokori og lysreaktion" value="Normal isokori og lysreaktion"/>
- <item caption="Miosis" value="Miosis"/>
- <item caption="Mydriasis" value="Mydriasis"/>
- <item caption="Amblyop reaktion" value="Amblyop reaktion"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="pupillen.odxt.andet">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="pupillen.odxt.andet"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- o.sin -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.sin"
- name="pupillen.osin.mangler" script="left_eye"
- map="missing_eye_osin_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="left_eye_frame" caption="o.sin" layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Pupillen:"/>
- <label caption=""/>
- </frame>
- <altcombobox name="pupillen.osin" value="" layout="vbox">
- <item caption="Normal isokori og lysreaktion" value="Normal isokori og lysreaktion"/>
- <item caption="Miosis" value="Miosis"/>
- <item caption="Mydriasis" value="Mydriasis"/>
- <item caption="Amblyop reaktion" value="Amblyop reaktion"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="pupillen.osin.andet">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="pupillen.osin.andet"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- Supplerende tekstfelt -->
- <frame name="supplerende_frame" layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Supplerende:"/>
- <lineedit name="pupillen.supplerende"/>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/pupilstoerrelse-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/pupilstoerrelse-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index cee866b..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/pupilstoerrelse-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="pupilstoerrelse" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('pupilstoerrelse.mangler.odxt') == '' or getValue('pupilstoerrelse.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Pupilstørrelse, ' .. getValue('pupilstoerrelse.metode') .. ':\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('pupilstoerrelse.mangler.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'o.dxt: ' .. getValue('pupilstoerrelse.diameter.odxt') .. ' mm\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('pupilstoerrelse.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'o.sin: ' .. getValue('pupilstoerrelse.diameter.osin') .. ' mm\n'
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="missing_eye_osin_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="right_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('right_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('right_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="left_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('left_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('left_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="lt12gt0">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return false
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= 0 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 12)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Pupilstørrelse"
- layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <!-- o.dxt -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.dxt"
- name="pupilstoerrelse.mangler.odxt" script="right_eye"
- map="missing_eye_odxt_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="right_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Diameter:"/>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <lineedit name="pupilstoerrelse.diameter.odxt" script="lt12gt0"
- regexp="\d{1,2},\d{1}" value=""/>
- <label caption="mm"/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- o.sin -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.sin"
- name="pupilstoerrelse.mangler.osin" script="left_eye"
- map="missing_eye_osin_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="left_eye_frame" caption="o.sin" layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Diameter:"/>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <lineedit name="pupilstoerrelse.diameter.osin" script="lt12gt0"
- regexp="\d{1,2},\d{1}" value=""/>
- <label caption="mm"/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame name="device_frame" layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Måling foretaget med:"/>
- <combobox name="pupilstoerrelse.metode" value="">
- <item caption="Fotografisk pupillometer" value="Fotografisk pupillometer"/>
- <item caption="NIDEK pupillometer" value="NIDEK pupillometer"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/ref-spaltelampe-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/ref-spaltelampe-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 95866fe..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/ref-spaltelampe-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,663 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="ref.spaltelampe" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.mangler.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Spaltelampe, o.dxt:\n'
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.konjuktiva.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Konjuktiva: ' .. getValue('spaltelampe.konjuktiva.odxt') .. '\n'
- end
- out = out .. 'Cornea:\n'
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.intakt.odxt') ~= '' or getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.central_epiteldefekt.odxt') ~= '' or getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.toerhedsforandringer.odxt') ~= '' or getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.andet.odxt') ~= '')
- then
- out = out .. ' Epitel: '
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.intakt.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.intakt.odxt')
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.central_epiteldefekt.odxt') ~= '' or getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.toerhedsforandringer.odxt') ~= '' or getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.andet.odxt') ~= '')
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- else
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.central_epiteldefekt.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.central_epiteldefekt.odxt')
- if (getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.toerhedsforandringer.odxt') ~= '' or getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.andet.odxt') ~= '')
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- else
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.toerhedsforandringer.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.toerhedsforandringer.odxt')
- if (getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.andet.odxt') ~= '')
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- else
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.andet.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.andet.odxt') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.stroma.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ' Stroma: ' .. getValue('spaltelampe.stroma.odxt') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.flap.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ' Flap: ' .. getValue('spaltelampe.flap.odxt') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.folder.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ' Folder: ' .. getValue('spaltelampe.folder.odxt') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.interface.partikler.odxt') ~= '' or getValue('spaltelampe.interface.epitelindvaekst.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ' Interface: '
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.interface.partikler.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('spaltelampe.interface.partikler.odxt')
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.interface.epitelindvaekst.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.interface.epitelindvaekst.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('spaltelampe.interface.epitelindvaekst.odxt') .. '\n'
- else
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.endothel.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ' Endothel: ' .. getValue('spaltelampe.endothel.odxt') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.lens.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Lens: ' .. getValue('spaltelampe.lens.odxt') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.supplerende.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('spaltelampe.supplerende.odxt') .. '\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.mangler.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- out = out .. 'Spaltelampe, o.sin:\n'
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.konjuktiva.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Konjuktiva: ' .. getValue('spaltelampe.konjuktiva.osin') .. '\n'
- end
- out = out .. 'Cornea:\n'
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.intakt.osin') ~= '' or getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.central_epiteldefekt.osin') ~= '' or getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.toerhedsforandringer.osin') ~= '' or getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.andet.osin') ~= '')
- then
- out = out .. ' Epitel: '
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.intakt.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.intakt.osin')
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.central_epiteldefekt.osin') ~= '' or getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.toerhedsforandringer.osin') ~= '' or getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.andet.osin') ~= '')
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- else
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.central_epiteldefekt.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.central_epiteldefekt.osin')
- if (getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.toerhedsforandringer.osin') ~= '' or getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.andet.osin') ~= '')
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- else
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.toerhedsforandringer.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.toerhedsforandringer.osin')
- if (getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.andet.osin') ~= '')
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- else
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.andet.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.andet.osin') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ' Epitel: ' .. getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.osin') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.stroma.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ' Stroma: ' .. getValue('spaltelampe.stroma.osin') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.flap.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ' Flap: ' .. getValue('spaltelampe.flap.osin') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.folder.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ' Folder: ' .. getValue('spaltelampe.folder.osin') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.interface.partikler.osin') ~= '' or getValue('spaltelampe.interface.epitelindvaekst.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ' Interface: '
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.interface.partikler.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('spaltelampe.interface.partikler.osin')
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.interface.epitelindvaekst.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.interface.epitelindvaekst.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('spaltelampe.interface.epitelindvaekst.osin') .. '\n'
- else
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.endothel.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ' Endothel: ' .. getValue('spaltelampe.endothel.osin') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.lens.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Lens: ' .. getValue('spaltelampe.lens.osin') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.supplerende.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('spaltelampe.supplerende.osin') .. '\n'
- end
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="missing_eye_osin_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="right_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('right_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('right_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="left_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('left_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('left_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Spaltelampe"
- layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <!-- o.dxt -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.dxt"
- name="spaltelampe.mangler.odxt" script="right_eye"
- map="missing_eye_odxt_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="right_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Konjuktiva:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.konjuktiva.odxt" layout="vbox" value="Bleg">
- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value=""/>
- <item caption="Bleg" value="Bleg"/>
- <item caption="Injiceret" value="Injiceret"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.konjuktiva.andet.odxt">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.konjuktiva.andet.odxt"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox" caption="Cornea:">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Epitel:"/>
- <label/>
- <label/>
- <label/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox name="spaltelampe.epitel.intakt.odxt" caption="Intakt" falsevalue="" truevalue="Intakt"/>
- <checkbox name="spaltelampe.epitel.central_epiteldefekt.odxt" caption="Central epiteldefekt" falsevalue="" truevalue="Central epiteldefekt"/>
- <checkbox name="spaltelampe.epitel.toerhedsforandringer.odxt" caption="Tørhedsforandringer" falsevalue="" truevalue="Tørhedsforandringer"/>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.epitel.andet.odxt"/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Stroma:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.stroma.odxt" layout="vbox" value="Klart">
- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value=""/>
- <item caption="Klart" value="Klart"/>
- <item caption="Karindvækst" value="Karindvækst"/>
- <item caption="Makulering" value="Makulering"/>
- <item caption="MD-folder" value="MD-folder"/>
- <item caption="Spor af haze - grad 0,5" value="Spor af haze - grad 0,5"/>
- <item caption="Let haze - grad 1" value="Let haze - grad 1"/>
- <item caption="Nogen haze - grad 2" value="Nogen haze - grad 2"/>
- <item caption="Udtalt haze - grad 3" value="Udtalt haze - grad 3"/>
- <item caption="Massiv haze - grad 4" value="Massiv haze - grad 4"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.stroma.andet.odxt">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.stroma.andet.odxt"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Flap:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.flap.odxt" layout="vbox" value="">
- <item caption="Ej relevant" value=""/>
- <item caption="Velplaceret" value="Velplaceret"/>
- <item caption="Dislokeret" value="Dislokeret"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.flap.andet.odxt">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.flap.andet.odxt"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Folder:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.folder.odxt" layout="vbox" value="">
- <item caption="Ej relevant" value=""/>
- <item caption="Ingen" value="Ingen"/>
- <item caption="Mikrofolder" value="Mikrofolder"/>
- <item caption="Lette folder" value="Lette folder"/>
- <item caption="Udtalte folder" value="Udtalte folder"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.folder.andet.odxt">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.folder.andet.odxt"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox" caption="Interface:">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Partikler:"/>
- <label/>
- <label caption="Epitelindvækst:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.interface.partikler.odxt" layout="vbox" value="">
- <item caption="Ej relevant" value=""/>
- <item caption="Ingen partikler eller debris" value="Ingen partikler eller debris"/>
- <item caption="Enkelte partikler" value="Enkelte partikler"/>
- <item caption="Nogen partikler" value="Nogen partikler"/>
- <item caption="Udtalte partikler" value="Udtalte partikler"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.interface.partikler.andet.odxt">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.interface.partikler.andet.odxt"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.interface.epitelindvaekst.odxt" layout="vbox" value="">
- <item caption="Ej relevant" value=""/>
- <item caption="Ingen epitelindvækst" value="Ingen epitelindvækst"/>
- <item caption="Diskret epitelindvækst" value="Diskret epitelindvækst"/>
- <item caption="Let epitelindvækst" value="Let epitelindvækst"/>
- <item caption="Betydende epitelindvækst" value="Betydende epitelindvækst"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.interface.epitelindvaekst.andet.odxt">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.interface.epitelindvaekst.andet.odxt"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Endothel:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.endothel.odxt" layout="vbox" value="Upåfaldende">
- <item caption="Upåfaldende" value="Upåfaldende"/>
- <item caption="Guttatae" value="Guttatae"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.endothel.andet.odxt">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.endothel.andet.odxt"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Lens:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.lens.odxt" layout="vbox" value="Klar">
- <item caption="Klar" value="Klar"/>
- <item caption="Katarakt-1" value="Katarakt-1"/>
- <item caption="Katarakt-2" value="Katarakt-2"/>
- <item caption="Katarakt-3" value="Katarakt-3"/>
- <item caption="Katarakt-4" value="Katarakt-4"/>
- <item caption="Pseudofak" value="Pseudofak"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.lens.andet.odxt">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.lens.andet.odxt"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Supplerende:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.supplerende.odxt"/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- o.sin -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.sin"
- name="spaltelampe.mangler.osin" script="left_eye"
- map="missing_eye_osin_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="left_eye_frame" caption="o.sin" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Konjuktiva:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.konjuktiva.osin" layout="vbox" value="Bleg">
- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value=""/>
- <item caption="Bleg" value="Bleg"/>
- <item caption="Injiceret" value="Injiceret"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.konjuktiva.andet.osin">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.konjuktiva.andet.osin"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox" caption="Cornea:">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Epitel:"/>
- <label/>
- <label/>
- <label/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox name="spaltelampe.epitel.intakt.osin" caption="Intakt" falsevalue="" truevalue="Intakt"/>
- <checkbox name="spaltelampe.epitel.central_epiteldefekt.osin" caption="Central epiteldefekt" falsevalue="" truevalue="Central epiteldefekt"/>
- <checkbox name="spaltelampe.epitel.toerhedsforandringer.osin" caption="Tørhedsforandringer" falsevalue="" truevalue="Tørhedsforandringer"/>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.epitel.andet.osin"/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Stroma:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.stroma.osin" layout="vbox" value="Klart">
- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value=""/>
- <item caption="Klart" value="Klart"/>
- <item caption="Karindvækst" value="Karindvækst"/>
- <item caption="Makulering" value="Makulering"/>
- <item caption="MD-folder" value="MD-folder"/>
- <item caption="Spor af haze - grad 0,5" value="Spor af haze - grad 0,5"/>
- <item caption="Let haze - grad 1" value="Let haze - grad 1"/>
- <item caption="Nogen haze - grad 2" value="Nogen haze - grad 2"/>
- <item caption="Udtalt haze - grad 3" value="Udtalt haze - grad 3"/>
- <item caption="Massiv haze - grad 4" value="Massiv haze - grad 4"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.stroma.andet.osin">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.stroma.andet.osin"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Flap:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.flap.osin" layout="vbox" value="">
- <item caption="Ej relevant" value=""/>
- <item caption="Velplaceret" value="Velplaceret"/>
- <item caption="Dislokeret" value="Dislokeret"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.flap.andet.osin">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.flap.andet.osin"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Folder:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.folder.osin" layout="vbox" value="">
- <item caption="Ej relevant" value=""/>
- <item caption="Ingen" value="Ingen"/>
- <item caption="Mikrofolder" value="Mikrofolder"/>
- <item caption="Lette folder" value="Lette folder"/>
- <item caption="Udtalte folder" value="Udtalte folder"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.folder.andet.osin">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.folder.andet.osin"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox" caption="Interface:">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Partikler:"/>
- <label/>
- <label caption="Epitelindvækst:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.partikler.osin" layout="vbox" value="">
- <item caption="Ej relevant" value=""/>
- <item caption="Ingen partikler eller debris" value="Ingen partikler eller debris"/>
- <item caption="Enkelte partikler" value="Enkelte partikler"/>
- <item caption="Nogen partikler" value="Nogen partikler"/>
- <item caption="Udtalte partikler" value="Udtalte partikler"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.partikler.andet.osin">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.partikler.andet.osin"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.epitelindvaekst.osin" layout="vbox" value="">
- <item caption="Ej relevant" value=""/>
- <item caption="Ingen epitelindvækst" value="Ingen epitelindvækst"/>
- <item caption="Diskret epitelindvækst" value="Diskret epitelindvækst"/>
- <item caption="Let epitelindvækst" value="Let epitelindvækst"/>
- <item caption="Betydende epitelindvækst" value="Betydende epitelindvækst"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.epitelindvaekst.andet.osin">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.epitelindvaekst.andet.osin"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Endothel:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.endothel.osin" layout="vbox" value="Upåfaldende">
- <item caption="Upåfaldende" value="Upåfaldende"/>
- <item caption="Guttatae" value="Guttatae"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.endothel.andet.osin">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.endothel.andet.osin"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Lens:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.lens.osin" layout="vbox" value="Klar">
- <item caption="Klar" value="Klar"/>
- <item caption="Katarakt-1" value="Katarakt-1"/>
- <item caption="Katarakt-2" value="Katarakt-2"/>
- <item caption="Katarakt-3" value="Katarakt-3"/>
- <item caption="Katarakt-4" value="Katarakt-4"/>
- <item caption="Pseudofak" value="Pseudofak"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.lens.andet.osin">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.lens.andet.osin"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Supplerende:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.supplerende.osin"/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer/>
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/ref_90d_linse-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/ref_90d_linse-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 059958b..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/ref_90d_linse-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="ref_90d_linse" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('90d_linse.mangler.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Oftalmoskopi, o.dxt:\n'
- out = out .. getValue('90d_linse.indblik.odxt') .. ' indblik.\n'
- out = out .. 'Papil: ' .. getValue('90d_linse.papil.odxt') .. '\n'
- out = out .. 'Makula: ' .. getValue('90d_linse.makula.odxt') .. '\n'
- out = out .. 'Periferi: ' .. getValue('90d_linse.periferi.odxt')
- if ( getValue('90d_linse.periferi.odxt') == 'Hul eller rift kl' )
- then
- out = out .. ' ' .. getValue('90d_linse.hul_eller_rift_kl.odxt') .. '\n'
- else
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('90d_linse.supplerende.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('90d_linse.supplerende.odxt') .. '\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('90d_linse.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- if ( getValue('90d_linse.mangler.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- out = out .. 'Oftalmoskopi, o.sin:\n'
- out = out .. getValue('90d_linse.indblik.osin') .. ' indblik.\n'
- out = out .. 'Papil: ' .. getValue('90d_linse.papil.osin') .. '\n'
- out = out .. 'Makula: ' .. getValue('90d_linse.makula.osin') .. '\n'
- out = out .. 'Periferi: ' .. getValue('90d_linse.periferi.osin')
- if ( getValue('90d_linse.periferi.osin') == 'Hul eller rift kl' )
- then
- out = out .. ' ' .. getValue('90d_linse.hul_eller_rift_kl.osin') .. '\n'
- else
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('90d_linse.supplerende.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('90d_linse.supplerende.osin') .. '\n'
- end
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="missing_eye_osin_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="right_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('right_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('right_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="left_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('left_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('left_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="hul_eller_rift_odxt">
- if ( getValue('90d_linse.periferi.odxt') == 'Hul eller rift kl' )
- then
- enable('hul_eller_rift.frame.odxt')
- else
- disable('hul_eller_rift.frame.odxt')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="hul_eller_rift_osin">
- if ( getValue('90d_linse.periferi.osin') == 'Hul eller rift kl' )
- then
- enable('hul_eller_rift.frame.osin')
- else
- disable('hul_eller_rift.frame.osin')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="90D-linse"
- layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <!-- o.dxt -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.dxt"
- name="90d_linse.mangler.odxt" script="right_eye"
- map="missing_eye_odxt_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="right_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Indblik: "/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="90d_linse.indblik.odxt" layout="vbox" value="Klart">
- <item caption="Klart" value="Klart"/>
- <item caption="Let sløret" value="Let sløret"/>
- <item caption="Meget sløret" value="Meget sløret"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="90d_linse.indblik.andet.odxt">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="90d_linse.indblik.andet.odxt"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Papil: "/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="90d_linse.papil.odxt" layout="vbox" value="Normal, ikke ekskaveret">
- <item caption="Myop" value="Myop"/>
- <item caption="Normal, ikke ekskaveret" value="Normal, ikke ekskaveret"/>
- <item caption="Koncentrisk ekskavation" value="Koncentrisk ekskavation"/>
- <item caption="Glaukomsuspekt" value="Glaukomsuspekt"/>
- <item caption="Glaukomatøs ekskavation" value="Glaukomatøs ekskavation"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="90d_linse.papil.andet.odxt">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="90d_linse.papil.andet.odxt"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Makula: "/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="90d_linse.makula.odxt" layout="vbox" value="Normal">
- <item caption="Normal" value="Normal"/>
- <item caption="Atrofiske forandringer" value="Atrofiske forandringer"/>
- <item caption="Diabetiske non-proliferative forandringer" value="Diabetiske non-proliferative forandringer"/>
- <item caption="Diabetiske proliferative forandringer" value="Diabetiske proliferative forandringer"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="90d_linse.makula.andet.odxt">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="90d_linse.makula.andet.odxt"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Periferi: "/>
- <label/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="90d_linse.periferi.odxt" layout="vbox" value="Ingen degenerative forandringer" script="hul_eller_rift_odxt">
- <item caption="Ingen degenerative forandringer" value="Ingen degenerative forandringer"/>
- <item caption="Perifere degenerationer" value="Perifere degenerationer"/>
- <item caption="Lattice" value="Lattice"/>
- <item caption="Hul eller rift kl (anfør herunder)" value="Hul eller rift kl"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="90d_linse.periferi.andet.odxt">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="90d_linse.periferi.andet.odxt"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- <frame name="hul_eller_rift.frame.odxt" layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Hul eller rift kl.:"/>
- <combobox name="90_dlinse.hul_eller_rift_kl.odxt">
- <item caption="1" value="1"/>
- <item caption="2" value="2"/>
- <item caption="3" value="3"/>
- <item caption="4" value="4"/>
- <item caption="5" value="5"/>
- <item caption="6" value="6"/>
- <item caption="7" value="7"/>
- <item caption="8" value="8"/>
- <item caption="9" value="9"/>
- <item caption="10" value="10"/>
- <item caption="11" value="11"/>
- <item caption="12" value="12"/>
- </combobox>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <label caption="Supplerende:"/>
- <lineedit name="90d_linse.supplerende.odxt"/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- o.sin -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.sin"
- name="90d_linse.mangler.osin" script="left_eye"
- map="missing_eye_osin_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="left_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Indblik: "/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="90d_linse.indblik.osin" layout="vbox" value="Klart">
- <item caption="Klart" value="Klart"/>
- <item caption="Let sløret" value="Let sløret"/>
- <item caption="Meget sløret" value="Meget sløret"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="90d_linse.indblik.andet.osin">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="90d_linse.indblik.andet.osin"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Papil: "/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="90d_linse.papil.osin" layout="vbox" value="Normal, ikke ekskaveret">
- <item caption="Myop" value="Myop"/>
- <item caption="Normal, ikke ekskaveret" value="Normal, ikke ekskaveret"/>
- <item caption="Koncentrisk ekskavation" value="Koncentrisk ekskavation"/>
- <item caption="Glaukomsuspekt" value="Glaukomsuspekt"/>
- <item caption="Glaukomatøs ekskavation" value="Glaukomatøs ekskavation"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="90d_linse.papil.andet.osin">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="90d_linse.papil.andet.osin"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Makula: "/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="90d_linse.makula.osin" layout="vbox" value="Normal">
- <item caption="Normal" value="Normal"/>
- <item caption="Atrofiske forandringer" value="Atrofiske forandringer"/>
- <item caption="Diabetiske non-proliferative forandringer" value="Diabetiske non-proliferative forandringer"/>
- <item caption="Diabetiske proliferative forandringer" value="Diabetiske proliferative forandringer"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="90d_linse.makula.andet.osin">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="90d_linse.makula.andet.osin"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Periferi: "/>
- <label/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="90d_linse.periferi.osin" layout="vbox" value="Ingen degenerative forandringer" script="hul_eller_rift_osin">
- <item caption="Ingen degenerative forandringer" value="Ingen degenerative forandringer"/>
- <item caption="Perifere degenerationer" value="Perifere degenerationer"/>
- <item caption="Lattice" value="Lattice"/>
- <item caption="Hul eller rift kl (anfør herunder)" value="Hul eller rift kl"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="90d_linse.periferi.andet.osin">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="90d_linse.periferi.andet.osin"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- <frame name="hul_eller_rift.frame.osin" layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Hul eller rift kl.:"/>
- <combobox name="90d_linse.hul_eller_rift_kl.osin">
- <item caption="1" value="1"/>
- <item caption="2" value="2"/>
- <item caption="3" value="3"/>
- <item caption="4" value="4"/>
- <item caption="5" value="5"/>
- <item caption="6" value="6"/>
- <item caption="7" value="7"/>
- <item caption="8" value="8"/>
- <item caption="9" value="9"/>
- <item caption="10" value="10"/>
- <item caption="11" value="11"/>
- <item caption="12" value="12"/>
- </combobox>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <label caption="Supplerende:"/>
- <lineedit name="90d_linse.supplerende.osin"/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer/>
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/ref_aktuelle-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/ref_aktuelle-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fc4d4f..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/ref_aktuelle-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="ref_aktuelle" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- out = out .. 'Patienten anvender ' .. getValue('ref_aktuelle.bruger_nu') .. '.\n'
- out = out .. 'Brillestyrken har været stabil i ' .. getValue('ref_aktuelle.stabilitet') .. '. '
- if ( getValue('ref_aktuelle.yderligere_kommentarer') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('ref_aktuelle.yderligere_kommentarer') .. '. '
- end
- out = out .. 'Såfremt det er muligt at operere, forventer patienten ' .. getValue('ref_aktuelle.forventninger') .. '.'
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Aktuelle" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Patienten benytter:"/>
- <combobox name="ref_aktuelle.bruger_nu" layout="vbox">
- <item caption="Briller" value="Briller"/>
- <item caption="Hårde kontaktlinser" value="hårde kontaktlinser"/>
- <item caption="Bløde kontaktlinser" value="bløde kontaktlinser"/>
- <item caption="Både briller og kontaktlinser" value="både briller og kontaktlinser"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Brillestyrken har været stabil i:"/>
- <combobox name="ref_aktuelle.stabilitet" layout="vbox">
- <item caption="Under ½ år" value="under ½ år"/>
- <item caption="½ år" value="½ år"/>
- <item caption="1 år" value="1 år"/>
- <item caption="Over 1 år" value="over 1 år"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <label caption="Yderligere kommentarer:"/>
- <textedit name="ref_aktuelle.yderligere_kommentarer"/>
- <label caption="Såfremt det er muligt at operere, forventer patienten:"/>
- <altcombobox name="ref_aktuelle.forventninger" layout="vbox">
- <item caption="At kunne undvære briller eller kontaktlinser" value="at kunne undvære briller eller kontaktlinser"/>
- <item caption="At brillestyrken reduceres" value="at brillestyrken reduceres"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" innerwidget="expectations_andet">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="expectations_andet"/>
- </frame>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer/>
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/ref_behandling-kirurgisk_procedure-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/ref_behandling-kirurgisk_procedure-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a35e2c8..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/ref_behandling-kirurgisk_procedure-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,444 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- out = out .. 'I Oxybuprokain dråbeanæstesi foretages ' .. getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.type') .. ' på ' .. getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.oeje') .. ' øje.\n'
- if ( getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.type') == 'LASIK' )
- then
- out = out .. 'LASIK flappen skæres med ' .. getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.lasik.metode') .. '.\n'
- if ( getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.lasik.metode') == 'femtosekundlaser' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Flapdiameter: ' .. getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.lasik.flapdiameter') .. ' mm\n'
- out = out .. 'Flaptykkelse: ' .. getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.lasik.flaptykkelse') .. ' um\n'
- out = out .. 'Kantprofil: ' .. getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.lasik.kantprofil') .. '\n'
- end
- out = out .. 'Flappen løftes med flap-lifter.\n\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.type') == 'PRK' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.prk.part1') .. '\n\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.type') == 'reLASIK' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.relasik.part1') .. '\n\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.type') == 'rePRK' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.prk.part1') .. '\n\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.type') == 'LASEK' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.lasek.part1') .. '\n\n'
- end
- out = out .. 'Fotoablation:\n'
- out = out .. 'Algoritme: ' .. getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.fotoablation.algoritme') .. '\n'
- out = out .. 'Korrektion: ' .. getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.fotoablation.sf') .. ' sf ' .. getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.fotoablation.cyl') .. ' x ' .. getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.fotoablation.grader') .. '\n'
- out = out .. 'Ablationsdiameter: ' .. getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.fotoablation.ablationsdiameter') .. ' mm\n'
- out = out .. 'Ablationsdybde: ' .. getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.fotoablation.ablationsdybde') .. ' um\n\n'
- if ( getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.type') == 'LASIK' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.lasik.part2') .. '\n\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.type') == 'PRK' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.prk.part2') .. '\n\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.type') == 'reLASIK' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.relasik.part2') .. '\n\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.type') == 'rePRK' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.prk.part2') .. '\n\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.type') == 'LASEK' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.lasek.part2') .. '\n\n'
- end
- out = out .. 'Der dryppes med ' .. getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.drypperegime') .. '\n\n'
- if ( getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.komplikationer') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Komplikationer: ' .. getValue('ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.komplikationer')
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
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- disable('relasik_frame1')
- disable('lasek_frame1')
- enable('lasik_frame2')
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- then
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- disable('relasik_frame1')
- disable('lasek_frame1')
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- then
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- then
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- </combobox>
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- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Flapdiameter:"/>
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- <label caption="mm"/>
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- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Flaptykkelse:"/>
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- </frame>
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- <label caption="Kantprofil:"/>
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- </frame>
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- <item caption="Tissue saving" value="Tissue saving"/>
- <item caption="Topografistyret" value="Topografistyret"/>
- <item caption="Bølgefrontstyret" value="Bølgefrontstyret"/>
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- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label/>
- <label caption="Korrektion:"/>
- </frame>
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- </frame>
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- </frame>
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- <label caption="Grader:"/>
- <lineedit name="ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.fotoablation.grader" regexp="[\d]+" script="lt179gt0" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
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- <label caption="Ablationsdiameter:"/>
- <lineedit name="ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.fotoablation.ablationsdiameter" script="lt12gt0" regexp="\d{1,2},\d{1}"/>
- <label caption="mm"/>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
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- </frame>
- <!-- PRK frame -->
- <frame name="prk_frame2" caption="PRK / rePRK" layout="vbox">
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- </frame>
- <!-- reLASIK frame -->
- <frame name="relasik_frame2" caption="reLASIK" layout="vbox">
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- </frame>
- <!-- LASEK frame -->
- <frame name="lasek_frame2" caption="LASEK" layout="vbox">
- <checkbox name="ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.lasek.part2" caption="Epithelet replaceres." truevalue="Epithelet replaceres." falsevalue=""/>
- </frame>
- <!-- End 3rd outer frame -->
- </frame>
- <!-- Øjendrypning frame -->
- <frame name="oejendrypning_frame" caption="5. Øjendrypning" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Drypperegime:"/>
- <combobox name="ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure.drypperegime">
- <item caption="Kloramfenikol 0,5% og Voltaren 0,1%" value="Kloramfenikol 0,5% og Voltaren 0,1%"/>
- <item caption="Ciloxan 0,3% og Voltaren 0,1%" value="Ciloxan 0,3% og Voltaren 0,1%"/>
- <item caption="Kloramfenikolsalve 1% og Voltaren 0,1%" value="Kloramfenikolsalve 1% og Voltaren 0,1%"/>
- <item caption="Ciloxsalve 0,3% og Voltaren 0,1%" value="Ciloxsalve 0,3% og Voltaren 0,1%"/>
- </combobox>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
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- <frame name="komplikationer_frame" caption="6. Komplikationer" layout="vbox">
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diff --git a/server/xml/macros/ref_behandling-klargoering-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/ref_behandling-klargoering-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f4d08d..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/ref_behandling-klargoering-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="ref_behandlinghklargoering" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- out = out .. 'Patienten er klargjort til refraktiv kirurgi i henhold til afdelingens instruks.\n'
- out = out .. 'Klargøring udført af: ' .. getValue('ref_behandling.klargoering.initialer')
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Klargøring" layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Patienten er klargjort til refraktiv kirurgi i henhold til afdelingens instruks."/>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Klargøring udført af (initialer):"/>
- <lineedit name="ref_behandling.klargoering.initialer" regexp="[a-zæøåA-ZÆØÅ]{2,5}"/>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
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- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
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diff --git a/server/xml/macros/ref_behandling-oejendrypning-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/ref_behandling-oejendrypning-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d2a91fc..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/ref_behandling-oejendrypning-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="ref_behandling-oejendrypning" version="1.0">
-<!-- Jeg er i gang med at lave så den automatisk ved hvad øje der er valgt -->
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- out = out .. 'Øjendrypning (ordinationer første døgn):\n'
- out = out .. getValue('ref_behandling.oejendrypning.drypperegime') .. " " .. getValue('ref_behandling.oejendrypning.oeje') .. '\n'
- return out
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Øjendrypning (ordinationer første døgn)" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Drypperegime:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="ref_behandling.oejendrypning.drypperegime" layout="vbox" value="Ikke udfyldt">
- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value="Ikke udfyldt"/>
- <item caption="Kloramfenikol dr. 0,5% x 4 og Flurolon dr. 1% x 4" value="Kloramfenikol dr. 0,5% x 4 og Flurolon dr. 1% x 4"/>
- <item caption="Kloramfenikol salve 0,5% x 4 og Voltaren dr. 0,1% pn max x 4" value="Kloramfenikol salve 0,5% x 4 og Voltaren dr. 0,1% pn max x 4"/>
- <item caption="Tobradex dr. x 4" value="Tobradex dr. x 4"/>
- <item caption="Kloramfenikol dr. 0,5% x 4" value="Kloramfenikol dr. 0,5% x 4"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="ref_behandling.oejendrypning.drypperegime.andet">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="ref_behandling.oejendrypning.drypperegime.andet"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Øje:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <combobox name="ref_behandling.oejendrypning.oeje" value="">
- <item caption="o.dxt" value="o.dxt"/>
- <item caption="o.sin" value="o.sin"/>
- </combobox>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
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- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
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diff --git a/server/xml/macros/ref_efterkontrol-aktuelle-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/ref_efterkontrol-aktuelle-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d6e10cd..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/ref_efterkontrol-aktuelle-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="ref_efterkontrol.aktuelle" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- out = out .. 'Aktuelle:\n'
- if ( getValue('ref_efterkontrol.aktuelle.afstandssyn') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Afstandssyn: ' .. getValue('ref_efterkontrol.aktuelle.afstandssyn') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('ref_efterkontrol.aktuelle.nattesyn') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Nattesyn: ' .. getValue('ref_efterkontrol.aktuelle.nattesyn') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('ref_efterkontrol.aktuelle.oejengener') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Øjengener: ' .. getValue('ref_efterkontrol.aktuelle.oejengener') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('ref_efterkontrol.aktuelle.tilfredshed') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Tilfredshed: ' .. getValue('ref_efterkontrol.aktuelle.tilfredshed') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('ref_efterkontrol.aktuelle.yderligere_kommentarer') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('ref_efterkontrol.aktuelle.yderligere_kommentarer')
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Aktuelle" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Afstandssyn:"/>
- <combobox name="ref_efterkontrol.aktuelle.afstandssyn" value="">
- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value=""/>
- <item caption="Anvender briller" value="Anvender briller"/>
- <item caption="Intermitterende brillebrug" value="Intermitterende brillebrug"/>
- <item caption="Anvender ikke briller" value="Anvender ikke briller"/>
- </combobox>
- <label caption="Nattesyn:"/>
- <altcombobox name="ref_efterkontrol.aktuelle.nattesyn" value="" layout="vbox">
- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value=""/>
- <item caption="Ingen gener" value="Ingen gener"/>
- <item caption="Lette gener" value="Lette gener"/>
- <item caption="Nogen gener" value="Nogen gener"/>
- <item caption="Mange gener" value="Mange gener"/>
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- <altcombobox name="ref_efterkontrol.aktuelle.oejengener" value="" layout="vbox">
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- <item caption="Mange tørhedsgener" value="Mange tørhedsgener"/>
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- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="ref_efterkontrol.aktuelle.oejengener.andet"/>
- </frame>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
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- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value=""/>
- <item caption="Ikke tilfreds" value="Ikke tilfreds"/>
- <item caption="Nogenlunde tilfreds" value="Nogenlunde tilfreds"/>
- <item caption="Godt tilfreds" value="Godt tilfreds"/>
- <item caption="Meget tilfreds" value="Meget tilfreds"/>
- </combobox>
- <label caption="Øvrige kommentarer:"/>
- <textedit name="ref_efterkontrol.aktuelle.yderligere_kommentarer"/>
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- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer/>
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9382236..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/ref_efterkontrol-informeret_samtykke-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="ref_efterkontrol.informeret_samtykke" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- out = out .. 'Informeret samtykke:\n'
- out = out .. 'Patienten er informeret detaljeret om indgrebet, det forventede resultat samt risici og komplikationer i overensstemmelse med afdelingens retningslinier og giver samtykke til behandling.'
- if ( getValue('ref_efterkontrol.informeret_samtykke.yderligere_kommentarer') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. '\n'
- out = out .. getValue('ref_efterkontrol.informeret_samtykke.yderligere_kommentarer')
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="samtykke">
- if ( getValue('ref_efterkontrol.informeret_samtykke.informeret_samtykke') == 'true' )
- then
- return true
- end
- return false
- </script>
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- <label caption="overensstemmelse med afdelingens retningslinier og giver samtykke til behandling."/>
- <checkbox name="ref_efterkontrol.informeret_samtykke.informeret_samtykke" caption="Godkend ovenstående" truevalue="true" falsevalue="" script="samtykke"/>
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- <label/>
- <label caption="Yderligere kommentarer:"/>
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-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="ref_efterkontrol.konklusion" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- out = out .. 'Konklusion:\n'
- out = out .. getValue('ref_efterkontrol.konklusion.konklusion')
- if ( getValue('ref_efterkontrol.konklusion.konklusion') == 'Behandlingsmålet er ikke nået. Der er indikation for og ønske om rebehandling.' )
- then
- out = out .. ' Der aftales ' .. getValue('ref_efterkontrol.konklusion.rebehandling') .. ' på ' .. getValue('ref_efterkontrol.konklusion.oeje') .. '.'
- end
- if (getValue('ref_efterkontrol.konklusion.yderligere_kommentarer') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. '\n'
- out = out .. getValue('ref_efterkontrol.konklusion.yderligere_kommentarer')
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- </queries>
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- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="konklusion">
- if ( getValue('ref_efterkontrol.konklusion.konklusion') == 'Behandlingsmålet er ikke nået. Der er indikation for og ønske om rebehandling.' )
- then
- enable('ref_efterkontrol.konklusion.rebehandling_frame')
- else
- disable('ref_efterkontrol.konklusion.rebehandling_frame')
- end
- if ( getValue('ref_efterkontrol.konklusion.konklusion') == 'na' )
- then
- return false
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="rebehandling">
- if ( getValue('ref_efterkontrol.konklusion.rebehandling') == 'na' )
- then
- return false
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="samtykke">
- if ( getValue('ref_efterkontrol.konklusion.informeret_samtykke') == 'Patienten er informeret detaljeret om indgrebet, det forventede resultat samt risici og komplikationer i overensstemmelse med afdelingens retningslinier og giver samtykke til behandling.' )
- then
- return true
- end
- return false
- </script>
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- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value="na"/>
- <item caption="Tilfredsstillende resultat. Patienten afsluttes." value="Tilfredsstillende resultat. Patienten afsluttes."/>
- <item caption="Ikke indikation eller mulighed for yderligere behandling. Patienten afsluttes." value="Ikke indikation eller mulighed for yderligere behandling. Patienten afsluttes."/>
- <item caption="Behandlingsmålet er ikke nået. Der er indikation for og ønske om rebehandling. Der aftales: (udfyld herunder)" value="Behandlingsmålet er ikke nået. Der er indikation for og ønske om rebehandling."/>
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- <lineedit name="ref_efterkontrol.konklusion.andet"/>
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- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Der aftales"/>
- <label/>
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- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value="na"/>
- <item caption="reLASIK" value="reLASIK"/>
- <item caption="rePRK" value="rePRK"/>
- <item caption="Topografistyret reLASIK" value="Topografistyret reLASIK"/>
- <item caption="Topografistyret rePRK" value="Topografistyret rePRK"/>
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- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="ref_efterkontrol.konklusion.rebehandling.andet"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Øje:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <combobox name="ref_efterkontrol.konklusion.oeje" value="">
- <item caption="o.dxt" value="o.dxt"/>
- <item caption="o.sin" value="o.sin"/>
- <item caption="Begge øjne" value="begge øjne"/>
- </combobox>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Yderligere kommentarer:"/>
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deleted file mode 100644
index e499779..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/ref_efterkontrol-overskrift-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="ref_efterkontrol.overskrift" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- out = out .. 'Refraktiv kirurgi ' .. getValue('ref_efterkontrol.overskrift.type') .. ' efterkontrol efter ' .. getValue('ref_efterkontrol.overskrift.maaneder')
- if ( getValue('ref_efterkontrol.overskrift.maaneder') == '1' )
- then
- out = out .. ' måned.'
- else
- out = out .. ' måneder.'
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Påbegyndelse af kontrolforløb" layout="vbox">
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- <combobox name="ref_efterkontrol.overskrift.type">
- <item caption="LASIK" value="LASIK"/>
- <item caption="PRK" value="PRK"/>
- <item caption="reLASIK" value="reLASIK"/>
- <item caption="rePRK" value="rePRK"/>
- </combobox>
- <label/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Seneste besøg for"/>
- <lineedit name="ref_efterkontrol.overskrift.maaneder"/>
- <label caption="måneder siden."/>
- <spacer/>
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- <!-- Knapper -->
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deleted file mode 100644
index 5717a7e..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/ref_foerstedagskontol-overskrift-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="ref_foerstedagskontrol.overskrift" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- out = out .. 'Refraktiv kirurgi ' .. getValue('ref_foerstedagskontrol.overskrift.type') .. ' førstedagskontrol.'
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Påbegyndelse af kontrolforløb" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
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- <item caption="LASIK" value="LASIK"/>
- <item caption="PRK" value="PRK"/>
- <item caption="reLASIK" value="reLASIK"/>
- <item caption="rePRK" value="rePRK"/>
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- <!-- Knapper -->
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- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
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index 8847285..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/ref_forunders-informeret_samtykke-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="ref_forunders.informeret_samtykke" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- out = out .. 'Informeret samtykke:\n'
- out = out .. 'Patienten er informeret detaljeret om indgrebet, det forventede resultat samt risici og komplikationer i overensstemmelse med afdelingens retningslinier og giver samtykke til behandling. Patienten er indforstået med at der er risiko for at operationen ikke giver den fulde effekt. Patienten er informeret om at der kan være rest-styrke efter operationen.'
- if ( getValue('ref_forunders.informeret_samtykke.yderligere_kommentarer') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. '\n'
- out = out .. getValue('ref_forunders.informeret_samtykke.yderligere_kommentarer')
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="samtykke">
- if ( getValue('ref_forunders.informeret_samtykke.informeret_samtykke') == 'true' )
- then
- return true
- end
- return false
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Informeret samtykke" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Patienten er informeret detaljeret om indgrebet, det forventede resultat samt risici og komplikationer i"/>
- <label caption="overensstemmelse med afdelingens retningslinier og giver samtykke til behandling. Patienten er "/>
- <label caption="indforstået med at der er risiko for at operationen ikke giver den fulde effekt. Patienten er"/>
- <label caption="informeret om at der kan være rest-styrke efter operationen."/>
- <checkbox name="ref_forunders.informeret_samtykke.informeret_samtykke" caption="Godkend ovenstående" truevalue="true" falsevalue="" script="samtykke"/>
- </frame>
- <label/>
- <label caption="Yderligere kommentarer:"/>
- <lineedit name="ref_forunders.informeret_samtykke.yderligere_kommentarer"/>
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index ba59848..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/ref_forunders-konklusion-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="ref_forunders.konklusion" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- out = out .. 'Konklusion:\n'
- out = out .. getValue('ref_forunders.konklusion.konklusion') .. '. '
- if ( getValue('ref_forunders.konklusion.konklusion') == 'Patienten er kandidat til refraktiv kirurgi' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Det aftales at foretage ' .. getValue('ref_forunders.konklusion.behandling') .. ' på ' .. getValue('ref_forunders.konklusion.oeje') .. '.\n'
- out = out .. 'Behandlingen stiler mod ' .. getValue('ref_forunders.konklusion.maal') .. '. '
- end
- if (getValue('ref_forunders.konklusion.yderligere_kommentarer') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. '\n\n'
- out = out .. getValue('ref_forunders.konklusion.yderligere_kommentarer')
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="konklusion">
- if ( getValue('ref_forunders.konklusion.konklusion') == 'Patienten er kandidat til refraktiv kirurgi' )
- then
- enable('ref_forunders.konklusion.behandling_frame')
- else
- disable('ref_forunders.konklusion.behandling_frame')
- end
- if ( getValue('ref_forunders.konklusion.konklusion') == '' )
- then
- return false
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="behandling">
- if ( getValue('ref_forunders.konklusion.behandling') == 'Ikke udfyldt' )
- then
- return false
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="samtykke">
- if ( getValue('ref_forunders.konklusion.informeret_samtykke') == 'Patienten er informeret om at der vil være rest-nærsynethed efter operationen' )
- then
- return true
- end
- return false
- </script>
- </scripts>
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- <frame layout="vbox">
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- <combobox name="ref_forunders.konklusion.konklusion" value="" script="konklusion">
- <item caption="Patienten er kandidat til refraktiv kirurgi" value="Patienten er kandidat til refraktiv kirurgi"/>
- <item caption="Patienten er ikke kandidat til refraktiv kirurgi" value="Patienten er ikke kandidat til refraktiv kirurgi"/>
- </combobox>
- <frame caption="Aftale" name="ref_forunders.konklusion.behandling_frame" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Der aftales"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <altcombobox name="ref_forunders.konklusion.behandling" value="" layout="vbox" script="behandling">
- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value="Ikke udfyldt"/>
- <item caption="LASIK" value="LASIK"/>
- <item caption="PRK" value="PRK"/>
- <item caption="Topografistyret LASIK" value="Topografistyret LASIK"/>
- <item caption="Topografistyret PRK" value="Topografistyret PRK"/>
- <item caption="LASEK" value="LASEK"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="ref_forunders.konklusion.behandling.andet">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="ref_forunders.konklusion.behandling.andet"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="på"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <combobox name="ref_forunders.konklusion.oeje" value="">
- <item caption="o.dxt" value="o.dxt"/>
- <item caption="o.sin" value="o.sin"/>
- <item caption="Begge øjne" value="begge øjne"/>
- </combobox>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Behandlingen stiler mod"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <altcombobox name="ref_forunders.konklusion.maal" value="" layout="vbox">
- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value="Ikke udfyldt"/>
- <item caption="Emmetropi" value="emmetropi"/>
- <item caption="Størst mulig reduktion af nærsynetheden" value="størst mulig reduktion af nærsynetheden"/>
- <item caption="Let myopi (ca. -1 til -2 D)" value="let myopi (ca. -1 til -2 D)"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="ref_forunders.konklusion.maal.andet">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="ref_forunders.konklusion.maal.andet"/>
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- </altcombobox>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Yderligere kommentarer:"/>
- <lineedit name="ref_forunders.konklusion.yderligere_kommentarer"/>
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- <!-- knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer/>
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deleted file mode 100644
index 6a94bc7..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/ref_komplikationer-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="ref_komplikationer" version="1.0">
- <resume language="pracro">Komplikationer: ${ref.komplikationer}
- </resume>
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
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deleted file mode 100644
index 96352d9..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/ref_kontrol-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="ref_kontrol" version="1.0">
- <resume language="pracro">${ref.kontrol}.
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- <scripts>
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- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
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- <item caption="Egen øjenlæge om 1 uge" value="Kontrol egen øjenlæge om 1 uge"/>
- <item caption="Egen øjenlæge om 1 uge og kontrol her om 3 måneder" value="Kontrol egen øjenlæge om 1 uge og kontrol her om 3 måneder"/>
- <item caption="I ambulatoriet om 1 uge" value="Kontrol i ambulatoriet om 1 uge"/>
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- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="ref.kontrol.andet"/>
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deleted file mode 100644
index c1392dd..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/ref_oejendrypning-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="ref_oejendrypning" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- out = out .. 'Postoperativ behandling med:\n'
- out = out .. getValue('ref.oejendrypning.drypperegime') .. ' ' .. getValue('ref.oejendrypning.ordinering') .. '.\n'
- if ( getValue('ref.oejendrypning.mod_smerter') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('ref.oejendrypning.mod_smerter') .. '.'
- end
- return out
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Øjendrypning" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Drypperegime:"/>
- <label caption="Ordinering:"/>
- <label/>
- <label caption="Mod smerter:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <combobox name="ref.oejendrypning.drypperegime" layout="vbox" value="Kloramfenikol 0,5% og Flurolon 0,1%">
- <item caption="Kloramfenikol 0,5% og Flurolon 0,1%" value="Kloramfenikol 0,5% og Flurolon 0,1%"/>
- <item caption="Ciloxan 0,3% og Flurolon 0,1%" value="Ciloxan 0,3% og Flurolon 0,1%"/>
- </combobox>
- <altcombobox name="ref.oejendrypning.ordinering" layout="vbox" value="Ikke udfyldt">
- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value="Ikke udfyldt"/>
- <item caption="4 gange dagligt i 1 uge, derefter 2 gange dagligt i 1 uge" value="4 gange dagligt i 1 uge, derefter 2 gange dagligt i 1 uge"/>
- <item caption="4 gange dagligt i 2 uger, derefter 2 gange dagligt i 2 uger" value="4 gange dagligt i 2 uger, derefter 2 gange dagligt i 2 uger"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="ref.oejendrypning.ordinering.andet">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="ref.oejendrypning.ordinering.andet"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- <altcombobox name="ref.oejendrypning.mod_smerter" layout="vbox" value="">
- <item caption="Ej relevant" value=""/>
- <item caption="Ibumetin 400 mg pn max x3 i 3 dage og Voltaren 0,1% pn max x4" value="Ibumetin 400 mg pn max x3 i 3 dage og Voltaren 0,1% pn max x4"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="ref.oejendrypning.mod_smerter.andet">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="ref.oejendrypning.mod_smerter.andet"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/ref_subjektivt-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/ref_subjektivt-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index db5116f..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/ref_subjektivt-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="ref_subjektivt" version="1.0">
- <resume language="pracro">Subjektivt:
-Smerter: ${ref.subjektivt.smerter}
-Syn: ${ref.subjektivt.syn}
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Subjektivt" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Smerter:"/>
- <label/>
- <label caption="Syn:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="ref.subjektivt.smerter" layout="vbox" value="Ikke udfyldt">
- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value="Ikke udfyldt"/>
- <item caption="Ingen" value="Ingen"/>
- <item caption="Lette smerter" value="Lette smerter"/>
- <item caption="Mange smerter" value="Mange smerter"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="ref.subjektivt.smerter.andet">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="ref.subjektivt.smerter.andet"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- <altcombobox name="ref.subjektivt.syn" layout="vbox" value="Ikke udfyldt">
- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value="Ikke udfyldt"/>
- <item caption="Bedret" value="Bedret"/>
- <item caption="Uændret" value="Uændret"/>
- <item caption="Forværret" value="Forværret"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="ref.subjektivt.syn.andet">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="ref.subjektivt.syn.andet"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/spaltelampe-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/spaltelampe-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d5edb31..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/spaltelampe-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
- 20081204: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Feltnavnene ændret så de giver mening.
- -->
- 20090108: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Højre/venstre byttet om.
- -->
- 20090402: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- 'missing eye' tilføjet.
- -->
-<macro name="spaltelampe" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.mangler.odxt') == '' or getValue('spaltelampe.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Spl:\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.mangler.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Linsen, højre side: ' .. getValue('spaltelampe.observation.odxt') .. '\n'
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.yderligere.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Supplerende:\n' .. getValue('spaltelampe.yderligere.odxt') .. '\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Linsen, venstre side: ' .. getValue('spaltelampe.observation.osin') .. '\n'
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.yderligere.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Supplerende:\n' .. getValue('spaltelampe.yderligere.osin') .. '\n'
- end
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="missing_eye_osin_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="right_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('right_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('right_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="left_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('left_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('left_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Spaltelampe (B.2.2.6)"
- layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <!-- o.dxt -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.dxt"
- name="spaltelampe.mangler.odxt" script="right_eye"
- map="missing_eye_odxt_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="right_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Linsen:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.observation.odxt" layout="vbox" value="Ingen katarakt">
- <item caption="Ingen katarakt" value="Ingen katarakt"/>
- <item caption="Katarakt grad 1" value="Katarakt grad 1"/>
- <item caption="Katarakt grad 2" value="Katarakt grad 2"/>
- <item caption="Katarakt grad 3" value="Katarakt grad 3"/>
- <item caption="Pseudofaki" value="Pseudofaki"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe_hoejre_andet">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe_hoejre_andet"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <label caption="Supplerende:"/>
- <textedit name="spaltelampe.yderligere.odxt" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- o.sin -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.sin"
- name="spaltelampe.mangler.osin" script="left_eye"
- map="missing_eye_osin_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="left_eye_frame" caption="o.sin" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Linsen:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.observation.osin" layout="vbox" value="Ingen katarakt">
- <item caption="Ingen katarakt" value="Ingen katarakt"/>
- <item caption="Katarakt grad 1" value="Katarakt grad 1"/>
- <item caption="Katarakt grad 2" value="Katarakt grad 2"/>
- <item caption="Katarakt grad 3" value="Katarakt grad 3"/>
- <item caption="Pseudofaki" value="Pseudofaki"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe_venstre_andet">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe_venstre_andet"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <label caption="Supplerende:"/>
- <textedit name="spaltelampe.yderligere.osin" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer/>
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/spaltelampe-template-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/spaltelampe-template-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a983226..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/spaltelampe-template-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,663 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="spaltelampe-template" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.mangler.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Spaltelampe, o.dxt:\n'
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.konjuktiva.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Konjuktiva: ' .. getValue('spaltelampe.konjuktiva.odxt') .. '\n'
- end
- out = out .. 'Cornea:\n'
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.intakt.odxt') ~= '' or getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.central_epiteldefekt.odxt') ~= '' or getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.toerhedsforandringer.odxt') ~= '' or getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.andet.odxt') ~= '')
- then
- out = out .. ' Epitel: '
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.intakt.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.intakt.odxt')
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.central_epiteldefekt.odxt') ~= '' or getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.toerhedsforandringer.odxt') ~= '' or getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.andet.odxt') ~= '')
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- else
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.central_epiteldefekt.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.central_epiteldefekt.odxt')
- if (getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.toerhedsforandringer.odxt') ~= '' or getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.andet.odxt') ~= '')
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- else
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.toerhedsforandringer.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.toerhedsforandringer.odxt')
- if (getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.andet.odxt') ~= '')
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- else
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.andet.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.andet.odxt') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.stroma.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ' Stroma: ' .. getValue('spaltelampe.stroma.odxt') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.flap.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ' Flap: ' .. getValue('spaltelampe.flap.odxt') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.folder.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ' Folder: ' .. getValue('spaltelampe.folder.odxt') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.interface.partikler.odxt') ~= '' or getValue('spaltelampe.interface.epitelindvaekst.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ' Interface: '
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.interface.partikler.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('spaltelampe.interface.partikler.odxt')
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.interface.epitelindvaekst.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.interface.epitelindvaekst.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('spaltelampe.interface.epitelindvaekst.odxt') .. '\n'
- else
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.endothel.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ' Endothel: ' .. getValue('spaltelampe.endothel.odxt') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.lens.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Lens: ' .. getValue('spaltelampe.lens.odxt') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.supplerende.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('spaltelampe.supplerende.odxt') .. '\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.mangler.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- out = out .. 'Spaltelampe, o.sin:\n'
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.konjuktiva.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Konjuktiva: ' .. getValue('spaltelampe.konjuktiva.osin') .. '\n'
- end
- out = out .. 'Cornea:\n'
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.intakt.osin') ~= '' or getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.central_epiteldefekt.osin') ~= '' or getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.toerhedsforandringer.osin') ~= '' or getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.andet.osin') ~= '')
- then
- out = out .. ' Epitel: '
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.intakt.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.intakt.osin')
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.central_epiteldefekt.osin') ~= '' or getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.toerhedsforandringer.osin') ~= '' or getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.andet.osin') ~= '')
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- else
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.central_epiteldefekt.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.central_epiteldefekt.osin')
- if (getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.toerhedsforandringer.osin') ~= '' or getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.andet.osin') ~= '')
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- else
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.toerhedsforandringer.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.toerhedsforandringer.osin')
- if (getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.andet.osin') ~= '')
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- else
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.andet.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.andet.osin') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ' Epitel: ' .. getValue('spaltelampe.epitel.osin') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.stroma.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ' Stroma: ' .. getValue('spaltelampe.stroma.osin') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.flap.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ' Flap: ' .. getValue('spaltelampe.flap.osin') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.folder.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ' Folder: ' .. getValue('spaltelampe.folder.osin') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.interface.partikler.osin') ~= '' or getValue('spaltelampe.interface.epitelindvaekst.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ' Interface: '
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.interface.partikler.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('spaltelampe.interface.partikler.osin')
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.interface.epitelindvaekst.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.interface.epitelindvaekst.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('spaltelampe.interface.epitelindvaekst.osin') .. '\n'
- else
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.endothel.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ' Endothel: ' .. getValue('spaltelampe.endothel.osin') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.lens.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Lens: ' .. getValue('spaltelampe.lens.osin') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('spaltelampe.supplerende.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('spaltelampe.supplerende.osin') .. '\n'
- end
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="missing_eye_osin_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="right_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('right_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('right_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="left_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('left_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('left_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Spaltelampe"
- layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <!-- o.dxt -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.dxt"
- name="spaltelampe.mangler.odxt" script="right_eye"
- map="missing_eye_odxt_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="right_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Konjuktiva:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.konjuktiva.odxt" layout="vbox" value="Bleg">
- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value=""/>
- <item caption="Bleg" value="Bleg"/>
- <item caption="Injiceret" value="Injiceret"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.konjuktiva.andet.odxt">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.konjuktiva.andet.odxt"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox" caption="Cornea:">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Epitel:"/>
- <label/>
- <label/>
- <label/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox name="spaltelampe.epitel.intakt.odxt" caption="Intakt" falsevalue="" truevalue="Intakt"/>
- <checkbox name="spaltelampe.epitel.central_epiteldefekt.odxt" caption="Central epiteldefekt" falsevalue="" truevalue="Central epiteldefekt"/>
- <checkbox name="spaltelampe.epitel.toerhedsforandringer.odxt" caption="Tørhedsforandringer" falsevalue="" truevalue="Tørhedsforandringer"/>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.epitel.andet.odxt"/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Stroma:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.stroma.odxt" layout="vbox" value="Klart">
- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value=""/>
- <item caption="Klart" value="Klart"/>
- <item caption="Karindvækst" value="Karindvækst"/>
- <item caption="Makulering" value="Makulering"/>
- <item caption="MD-folder" value="MD-folder"/>
- <item caption="Spor af haze - grad 0,5" value="Spor af haze - grad 0,5"/>
- <item caption="Let haze - grad 1" value="Let haze - grad 1"/>
- <item caption="Nogen haze - grad 2" value="Nogen haze - grad 2"/>
- <item caption="Udtalt haze - grad 3" value="Udtalt haze - grad 3"/>
- <item caption="Massiv haze - grad 4" value="Massiv haze - grad 4"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.stroma.andet.odxt">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.stroma.andet.odxt"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Flap:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.flap.odxt" layout="vbox" value="">
- <item caption="Ej relevant" value=""/>
- <item caption="Velplaceret" value="Velplaceret"/>
- <item caption="Dislokeret" value="Dislokeret"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.flap.andet.odxt">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.flap.andet.odxt"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Folder:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.folder.odxt" layout="vbox" value="">
- <item caption="Ej relevant" value=""/>
- <item caption="Ingen" value="Ingen"/>
- <item caption="Mikrofolder" value="Mikrofolder"/>
- <item caption="Lette folder" value="Lette folder"/>
- <item caption="Udtalte folder" value="Udtalte folder"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.folder.andet.odxt">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.folder.andet.odxt"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox" caption="Interface:">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Partikler:"/>
- <label/>
- <label caption="Epitelindvækst:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.interface.partikler.odxt" layout="vbox" value="">
- <item caption="Ej relevant" value=""/>
- <item caption="Ingen partikler eller debris" value="Ingen partikler eller debris"/>
- <item caption="Enkelte partikler" value="Enkelte partikler"/>
- <item caption="Nogen partikler" value="Nogen partikler"/>
- <item caption="Udtalte partikler" value="Udtalte partikler"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.interface.partikler.andet.odxt">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.interface.partikler.andet.odxt"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.interface.epitelindvaekst.odxt" layout="vbox" value="">
- <item caption="Ej relevant" value=""/>
- <item caption="Ingen epitelindvækst" value="Ingen epitelindvækst"/>
- <item caption="Diskret epitelindvækst" value="Diskret epitelindvækst"/>
- <item caption="Let epitelindvækst" value="Let epitelindvækst"/>
- <item caption="Betydende epitelindvækst" value="Betydende epitelindvækst"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.interface.epitelindvaekst.andet.odxt">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.interface.epitelindvaekst.andet.odxt"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Endothel:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.endothel.odxt" layout="vbox" value="Upåfaldende">
- <item caption="Upåfaldende" value="Upåfaldende"/>
- <item caption="Guttatae" value="Guttatae"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.endothel.andet.odxt">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.endothel.andet.odxt"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Lens:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.lens.odxt" layout="vbox" value="Klar">
- <item caption="Klar" value="Klar"/>
- <item caption="Katarakt-1" value="Katarakt-1"/>
- <item caption="Katarakt-2" value="Katarakt-2"/>
- <item caption="Katarakt-3" value="Katarakt-3"/>
- <item caption="Katarakt-4" value="Katarakt-4"/>
- <item caption="Pseudofak" value="Pseudofak"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.lens.andet.odxt">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.lens.andet.odxt"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Supplerende:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.supplerende.odxt"/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- o.sin -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.sin"
- name="spaltelampe.mangler.osin" script="left_eye"
- map="missing_eye_osin_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="left_eye_frame" caption="o.sin" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Konjuktiva:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.konjuktiva.osin" layout="vbox" value="Bleg">
- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value=""/>
- <item caption="Bleg" value="Bleg"/>
- <item caption="Injiceret" value="Injiceret"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.konjuktiva.andet.osin">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.konjuktiva.andet.osin"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox" caption="Cornea:">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Epitel:"/>
- <label/>
- <label/>
- <label/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox name="spaltelampe.epitel.intakt.osin" caption="Intakt" falsevalue="" truevalue="Intakt"/>
- <checkbox name="spaltelampe.epitel.central_epiteldefekt.osin" caption="Central epiteldefekt" falsevalue="" truevalue="Central epiteldefekt"/>
- <checkbox name="spaltelampe.epitel.toerhedsforandringer.osin" caption="Tørhedsforandringer" falsevalue="" truevalue="Tørhedsforandringer"/>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.epitel.andet.osin"/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Stroma:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.stroma.osin" layout="vbox" value="Klart">
- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value=""/>
- <item caption="Klart" value="Klart"/>
- <item caption="Karindvækst" value="Karindvækst"/>
- <item caption="Makulering" value="Makulering"/>
- <item caption="MD-folder" value="MD-folder"/>
- <item caption="Spor af haze - grad 0,5" value="Spor af haze - grad 0,5"/>
- <item caption="Let haze - grad 1" value="Let haze - grad 1"/>
- <item caption="Nogen haze - grad 2" value="Nogen haze - grad 2"/>
- <item caption="Udtalt haze - grad 3" value="Udtalt haze - grad 3"/>
- <item caption="Massiv haze - grad 4" value="Massiv haze - grad 4"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.stroma.andet.osin">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.stroma.andet.osin"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Flap:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.flap.osin" layout="vbox" value="">
- <item caption="Ej relevant" value=""/>
- <item caption="Velplaceret" value="Velplaceret"/>
- <item caption="Dislokeret" value="Dislokeret"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.flap.andet.osin">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.flap.andet.osin"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Folder:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.folder.osin" layout="vbox" value="">
- <item caption="Ej relevant" value=""/>
- <item caption="Ingen" value="Ingen"/>
- <item caption="Mikrofolder" value="Mikrofolder"/>
- <item caption="Lette folder" value="Lette folder"/>
- <item caption="Udtalte folder" value="Udtalte folder"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.folder.andet.osin">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.folder.andet.osin"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox" caption="Interface:">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Partikler:"/>
- <label/>
- <label caption="Epitelindvækst:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.partikler.osin" layout="vbox" value="">
- <item caption="Ej relevant" value=""/>
- <item caption="Ingen partikler eller debris" value="Ingen partikler eller debris"/>
- <item caption="Enkelte partikler" value="Enkelte partikler"/>
- <item caption="Nogen partikler" value="Nogen partikler"/>
- <item caption="Udtalte partikler" value="Udtalte partikler"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.partikler.andet.osin">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.partikler.andet.osin"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.epitelindvaekst.osin" layout="vbox" value="">
- <item caption="Ej relevant" value=""/>
- <item caption="Ingen epitelindvækst" value="Ingen epitelindvækst"/>
- <item caption="Diskret epitelindvækst" value="Diskret epitelindvækst"/>
- <item caption="Let epitelindvækst" value="Let epitelindvækst"/>
- <item caption="Betydende epitelindvækst" value="Betydende epitelindvækst"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.epitelindvaekst.andet.osin">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.epitelindvaekst.andet.osin"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Endothel:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.endothel.osin" layout="vbox" value="Upåfaldende">
- <item caption="Upåfaldende" value="Upåfaldende"/>
- <item caption="Guttatae" value="Guttatae"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.endothel.andet.osin">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.endothel.andet.osin"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Lens:"/>
- <label/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="spaltelampe.lens.osin" layout="vbox" value="Klar">
- <item caption="Klar" value="Klar"/>
- <item caption="Katarakt-1" value="Katarakt-1"/>
- <item caption="Katarakt-2" value="Katarakt-2"/>
- <item caption="Katarakt-3" value="Katarakt-3"/>
- <item caption="Katarakt-4" value="Katarakt-4"/>
- <item caption="Pseudofak" value="Pseudofak"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" layout="hbox" innerwidget="spaltelampe.lens.andet.osin">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.lens.andet.osin"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Supplerende:"/>
- <lineedit name="spaltelampe.supplerende.osin"/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer/>
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
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diff --git a/server/xml/macros/subjektiv_evaluering-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/subjektiv_evaluering-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c1b50e..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/subjektiv_evaluering-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="subjektiv_evaluering" version="1.0">
- <resume>Subjektivt er symptomerne ${amd.subjektiv_evaluering}.</resume>
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Subjektiv evaluering (B.1.4)"
- layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Subjektivt er symptomerne:"/>
- <combobox name="amd.subjektiv_evaluering" value="">
- <item caption="Bedret" value="bedret"/>
- <item caption="Uændret" value="uændret"/>
- <item caption="Forværret" value="forværret"/>
- </combobox>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/supplerende-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/supplerende-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c6b2b1..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/supplerende-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="supplerende" version="1.0">
- <resume language="pracro">${supplerende}</resume>
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Supplerende bemærkninger" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Supplerende bemærkninger:"/>
- <lineedit name="supplerende"/>
- </frame>
- <!-- knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer/>
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/tao_aktuelle-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/tao_aktuelle-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ecd8ce..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/tao_aktuelle-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="tao_aktuelle" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose') ~= 'ikke diagnosticeret' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Thyreotoxicose siden ' ..'%b %Y', tonumber(getValue('tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.dato'))) .. '. '
- out = out .. 'På ' .. getValue('tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.oeje') .. ' er der '
- if ( getValue('tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.roedme') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.roedme')
- if ( getValue('tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.kloee') ~= '' or getValue('tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.dobbeltsyn') ~= '' or getValue('tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.smerter') ~= '' or getValue('tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.symptom_andet') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.kloee') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.kloee')
- if ( getValue('tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.dobbeltsyn') ~= '' or getValue('tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.smerter') ~= '' or getValue('tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.symptom_andet') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.dobbeltsyn') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.dobbeltsyn')
- if ( getValue('tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.smerter') ~= '' or getValue('tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.symptom_andet') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.smerter') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.smerter')
- if ( getValue('tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.symptom_andet') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.symptom_andet') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.symptom_andet')
- end
- out = out .. '.\n'
- out = out .. 'Symptomerne er opstået ' .. getValue('tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.opstaaet') .. ' og er efterfølgende ' .. getValue('tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.efterfoelgende') .. '.'
- else
- out = out .. 'Thyreotoxicose ikke diagnosticeret.'
- end
- return out
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="now">
- -- Set date to now if no other data available within last 24 hours.
- return os.time(), os.time() - 24*60*60, 'pracro'
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="thyreotoxicose">
- if (value == 'siden dato')
- then
- enable('thyreotoxicose.symptomer')
- enable('thyreotoxicose.dato')
- else
- disable('thyreotoxicose.symptomer')
- disable('thyreotoxicose.dato')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="TAO Aktuelle" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Thyreotoxicose"/>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <combobox name="tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose" layout="vbox" script="thyreotoxicose" value="ikke diagnosticeret">
- <item caption="ikke diagnosticeret" value="ikke diagnosticeret"/>
- <item caption="siden dato (anfør herunder)" value="siden dato"/>
- </combobox>
- <frame layout="hbox" name="thyreotoxicose.dato">
- <label caption="Dato:"/>
- <datetime name="tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.dato" fuzziness="2" map="now" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox" name="thyreotoxicose.symptomer" caption="Symptomer">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="På"/>
- <spacer/>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <combobox name="tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.oeje" layout="vbox">
- <item caption="højre øje" value="højre øje"/>
- <item caption="venstre øje" value="venstre øje"/>
- <item caption="begge øjne" value="begge øjne"/>
- </combobox>
- <spacer/>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="er der"/>
- <spacer/>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Rødme" name="tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.roedme" truevalue="rødme" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <checkbox caption="Kløe" name="tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.kloee" truevalue="kløe" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <checkbox caption="Dobbeltsyn" name="tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.dobbeltsyn" truevalue="dobbeltsyn" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <checkbox caption="Smerter" name="tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.smerter" truevalue="smerter" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Andet(kommasepareret):"/>
- <lineedit name="tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.symptom_andet" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Symptomerne er opstået"/>
- <combobox name="tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.opstaaet" layout="vbox">
- <item caption="pludseligt" value="pludseligt"/>
- <item caption="gradvist" value="gradvist"/>
- </combobox>
- <label caption="og er efterfølgende"/>
- <combobox name="tao_aktuelle.thyreotoxicose.efterfoelgende" layout="vbox">
- <item caption="forværret" value="forværret"/>
- <item caption="uændrede" value="uændrede"/>
- <item caption="forbedret" value="forbedret"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer/>
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/tao_computerstyret_perimetri-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/tao_computerstyret_perimetri-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ccabc6..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/tao_computerstyret_perimetri-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="tao_computerstyret_perimetri" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('tao_computerstyret_perimetri.odxt.mangler') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Computerstyret perimetri o.dxt viser ' .. getValue('tao_computerstyret_perimetri.odxt') .. '.\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('tao_computerstyret_perimetri.osin.mangler') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Computerstyret perimetri o.sin viser ' .. getValue('tao_computerstyret_perimetri.osin') .. '.\n'
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="missing_eye_osin_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="right_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('right_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('right_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="left_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('left_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('left_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="TAO computerstyret perimetri" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <!-- o.dxt -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.dxt"
- name="tao_computerstyret_perimetri.odxt.mangler" script="right_eye"
- map="missing_eye_odxt_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="right_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Computerstyret perimetri:"/>
- <combobox name="tao_computerstyret_perimetri.odxt" value="">
- <item caption="Normale forhold" value="normale forhold"/>
- <item caption="Bedring i synsfeltdefekterne" value="bedring i synsfeltdefekterne"/>
- <item caption="Uændrede synsfeltdefekter" value="uændrede synsfeltdefekter"/>
- <item caption="Forværring af synsfeltet" value="forværring af synsfeltet"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- o.sin -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.dxt"
- name="tao_computerstyret_perimetri.osin.mangler" script="left_eye"
- map="missing_eye_osin_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="left_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Computerstyret perimetri:"/>
- <combobox name="tao_computerstyret_perimetri.osin" value="">
- <item caption="Normale forhold" value="normale forhold"/>
- <item caption="Bedring i synsfeltdefekterne" value="bedring i synsfeltdefekterne"/>
- <item caption="Uændrede synsfeltdefekter" value="uændrede synsfeltdefekter"/>
- <item caption="Forværring af synsfeltet" value="forværring af synsfeltet"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/tao_konklusion-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/tao_konklusion-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index cc5f6a8..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/tao_konklusion-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="tao_konklusion" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- out = out .. 'TAO konklusion:\n'
- if( getValue('tao_konklusion.kommentarer') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('tao_konklusion.kommentarer')
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- out = out .. 'Ny kontrol om ' .. getValue('tao_konklusion.kontrol')
- if( getValue('tao_konklusion.kontrol') == '½' or getValue('tao_konklusion.kontrol') == '1' or getValue('tao_konklusion.kontrol') == '1½' or getValue('tao_konklusion.kontrol') == '2½' or getValue('tao_konklusion.kontrol') == '3½' or getValue('tao_konklusion.kontrol') == '4½' or getValue('tao_konklusion.kontrol') == '5½' or getValue('tao_konklusion.kontrol') == '6½' or getValue('tao_konklusion.kontrol') == '7½' or getValue('tao_konklusion.kontrol') == '8½' or getValue('tao_konklusion.kontrol') == '9½' or getValue('tao_konklusion.kontrol') == '10½' or getValue('tao_konklusion.kontrol') == '11½' )
- then
- out = out .. ' måned.\n'
- else
- out = out .. ' måneder.\n'
- end
- out = out .. 'Medicinordination: ' .. getValue('tao_konklusion.ordination') .. '\n'
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="TAO konklusion" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Kommentarer:"/>
- <textedit name="tao_konklusion.kommentarer"/>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Ny kontrol om"/>
- <combobox name="tao_konklusion.kontrol" value="">
- <item caption="½" value="½"/>
- <item caption="1" value="1"/>
- <item caption="1½" value="1½"/>
- <item caption="2" value="2"/>
- <item caption="2½" value="2½"/>
- <item caption="3" value="3"/>
- <item caption="3½" value="3½"/>
- <item caption="4" value="4"/>
- <item caption="4½" value="4½"/>
- <item caption="5" value="5"/>
- <item caption="5½" value="5½"/>
- <item caption="6" value="6"/>
- <item caption="6½" value="6½"/>
- <item caption="7" value="7"/>
- <item caption="7½" value="7½"/>
- <item caption="8" value="8"/>
- <item caption="8½" value="8½"/>
- <item caption="9" value="9"/>
- <item caption="9½" value="9½"/>
- <item caption="10" value="10"/>
- <item caption="10½" value="10½"/>
- <item caption="11" value="11"/>
- <item caption="11½" value="11½"/>
- <item caption="12" value="12"/>
- </combobox>
- <label caption="måned(er)"/>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Medicinordination:"/>
- <combobox name="tao_konklusion.ordination" value="Viskøse øjendråber p.n.">
- <item caption="Ingen" value="Ingen"/>
- <item caption="Viskøse øjendråber p.n." value="Viskøse øjendråber p.n."/>
- </combobox>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/tao_oftalmoskopi-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/tao_oftalmoskopi-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 83eb29c..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/tao_oftalmoskopi-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="tao_oftalmoskopi" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('tao_oftalmoskopi.odxt.mangler') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Oftalmoskopi o.dxt viser ' .. getValue('tao_oftalmoskopi.odxt') .. '.\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('tao_oftalmoskopi.osin.mangler') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Oftalmoskopi o.sin viser ' .. getValue('tao_oftalmoskopi.osin') .. '.\n'
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="missing_eye_osin_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="right_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('right_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('right_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="left_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('left_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('left_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="TAO oftalmoskopi" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <!-- o.dxt -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.dxt"
- name="tao_oftalmoskopi.odxt.mangler" script="right_eye"
- map="missing_eye_odxt_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="right_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Oftalmoskopi viser:"/>
- <combobox name="tao_oftalmoskopi.odxt" value="">
- <item caption="Normale forhold" value="normale forhold"/>
- <item caption="Papilatrofi" value="papilatrofi"/>
- <item caption="Papilødem" value="papilødem"/>
- <item caption="Choroidale forhold" value="choroidale forhold"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- o.sin -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.sin"
- name="tao_oftalmoskopi.osin.mangler" script="left_eye"
- map="missing_eye_osin_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="left_eye_frame" caption="o.sin" layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Oftalmoskopi viser:"/>
- <combobox name="tao_oftalmoskopi.osin" value="">
- <item caption="Normale forhold" value="normale forhold"/>
- <item caption="Papilatrofi" value="papilatrofi"/>
- <item caption="Papilødem" value="papilødem"/>
- <item caption="Choroidale forhold" value="choroidale forhold"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/tao_spaltelampe-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/tao_spaltelampe-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 269bdf9..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/tao_spaltelampe-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="tao_spaltelampe" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('tao_spaltelampe.odxt.mangler') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Spaltelampe o.dxt:\n'
- out = out .. 'Conjunktival injektion: ' .. getValue('tao_spaltelampe.odxt.injektion') .. '\n'
- out = out .. 'Chemosis: ' .. getValue('tao_spaltelampe.odxt.chemosis') .. '\n'
- out = out .. 'Corneapåvirkning efter fluoresceinfarvning viser ' .. getValue('tao_spaltelampe.odxt.paavirkning') .. '.\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('tao_spaltelampe.osin.mangler') == '' )
- then
- if ( getValue('tao_spaltelampe.odxt.mangler') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- out = out .. 'Spaltelampe o.sin:\n'
- out = out .. 'Conjunktival injektion: ' .. getValue('tao_spaltelampe.osin.injektion') .. '\n'
- out = out .. 'Chemosis: ' .. getValue('tao_spaltelampe.osin.chemosis') .. '\n'
- out = out .. 'Corneapåvirkning efter fluoresceinfarvning viser ' .. getValue('tao_spaltelampe.osin.paavirkning') .. '.\n'
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="missing_eye_osin_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="right_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('right_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('right_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="left_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('left_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('left_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="TAO Spaltelampe" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <!-- o.dxt -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.dxt"
- name="tao_spaltelampe.odxt.mangler" script="right_eye"
- map="missing_eye_odxt_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="right_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Conjuktival injektion:"/>
- <combobox name="tao_spaltelampe.odxt.injektion" value="">
- <item caption="Ingen" value="Ingen"/>
- <item caption="Let" value="Let"/>
- <item caption="Moderat" value="Moderat"/>
- <item caption="Hård" value="Hård"/>
- </combobox>
- <label caption="Chemosis:"/>
- <combobox name="tao_spaltelampe.odxt.chemosis" value="">
- <item caption="Ingen" value="Ingen"/>
- <item caption="Let" value="Let"/>
- <item caption="Moderat" value="Moderat"/>
- <item caption="Hård" value="Hård"/>
- </combobox>
- <label caption="Corneapåvirkning efter fluoresceinfarvning viser:"/>
- <combobox name="tao_spaltelampe.odxt.paavirkning" value="">
- <item caption="Punktate forandringer" value="punktate forandringer"/>
- <item caption="Epiteldefekter" value="epiteldefekter"/>
- <item caption="Ulcerationer" value="ulcerationer"/>
- <item caption="Kraftig" value="kraftig"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- o.sin -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.sin"
- name="tao_spaltelampe.osin.mangler" script="left_eye"
- map="missing_eye_osin_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="left_eye_frame" caption="o.sin" layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Conjuktival injektion:"/>
- <combobox name="tao_spaltelampe.osin.injektion" value="">
- <item caption="Ingen" value="Ingen"/>
- <item caption="Let" value="Let"/>
- <item caption="Moderat" value="Moderat"/>
- <item caption="Hård" value="Hård"/>
- </combobox>
- <label caption="Chemosis:"/>
- <combobox name="tao_spaltelampe.osin.chemosis" value="">
- <item caption="Ingen" value="Ingen"/>
- <item caption="Let" value="Let"/>
- <item caption="Moderat" value="Moderat"/>
- <item caption="Hård" value="Hård"/>
- </combobox>
- <label caption="Corneapåvirkning efter fluoresceinfarvning viser:"/>
- <combobox name="tao_spaltelampe.osin.paavirkning" value="">
- <item caption="Punktate forandringer" value="punktate forandringer"/>
- <item caption="Epiteldefekter" value="epiteldefekter"/>
- <item caption="Ulcerationer" value="ulcerationer"/>
- <item caption="Kraftig" value="kraftig"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/tidligere_alment-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/tidligere_alment-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 02f64c4..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/tidligere_alment-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
- 20081202: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Feltnavnene ændret så de giver mening.
- -->
- 20090108: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Alt tekst ændret.
- -->
-<macro name="tidligere_alment" version="1.0">
- <resume>Tidligere alment:
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Tidligere alment (B.1.3)"
- layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="tidligere_almene_sygdomme" layout="vbox" value="Intet relevant">
- <item caption="Intet relevant" value="Intet relevant"/>
- <altitem caption="Anfør detaljer" value="detaljer" innerwidget="detaljer" layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Udfyld detaljer:"/>
- <textedit name="detaljer" help="Anfør tidligere almene sygdomme, som skønnes at have relevans for aktuelle."/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/tidligere_oejensygdomme-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/tidligere_oejensygdomme-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 133a567..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/tidligere_oejensygdomme-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
- 20081203: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Feltnavnene ændret så de giver mening.
- -->
- 20090108: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- 'Alternativ' tekst ændret.
- -->
- 20090103: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Tilføjede "manglende øje" felter.
- -->
-<macro name="tidligere_oejensygdomme" version="1.0">
- <resume>Tidligere øjensygdomme:
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Tidligere øjensygdomme (B.2.1.2)"
- layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="tidligere_oejensygdomme" value="Ingen relevante" layout="vbox">
- <item caption="Ingen relevante" value="Ingen relevante"/>
- <altitem caption="Anfør detaljer" value="detaljer" innerwidget="detaljer" layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Udfyld detaljer:"/>
- <textedit name="detaljer" help="Anfør tidligere øjensygdomme, som har relevans for aktuelle."/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- <frame layout="hbox" caption="Specifikt for det videre forløb">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <checkbox caption="Intet højre øje"
- name="missing_eye_odxt"
- truevalue="Intet højre øje" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <checkbox caption="Intet venstre øje"
- name="missing_eye_osin"
- truevalue="Intet venstre øje" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer/>
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/tobaksrygning-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/tobaksrygning-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 83c01e7..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/tobaksrygning-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
- 20081202: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Feltnavnene ændret så de giver mening.
- -->
-<macro name="tobaksrygning" version="1.0">
- <resume>Tobaksrygning:
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Tobaksrygning (B.2.1.1)"
- layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="tobak.forbrug" value="Har aldrig røget" layout="vbox"
- help="En enhed kan være cigaret, cerut, cigar, pibestop eller tilsvarende.">
- <item caption="Har aldrig røget" value="Har aldrig røget"/>
- <item caption="Har røget tidligere" value="Har røget tidligere"/>
- <item caption="1-5 enheder dgl" value="1-5 enheder dgl"/>
- <item caption="5-20 enheder dgl" value="5-20 enheder dgl"/>
- <item caption="> 20 enheder dgl" value="> 20 enheder dgl"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" innerwidget="tobak_andet">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="tobak_andet"/>
- </frame>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer/>
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/tonometri-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/tonometri-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 10e7bc2..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/tonometri-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="tonometri" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('tonometri.mangler.odxt') == '' or getValue('tonometri.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('tonometri.metode') .. ':\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('tonometri.mangler.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'o.dxt: ' .. getValue('tonometri.tryk.odxt') .. ' mmHg\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('tonometri.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'o.sin: ' .. getValue('tonometri.tryk.osin') .. ' mmHg\n'
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="missing_eye_osin_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="lt80gt0">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return false
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= 0 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 80)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="right_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('right_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('right_eye_frame')
- end
- if( getValue('tonometri.mangler.odxt') == 'mangler' and getValue('tonometri.mangler.osin') == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('device_frame')
- else
- enable('device_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="left_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('left_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('left_eye_frame')
- end
- if( getValue('tonometri.mangler.odxt') == 'mangler' and getValue('tonometri.mangler.osin') == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('device_frame')
- else
- enable('device_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Tonometri"
- layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <!-- o.dxt -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.dxt"
- name="tonometri.mangler.odxt" script="right_eye"
- map="missing_eye_odxt_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="right_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Tryk:"/>
- <spacer/>
- <lineedit name="tonometri.tryk.odxt" regexp="\d{1,2}" script="lt80gt0" value=""/>
- <label caption="mmHg"/>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- o.sin -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.sin"
- name="tonometri.mangler.osin" script="left_eye"
- map="missing_eye_osin_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="left_eye_frame" caption="o.sin" layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Tryk:"/>
- <spacer/>
- <lineedit name="tonometri.tryk.osin" regexp="\d{1,2}" script="lt80gt0" value=""/>
- <label caption="mmHg"/>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame name="device_frame" layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Tonometri foretaget med:"/>
- <combobox name="tonometri.metode" value="">
- <item caption="Lufttonometri" value="Lufttonometri"/>
- <item caption="Applanationstonometri" value="Applanationstonometri"/>
- <item caption="Eye Care tonometri" value="Eye Care tonometri"/>
- <item caption="Autotonometri" value="Autotonometri"/>
- <item caption="Palpatorisk teknik" value="Palpatorisk teknik"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/topografi-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/topografi-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index fea95a2..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/topografi-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="topografi" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('topografi.mangler.odxt') == '' or getValue('topografi.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Topografi, ' .. getValue('topografi.metode') .. ':\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('topografi.mangler.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'o.dxt: ' .. getValue('topografi.bedoemmelse.odxt') .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('topografi.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'o.sin: ' .. getValue('topografi.bedoemmelse.osin') .. '\n'
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="missing_eye_osin_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = 'pracro'
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="right_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('right_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('right_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="left_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('left_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('left_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Topografi"
- layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Metode:"/>
- <altcombobox name="topografi.metode" value="Pentacam" layout="vbox">
- <item caption="Pentacam" value="Pentacam"/>
- <item caption="Atlas" value="Atlas"/>
- <item caption="Atlas og Pentacam" value="Atlas og Pentacam"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" innerwidget="topografi_andet">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="topografi_andet"/>
- </frame>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <!-- o.dxt -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.dxt"
- name="topografi.mangler.odxt" script="right_eye"
- map="missing_eye_odxt_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="right_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="topografi.bedoemmelse.odxt" layout="vbox">
- <item caption="Symmetrisk cornea" value="Symmetrisk cornea"/>
- <item caption="Regelmæssig astigmatisme" value="Regelmæssig astigmatisme"/>
- <item caption="Uregelmæssig astigmatisme" value="Uregelmæssig astigmatisme"/>
- <item caption="Keratoconus" value="Keratoconus"/>
- <item caption="Centreret ablationer" value="Centreret ablationer"/>
- <item caption="Decentreret ablationer" value="Decentreret ablationer"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" innerwidget="topografi.andet.odxt">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="topografi.andet.odxt"/>
- </frame>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- o.sin -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.sin"
- name="topografi.mangler.osin" script="left_eye"
- map="missing_eye_osin_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="left_eye_frame" caption="o.sin" layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <altcombobox name="topografi.bedoemmelse.osin" layout="vbox">
- <item caption="Symmetrisk cornea" value="Symmetrisk cornea"/>
- <item caption="Regelmæssig astigmatisme" value="Regelmæssig astigmatisme"/>
- <item caption="Uregelmæssig astigmatisme" value="Uregelmæssig astigmatisme"/>
- <item caption="Keratoconus" value="Keratoconus"/>
- <item caption="Centreret ablationer" value="Centreret ablationer"/>
- <item caption="Decentreret ablationer" value="Decentreret ablationer"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" innerwidget="topografi.andet.osin">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="topografi.andet.osin"/>
- </frame>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer/>
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/visus-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/visus-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9319005..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/visus-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,563 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
- 20081203: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Feltnavnene ændret så de giver mening.
- 20090108: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Højre/venstre byttet om.
- 20090202: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- 'missing eye' tilføjet.
- 20090427: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Refraktions korrektion tilføjet.
- 20090526: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- 0 ETDRS værdi tilføjet.
- -->
-<macro name="visus" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('snellen.mangler.odxt') == '' or getValue('snellen.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Objektivt:\n'
- if ( getValue('snellen.mangler.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Visus o.dxt. ' .. getValue('snellen.odxt') .. '\n'
- out = out .. 'ETDRS o.dxt. ' .. getValue('etdrs.odxt') .. '\n'
- if ( getValue('snellen.korr.basis.odxt') ~= 'Ingen' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Korr.: ' .. getValue('snellen.korr.basis.odxt') .. ' add '
- else
- out = out .. 'Korr.: add '
- end
- out = out .. getValue('snellen.korr.sf.odxt') .. ' sf, '
- .. getValue('snellen.korr.cyl.odxt') .. '.sf '
- .. getValue('snellen.korr.grader.odxt') .. ' grader.\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('snellen.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Visus o.sin. ' .. getValue('snellen.osin') .. '\n'
- out = out .. 'ETDRS o.sin. ' .. getValue('etdrs.osin') .. '\n'
- if ( getValue('snellen.korr.basis.osin') ~= 'Ingen' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Korr.: ' .. getValue('snellen.korr.basis.osin') .. ' add '
- else
- out = out .. 'Korr.: add '
- end
- out = out .. getValue('snellen.korr.sf.osin') .. ' sf, '
- .. getValue('snellen.korr.cyl.osin') .. '.sf '
- .. getValue('snellen.korr.grader.osin') .. ' grader.\n'
- end
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="missing_eye_osin_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="lt20gt-25">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return false
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= -25 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 20)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="lt10gt-15">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return false
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= -15 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 10)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="lt359gt0">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return false
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= 0 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 359)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="not0">
- if(value == 'Ikke udfyldt')
- then
- return false
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="right_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('right_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('right_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="left_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('left_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('left_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Visus (B.2.2.1)"
- layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <!-- o.dxt -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.dxt"
- name="snellen.mangler.odxt" script="right_eye"
- map="missing_eye_odxt_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="right_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Snellen:"/>
- <altcombobox name="snellen.odxt" layout="vbox" type="search" value="Ikke udfyldt" script="not0">
- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value="Ikke udfyldt"/>
- <item caption="2,0" value="2,0"/>
- <item caption="1,6" value="1,6"/>
- <item caption="1,33" value="1,33"/>
- <item caption="1,25" value="1,25"/>
- <item caption="1,0" value="1,0"/>
- <item caption="0,8" value="0,8"/>
- <item caption="0,67" value="0,67"/>
- <item caption="0,5" value="0,5"/>
- <item caption="0,4" value="0,4"/>
- <item caption="0,32" value="0,32"/>
- <item caption="0,25" value="0,25"/>
- <item caption="0,2" value="0,2"/>
- <item caption="0,16" value="0,16"/>
- <item caption="0,125" value="0,125"/>
- <item caption="0,1" value="0,1"/>
- <item caption="0,08" value="0,08"/>
- <item caption="0,05" value="0,05"/>
- <item caption="6/60" value="6/60"/>
- <item caption="3/60" value="3/60"/>
- <item caption="1/18" value="1/18"/>
- <item caption="1/24" value="1/24"/>
- <item caption="1/36" value="1/36"/>
- <item caption="1/60" value="1/60"/>
- <item caption="FGT" value="FGT"/>
- <item caption="HBV" value="HBV"/>
- <item caption="+L+P" value="+L+P"/>
- <item caption="+L-P" value="+L-P"/>
- <item caption="-L" value="-L"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" innerwidget="hoejre_snellen_andet" layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="hoejre_snellen_andet" regexp="[0-9]+(,\d+|\d*)"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="ETDRS:"/>
- <combobox name="etdrs.odxt" value="Ikke udfyldt" type="search" script="not0">
- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value="Ikke udfyldt"/>
- <item caption="0" value="0"/>
- <item caption="1" value="1"/>
- <item caption="2" value="2"/>
- <item caption="3" value="3"/>
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- <item caption="14" value="14"/>
- <item caption="15" value="15"/>
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- <item caption="17" value="17"/>
- <item caption="18" value="18"/>
- <item caption="19" value="19"/>
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- <item caption="21" value="21"/>
- <item caption="22" value="22"/>
- <item caption="23" value="23"/>
- <item caption="24" value="24"/>
- <item caption="25" value="25"/>
- <item caption="26" value="26"/>
- <item caption="27" value="27"/>
- <item caption="28" value="28"/>
- <item caption="29" value="29"/>
- <item caption="30" value="30"/>
- <item caption="31" value="31"/>
- <item caption="32" value="32"/>
- <item caption="33" value="33"/>
- <item caption="34" value="34"/>
- <item caption="35" value="35"/>
- <item caption="36" value="36"/>
- <item caption="37" value="37"/>
- <item caption="38" value="38"/>
- <item caption="39" value="39"/>
- <item caption="40" value="40"/>
- <item caption="41" value="41"/>
- <item caption="42" value="42"/>
- <item caption="43" value="43"/>
- <item caption="44" value="44"/>
- <item caption="45" value="45"/>
- <item caption="46" value="46"/>
- <item caption="47" value="47"/>
- <item caption="48" value="48"/>
- <item caption="49" value="49"/>
- <item caption="50" value="50"/>
- <item caption="51" value="51"/>
- <item caption="52" value="52"/>
- <item caption="53" value="53"/>
- <item caption="54" value="54"/>
- <item caption="55" value="55"/>
- <item caption="56" value="56"/>
- <item caption="57" value="57"/>
- <item caption="58" value="58"/>
- <item caption="59" value="59"/>
- <item caption="60" value="60"/>
- <item caption="61" value="61"/>
- <item caption="62" value="62"/>
- <item caption="63" value="63"/>
- <item caption="64" value="64"/>
- <item caption="65" value="65"/>
- <item caption="66" value="66"/>
- <item caption="67" value="67"/>
- <item caption="68" value="68"/>
- <item caption="69" value="69"/>
- <item caption="70" value="70"/>
- <item caption="71" value="71"/>
- <item caption="72" value="72"/>
- <item caption="73" value="73"/>
- <item caption="74" value="74"/>
- <item caption="75" value="75"/>
- <item caption="76" value="76"/>
- <item caption="77" value="77"/>
- <item caption="78" value="78"/>
- <item caption="79" value="79"/>
- <item caption="80" value="80"/>
- <item caption="81" value="81"/>
- <item caption="82" value="82"/>
- <item caption="83" value="83"/>
- <item caption="84" value="84"/>
- <item caption="85" value="85"/>
- <item caption="86" value="86"/>
- <item caption="87" value="87"/>
- <item caption="88" value="88"/>
- <item caption="89" value="89"/>
- <item caption="90" value="90"/>
- <item caption="91" value="91"/>
- <item caption="92" value="92"/>
- <item caption="93" value="93"/>
- <item caption="94" value="94"/>
- <item caption="95" value="95"/>
- <item caption="96" value="96"/>
- <item caption="97" value="97"/>
- <item caption="98" value="98"/>
- <item caption="99" value="99"/>
- <item caption="100" value="100"/>
- </combobox>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption=""/>
- <label caption="Korr.:"/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Basis:"/>
- <combobox name="snellen.korr.basis.odxt" value="">
- <item caption="Autoref." value="Autoref"/>
- <item caption="Egen brille" value="Brille"/>
- <item caption="Ingen" value="Ingen"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption=""/>
- <label caption="add"/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Sf:"/>
- <lineedit name="snellen.korr.sf.odxt" regexp="[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt20gt-25" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Cyl:"/>
- <lineedit name="snellen.korr.cyl.odxt" regexp="[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt10gt-15" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Grader:"/>
- <lineedit name="snellen.korr.grader.odxt" regexp="[\d]+" script="lt359gt0" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- o.sin -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.sin"
- name="snellen.mangler.osin" script="left_eye"
- map="missing_eye_osin_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="left_eye_frame" caption="o.sin" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Snellen:"/>
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- <item caption="2,0" value="2,0"/>
- <item caption="1,6" value="1,6"/>
- <item caption="1,33" value="1,33"/>
- <item caption="1,25" value="1,25"/>
- <item caption="1,0" value="1,0"/>
- <item caption="0,8" value="0,8"/>
- <item caption="0,67" value="0,67"/>
- <item caption="0,5" value="0,5"/>
- <item caption="0,4" value="0,4"/>
- <item caption="0,32" value="0,32"/>
- <item caption="0,25" value="0,25"/>
- <item caption="0,2" value="0,2"/>
- <item caption="0,16" value="0,16"/>
- <item caption="0,125" value="0,125"/>
- <item caption="0,1" value="0,1"/>
- <item caption="0,08" value="0,08"/>
- <item caption="0,05" value="0,05"/>
- <item caption="6/60" value="6/60"/>
- <item caption="3/60" value="3/60"/>
- <item caption="1/18" value="1/18"/>
- <item caption="1/24" value="1/24"/>
- <item caption="1/36" value="1/36"/>
- <item caption="1/60" value="1/60"/>
- <item caption="FGT" value="FGT"/>
- <item caption="HBV" value="HBV"/>
- <item caption="+L+P" value="+L+P"/>
- <item caption="+L-P" value="+L-P"/>
- <item caption="-L" value="-L"/>
- <altitem caption="Andet" value="andet" innerwidget="venstre_snellen_andet" layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Andet:"/>
- <lineedit name="venstre_snellen_andet" regexp="[0-9]+(,\d+|\d*)"/>
- </altitem>
- </altcombobox>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="ETDRS:"/>
- <combobox name="etdrs.osin" value="Ikke udfyldt" type="search" script="not0">
- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value="Ikke udfyldt"/>
- <item caption="0" value="0"/>
- <item caption="1" value="1"/>
- <item caption="2" value="2"/>
- <item caption="3" value="3"/>
- <item caption="4" value="4"/>
- <item caption="5" value="5"/>
- <item caption="6" value="6"/>
- <item caption="7" value="7"/>
- <item caption="8" value="8"/>
- <item caption="9" value="9"/>
- <item caption="10" value="10"/>
- <item caption="11" value="11"/>
- <item caption="12" value="12"/>
- <item caption="13" value="13"/>
- <item caption="14" value="14"/>
- <item caption="15" value="15"/>
- <item caption="16" value="16"/>
- <item caption="17" value="17"/>
- <item caption="18" value="18"/>
- <item caption="19" value="19"/>
- <item caption="20" value="20"/>
- <item caption="21" value="21"/>
- <item caption="22" value="22"/>
- <item caption="23" value="23"/>
- <item caption="24" value="24"/>
- <item caption="25" value="25"/>
- <item caption="26" value="26"/>
- <item caption="27" value="27"/>
- <item caption="28" value="28"/>
- <item caption="29" value="29"/>
- <item caption="30" value="30"/>
- <item caption="31" value="31"/>
- <item caption="32" value="32"/>
- <item caption="33" value="33"/>
- <item caption="34" value="34"/>
- <item caption="35" value="35"/>
- <item caption="36" value="36"/>
- <item caption="37" value="37"/>
- <item caption="38" value="38"/>
- <item caption="39" value="39"/>
- <item caption="40" value="40"/>
- <item caption="41" value="41"/>
- <item caption="42" value="42"/>
- <item caption="43" value="43"/>
- <item caption="44" value="44"/>
- <item caption="45" value="45"/>
- <item caption="46" value="46"/>
- <item caption="47" value="47"/>
- <item caption="48" value="48"/>
- <item caption="49" value="49"/>
- <item caption="50" value="50"/>
- <item caption="51" value="51"/>
- <item caption="52" value="52"/>
- <item caption="53" value="53"/>
- <item caption="54" value="54"/>
- <item caption="55" value="55"/>
- <item caption="56" value="56"/>
- <item caption="57" value="57"/>
- <item caption="58" value="58"/>
- <item caption="59" value="59"/>
- <item caption="60" value="60"/>
- <item caption="61" value="61"/>
- <item caption="62" value="62"/>
- <item caption="63" value="63"/>
- <item caption="64" value="64"/>
- <item caption="65" value="65"/>
- <item caption="66" value="66"/>
- <item caption="67" value="67"/>
- <item caption="68" value="68"/>
- <item caption="69" value="69"/>
- <item caption="70" value="70"/>
- <item caption="71" value="71"/>
- <item caption="72" value="72"/>
- <item caption="73" value="73"/>
- <item caption="74" value="74"/>
- <item caption="75" value="75"/>
- <item caption="76" value="76"/>
- <item caption="77" value="77"/>
- <item caption="78" value="78"/>
- <item caption="79" value="79"/>
- <item caption="80" value="80"/>
- <item caption="81" value="81"/>
- <item caption="82" value="82"/>
- <item caption="83" value="83"/>
- <item caption="84" value="84"/>
- <item caption="85" value="85"/>
- <item caption="86" value="86"/>
- <item caption="87" value="87"/>
- <item caption="88" value="88"/>
- <item caption="89" value="89"/>
- <item caption="90" value="90"/>
- <item caption="91" value="91"/>
- <item caption="92" value="92"/>
- <item caption="93" value="93"/>
- <item caption="94" value="94"/>
- <item caption="95" value="95"/>
- <item caption="96" value="96"/>
- <item caption="97" value="97"/>
- <item caption="98" value="98"/>
- <item caption="99" value="99"/>
- <item caption="100" value="100"/>
- </combobox>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption=""/>
- <label caption="Korr.:"/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Basis:"/>
- <combobox name="snellen.korr.basis.osin" value="">
- <item caption="Autoref." value="autoref"/>
- <item caption="Egen brille" value="brille"/>
- <item caption="Ingen" value="ingen"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption=""/>
- <label caption="add"/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Sf:"/>
- <lineedit name="snellen.korr.sf.osin" regexp="[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt20gt-25" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Cyl:"/>
- <lineedit name="snellen.korr.cyl.osin" regexp="[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt10gt-15" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Grader:"/>
- <lineedit name="snellen.korr.grader.osin" regexp="[\d]+" script="lt359gt0" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/visus-autoref-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/visus-autoref-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 439e5b0..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/visus-autoref-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,626 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="visus-autoref" version="1.0">
- Info ved oprettelse af ny visus macro hvor denne kopieres.
- query-replace på .navn1. til .navn2.
- skift overskrift for begge øjne i resumeet (navn1->navn2)
- skift GUI overskrift for macroen under widgets afsnittet
- fjern resume felter der ikke skal bruges
- fjern tilsvarende GUI felter der ikke skal bruges
- -->
- <resume language="lua">
- function lttoxml(value)
- return string.gsub(value, '&lt;', '&amp;lt;')
- end
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('visus.autoref.mangler.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Visus, autoref, o.dxt'
- if ( getValue('visus.autoref.kontrast.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.autoref.kontrast.odxt') .. ' kontrast'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.autoref.st_hul.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.autoref.st_hul.odxt')
- end
- out = out .. ':\n'
- if ( getValue('visus.autoref.snellen.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Snellen: ' .. lttoxml(getValue('visus.autoref.snellen.odxt')) .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.autoref.etdrs.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'ETDRS: ' .. getValue('visus.autoref.etdrs.odxt') .. '\n'
- end
- out = out .. 'Korr.: ' .. getValue('visus.autoref.korr.sf.odxt') .. ' sf'
- if ( getValue('visus.autoref.korr.cyl.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.autoref.korr.cyl.odxt') .. ' cyl'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.autoref.korr.grader.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.autoref.korr.grader.odxt') .. ' grader'
- end
- out = out .. '\n'
- if ( getValue('visus.autoref.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.autoref.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Visus, autoref, o.sin'
- if ( getValue('visus.autoref.kontrast.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.autoref.kontrast.osin') .. ' kontrast'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.autoref.st_hul.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.autoref.st_hul.osin')
- end
- out = out .. ':\n'
- if ( getValue('visus.autoref.snellen.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Snellen: ' .. lttoxml(getValue('visus.autoref.snellen.osin')) .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.autoref.etdrs.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'ETDRS: ' .. getValue('visus.autoref.etdrs.osin') .. '\n'
- end
- out = out .. 'Korr.: ' .. getValue('visus.autoref.korr.sf.osin') .. ' sf'
- if ( getValue('visus.autoref.korr.cyl.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.autoref.korr.cyl.osin') .. ' cyl'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.autoref.korr.grader.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.autoref.korr.grader.osin') .. ' grader'
- end
- out = out .. '\n'
- if ( getValue('visus.autoref.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="missing_eye_osin_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="lt20gt-25">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return false
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= -25 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 20)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="lt10gt-15">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return true
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= -15 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 10)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="lt359gt0">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return true
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= 0 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 359)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="snellen.odxt">
- if (value == '')
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.autoref.etdrs.odxt') == '' )
- then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="snellen.osin">
- if (value == '')
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.autoref.etdrs.osin') == '' )
- then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="etdrs.odxt">
- if (value == '')
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.autoref.snellen.odxt') == '' )
- then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="etdrs.osin">
- if (value == '')
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.autoref.snellen.osin') == '' )
- then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="right_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('right_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('right_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="left_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('left_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('left_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Visus - autorefraktion"
- layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <!-- o.dxt -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
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- name="visus.autoref.mangler.odxt" script="right_eye"
- map="missing_eye_odxt_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="right_eye_frame" caption="o.dxt" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Kontrast:"/>
- <combobox name="visus.autoref.kontrast.odxt" value="">
- <item caption="Ej relevant" value=""/>
- <item caption="20%" value="20%"/>
- <item caption="50%" value="50%"/>
- <item caption="75%" value="75%"/>
- </combobox>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <checkbox name="visus.autoref.st_hul.odxt" caption="Der er anvendt st. hul" truevalue="st. hul er anvendt" falsevalue=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Snellen:"/>
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- <item caption="1,6" value="1,6"/>
- <item caption="1,33" value="1,33"/>
- <item caption="1,0" value="1,0"/>
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- <item caption="0,67" value="0,67"/>
- <item caption="0,5" value="0,5"/>
- <item caption="0,4" value="0,4"/>
- <item caption="0,32" value="0,32"/>
- <item caption="0,25" value="0,25"/>
- <item caption="0,2" value="0,2"/>
- <item caption="0,16" value="0,16"/>
- <item caption="0,125" value="0,125"/>
- <item caption="0,1" value="0,1"/>
- <item caption="0,08" value="0,08"/>
- <item caption="0,05" value="0,05"/>
- <item caption="&amp;lt;0,05" value="&amp;lt;0,05"/>
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- <item caption="1/60" value="1/60"/>
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- </combobox>
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- <item caption="27" value="27"/>
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- <item caption="33" value="33"/>
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- <item caption="35" value="35"/>
- <item caption="36" value="36"/>
- <item caption="37" value="37"/>
- <item caption="38" value="38"/>
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- <item caption="40" value="40"/>
- <item caption="41" value="41"/>
- <item caption="42" value="42"/>
- <item caption="43" value="43"/>
- <item caption="44" value="44"/>
- <item caption="45" value="45"/>
- <item caption="46" value="46"/>
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- <item caption="59" value="59"/>
- <item caption="60" value="60"/>
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- <item caption="63" value="63"/>
- <item caption="64" value="64"/>
- <item caption="65" value="65"/>
- <item caption="66" value="66"/>
- <item caption="67" value="67"/>
- <item caption="68" value="68"/>
- <item caption="69" value="69"/>
- <item caption="70" value="70"/>
- <item caption="71" value="71"/>
- <item caption="72" value="72"/>
- <item caption="73" value="73"/>
- <item caption="74" value="74"/>
- <item caption="75" value="75"/>
- <item caption="76" value="76"/>
- <item caption="77" value="77"/>
- <item caption="78" value="78"/>
- <item caption="79" value="79"/>
- <item caption="80" value="80"/>
- <item caption="81" value="81"/>
- <item caption="82" value="82"/>
- <item caption="83" value="83"/>
- <item caption="84" value="84"/>
- <item caption="85" value="85"/>
- <item caption="86" value="86"/>
- <item caption="87" value="87"/>
- <item caption="88" value="88"/>
- <item caption="89" value="89"/>
- <item caption="90" value="90"/>
- <item caption="91" value="91"/>
- <item caption="92" value="92"/>
- <item caption="93" value="93"/>
- <item caption="94" value="94"/>
- <item caption="95" value="95"/>
- <item caption="96" value="96"/>
- <item caption="97" value="97"/>
- <item caption="98" value="98"/>
- <item caption="99" value="99"/>
- <item caption="100" value="100"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label/>
- <label caption="Korr:"/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Sf:"/>
- <lineedit name="visus.autoref.korr.sf.odxt" regexp="[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt20gt-25" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Cyl:"/>
- <lineedit name="visus.autoref.korr.cyl.odxt" regexp="|[-+]?[\d]{1,2},[\d]{2,2}" script="lt10gt-15" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Grader:"/>
- <lineedit name="visus.autoref.korr.grader.odxt" regexp="|[\d]+" script="lt359gt0" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- o.sin -->
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Der er ikke målt på o.sin"
- name="visus.autoref.mangler.osin" script="left_eye"
- map="missing_eye_osin_map"
- truevalue="mangler" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="left_eye_frame" caption="o.sin" layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Kontrast:"/>
- <combobox name="visus.autoref.kontrast.osin" value="">
- <item caption="Ej relevant" value=""/>
- <item caption="20%" value="20%"/>
- <item caption="50%" value="50%"/>
- <item caption="75%" value="75%"/>
- </combobox>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <checkbox name="visus.autoref.st_hul.osin" caption="Der er anvendt st. hul" truevalue="st. hul er anvendt" falsevalue=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Snellen:"/>
- <combobox name="visus.autoref.snellen.osin" layout="vbox" type="search" value="" script="snellen.osin">
- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value=""/>
- <item caption="2,0" value="2,0"/>
- <item caption="1,6" value="1,6"/>
- <item caption="1,33" value="1,33"/>
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- <item caption="0,25" value="0,25"/>
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- <item caption="0,125" value="0,125"/>
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- <item caption="3/60" value="3/60"/>
- <item caption="1/18" value="1/18"/>
- <item caption="1/24" value="1/24"/>
- <item caption="1/36" value="1/36"/>
- <item caption="1/60" value="1/60"/>
- <item caption="FGT" value="FGT"/>
- <item caption="HBV" value="HBV"/>
- <item caption="+L+P" value="+L+P"/>
- <item caption="+L-P" value="+L-P"/>
- <item caption="-L" value="-L"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="ETDRS:"/>
- <combobox name="visus.autoref.etdrs.osin" value="" type="search" script="etdrs.osin">
- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value=""/>
- <item caption="0" value="0"/>
- <item caption="1" value="1"/>
- <item caption="2" value="2"/>
- <item caption="3" value="3"/>
- <item caption="4" value="4"/>
- <item caption="5" value="5"/>
- <item caption="6" value="6"/>
- <item caption="7" value="7"/>
- <item caption="8" value="8"/>
- <item caption="9" value="9"/>
- <item caption="10" value="10"/>
- <item caption="11" value="11"/>
- <item caption="12" value="12"/>
- <item caption="13" value="13"/>
- <item caption="14" value="14"/>
- <item caption="15" value="15"/>
- <item caption="16" value="16"/>
- <item caption="17" value="17"/>
- <item caption="18" value="18"/>
- <item caption="19" value="19"/>
- <item caption="20" value="20"/>
- <item caption="21" value="21"/>
- <item caption="22" value="22"/>
- <item caption="23" value="23"/>
- <item caption="24" value="24"/>
- <item caption="25" value="25"/>
- <item caption="26" value="26"/>
- <item caption="27" value="27"/>
- <item caption="28" value="28"/>
- <item caption="29" value="29"/>
- <item caption="30" value="30"/>
- <item caption="31" value="31"/>
- <item caption="32" value="32"/>
- <item caption="33" value="33"/>
- <item caption="34" value="34"/>
- <item caption="35" value="35"/>
- <item caption="36" value="36"/>
- <item caption="37" value="37"/>
- <item caption="38" value="38"/>
- <item caption="39" value="39"/>
- <item caption="40" value="40"/>
- <item caption="41" value="41"/>
- <item caption="42" value="42"/>
- <item caption="43" value="43"/>
- <item caption="44" value="44"/>
- <item caption="45" value="45"/>
- <item caption="46" value="46"/>
- <item caption="47" value="47"/>
- <item caption="48" value="48"/>
- <item caption="49" value="49"/>
- <item caption="50" value="50"/>
- <item caption="51" value="51"/>
- <item caption="52" value="52"/>
- <item caption="53" value="53"/>
- <item caption="54" value="54"/>
- <item caption="55" value="55"/>
- <item caption="56" value="56"/>
- <item caption="57" value="57"/>
- <item caption="58" value="58"/>
- <item caption="59" value="59"/>
- <item caption="60" value="60"/>
- <item caption="61" value="61"/>
- <item caption="62" value="62"/>
- <item caption="63" value="63"/>
- <item caption="64" value="64"/>
- <item caption="65" value="65"/>
- <item caption="66" value="66"/>
- <item caption="67" value="67"/>
- <item caption="68" value="68"/>
- <item caption="69" value="69"/>
- <item caption="70" value="70"/>
- <item caption="71" value="71"/>
- <item caption="72" value="72"/>
- <item caption="73" value="73"/>
- <item caption="74" value="74"/>
- <item caption="75" value="75"/>
- <item caption="76" value="76"/>
- <item caption="77" value="77"/>
- <item caption="78" value="78"/>
- <item caption="79" value="79"/>
- <item caption="80" value="80"/>
- <item caption="81" value="81"/>
- <item caption="82" value="82"/>
- <item caption="83" value="83"/>
- <item caption="84" value="84"/>
- <item caption="85" value="85"/>
- <item caption="86" value="86"/>
- <item caption="87" value="87"/>
- <item caption="88" value="88"/>
- <item caption="89" value="89"/>
- <item caption="90" value="90"/>
- <item caption="91" value="91"/>
- <item caption="92" value="92"/>
- <item caption="93" value="93"/>
- <item caption="94" value="94"/>
- <item caption="95" value="95"/>
- <item caption="96" value="96"/>
- <item caption="97" value="97"/>
- <item caption="98" value="98"/>
- <item caption="99" value="99"/>
- <item caption="100" value="100"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label/>
- <label caption="Korr:"/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Sf:"/>
- <lineedit name="visus.autoref.korr.sf.osin" regexp="[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt20gt-25" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Cyl:"/>
- <lineedit name="visus.autoref.korr.cyl.osin" regexp="|[-+]?[\d]{1,2},[\d]{2,2}" script="lt10gt-15" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Grader:"/>
- <lineedit name="visus.autoref.korr.grader.osin" regexp="|[\d]+" script="lt359gt0" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/visus-egen_korr-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/visus-egen_korr-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 32c0914..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/visus-egen_korr-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1261 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="visus-egen_korr" version="1.0">
- Info ved oprettelse af ny visus macro hvor denne kopieres.
- query-replace på .navn1. til .navn2.
- skift macro navnet under macro tagget helt i toppen
- skift overskrift i resumeet (navn1->navn2)
- skift GUI overskrift for macroen under widgets afsnittet
- fjern resume felter der ikke skal bruges
- fjern tilsvarende GUI felter der ikke skal bruges
- -->
- <resume language="lua">
- function lttoxml(value)
- return string.gsub(value, '&lt;', '&amp;lt;')
- end
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.mangler.odxt') == '' or getValue('visus.egen_korr.mangler.osin') == '' or getValue('visus.egen_korr.ou') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Visus egen korrektion:\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.mangler.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'o.dxt: '
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.snellen.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. lttoxml(getValue('visus.egen_korr.snellen.odxt'))
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.etdrs.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.etdrs.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.snellen.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- end
- out = out .. getValue('visus.egen_korr.etdrs.odxt') .. ' ETDRS, '
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.kontrast.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('visus.egen_korr.kontrast.odxt') .. ' kontrast, '
- end
- out = out .. 'cc ' .. getValue('visus.egen_korr.korr.sf.odxt') .. ' sf'
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.korr.cyl.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.egen_korr.korr.cyl.odxt') .. ' cyl'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.korr.grader.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.egen_korr.korr.grader.odxt') .. ' grader'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.st_hul.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.st_hul.snellen.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. lttoxml(getValue('visus.egen_korr.st_hul.snellen.odxt'))
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.st_hul.etdrs.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.egen_korr.st_hul.etdrs.odxt') .. ' ETDRS'
- end
- out = out .. ' st.h.'
- end
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'o.sin: '
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.snellen.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. lttoxml(getValue('visus.egen_korr.snellen.osin'))
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.etdrs.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.etdrs.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.snellen.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- end
- out = out .. getValue('visus.egen_korr.etdrs.osin') .. ' ETDRS, '
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.kontrast.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('visus.egen_korr.kontrast.osin') .. ' kontrast, '
- end
- out = out .. 'cc ' .. getValue('visus.egen_korr.korr.sf.osin') .. ' sf'
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.korr.cyl.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.egen_korr.korr.cyl.osin') .. ' cyl'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.korr.grader.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.egen_korr.korr.grader.osin') .. ' grader'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.st_hul.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.st_hul.snellen.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. lttoxml(getValue('visus.egen_korr.st_hul.snellen.osin'))
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.st_hul.etdrs.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.egen_korr.st_hul.etdrs.osin') .. ' ETDRS'
- end
- out = out .. ' st.h.'
- end
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.ou') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'o.u: '
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.snellen.ou') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. lttoxml(getValue('visus.egen_korr.snellen.ou'))
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.etdrs.ou') ~= '' )
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.snellen.ou') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- end
- out = out .. getValue('visus.egen_korr.etdrs.ou') .. ' ETDRS'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.kontrast.ou') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.egen_korr.kontrast.ou') .. ' kontrast'
- end
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="missing_eye_osin_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="lt20gt-25">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return false
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= -25 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 20)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="lt10gt-15">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return true
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= -15 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 10)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="lt359gt0">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return true
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= 0 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 359)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="snellen.odxt">
- if (value == '')
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.etdrs.odxt') == '' )
- then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="snellen.osin">
- if (value == '')
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.etdrs.osin') == '' )
- then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="etdrs.odxt">
- if (value == '')
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.snellen.odxt') == '' )
- then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="etdrs.osin">
- if (value == '')
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.snellen.osin') == '' )
- then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="st_hul.snellen.odxt">
- if (value == '')
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.st_hul.etdrs.odxt') == '' )
- then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="st_hul.snellen.osin">
- if (value == '')
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.st_hul.etdrs.osin') == '' )
- then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="st_hul.etdrs.odxt">
- if (value == '')
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.st_hul.snellen.odxt') == '' )
- then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="st_hul.etdrs.osin">
- if (value == '')
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.st_hul.snellen.osin') == '' )
- then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="etdrs.ou">
- if (value == '')
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.snellen.ou') == '' )
- then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="snellen.ou">
- if (value == '')
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.egen_korr.etdrs.ou') == '' )
- then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="st_hul_check.odxt">
- if (value == '')
- then
- disable('st_hul_frame.odxt')
- else
- enable('st_hul_frame.odxt')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="st_hul_check.osin">
- if (value == '')
- then
- disable('st_hul_frame.osin')
- else
- enable('st_hul_frame.osin')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="st_hul_check.ou">
- if (value == '')
- then
- disable('st_hul_frame.ou')
- else
- enable('st_hul_frame.ou')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="right_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('right_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('right_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="left_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('left_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('left_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="ou">
- if ( value == '' )
- then
- disable('ou_frame')
- else
- enable('ou_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
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- layout="vbox">
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- <!-- o.dxt -->
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- name="visus.egen_korr.mangler.odxt" script="right_eye"
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- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Kontrast:"/>
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- <item caption="Ej relevant" value=""/>
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- <item caption="-L" value="-L"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
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- <item caption="37" value="37"/>
- <item caption="38" value="38"/>
- <item caption="39" value="39"/>
- <item caption="40" value="40"/>
- <item caption="41" value="41"/>
- <item caption="42" value="42"/>
- <item caption="43" value="43"/>
- <item caption="44" value="44"/>
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- <item caption="46" value="46"/>
- <item caption="47" value="47"/>
- <item caption="48" value="48"/>
- <item caption="49" value="49"/>
- <item caption="50" value="50"/>
- <item caption="51" value="51"/>
- <item caption="52" value="52"/>
- <item caption="53" value="53"/>
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- <item caption="0,5" value="0,5"/>
- <item caption="0,4" value="0,4"/>
- <item caption="0,32" value="0,32"/>
- <item caption="0,25" value="0,25"/>
- <item caption="0,2" value="0,2"/>
- <item caption="0,16" value="0,16"/>
- <item caption="0,125" value="0,125"/>
- <item caption="0,1" value="0,1"/>
- <item caption="0,08" value="0,08"/>
- <item caption="0,05" value="0,05"/>
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- <item caption="3/60" value="3/60"/>
- <item caption="1/18" value="1/18"/>
- <item caption="1/24" value="1/24"/>
- <item caption="1/36" value="1/36"/>
- <item caption="1/60" value="1/60"/>
- <item caption="FGT" value="FGT"/>
- <item caption="HBV" value="HBV"/>
- <item caption="+L+P" value="+L+P"/>
- <item caption="+L-P" value="+L-P"/>
- <item caption="-L" value="-L"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="ETDRS:"/>
- <combobox name="visus.egen_korr.etdrs.ou" value="" type="search" script="etdrs.ou">
- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value=""/>
- <item caption="0" value="0"/>
- <item caption="1" value="1"/>
- <item caption="2" value="2"/>
- <item caption="3" value="3"/>
- <item caption="4" value="4"/>
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- <item caption="6" value="6"/>
- <item caption="7" value="7"/>
- <item caption="8" value="8"/>
- <item caption="9" value="9"/>
- <item caption="10" value="10"/>
- <item caption="11" value="11"/>
- <item caption="12" value="12"/>
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- <item caption="14" value="14"/>
- <item caption="15" value="15"/>
- <item caption="16" value="16"/>
- <item caption="17" value="17"/>
- <item caption="18" value="18"/>
- <item caption="19" value="19"/>
- <item caption="20" value="20"/>
- <item caption="21" value="21"/>
- <item caption="22" value="22"/>
- <item caption="23" value="23"/>
- <item caption="24" value="24"/>
- <item caption="25" value="25"/>
- <item caption="26" value="26"/>
- <item caption="27" value="27"/>
- <item caption="28" value="28"/>
- <item caption="29" value="29"/>
- <item caption="30" value="30"/>
- <item caption="31" value="31"/>
- <item caption="32" value="32"/>
- <item caption="33" value="33"/>
- <item caption="34" value="34"/>
- <item caption="35" value="35"/>
- <item caption="36" value="36"/>
- <item caption="37" value="37"/>
- <item caption="38" value="38"/>
- <item caption="39" value="39"/>
- <item caption="40" value="40"/>
- <item caption="41" value="41"/>
- <item caption="42" value="42"/>
- <item caption="43" value="43"/>
- <item caption="44" value="44"/>
- <item caption="45" value="45"/>
- <item caption="46" value="46"/>
- <item caption="47" value="47"/>
- <item caption="48" value="48"/>
- <item caption="49" value="49"/>
- <item caption="50" value="50"/>
- <item caption="51" value="51"/>
- <item caption="52" value="52"/>
- <item caption="53" value="53"/>
- <item caption="54" value="54"/>
- <item caption="55" value="55"/>
- <item caption="56" value="56"/>
- <item caption="57" value="57"/>
- <item caption="58" value="58"/>
- <item caption="59" value="59"/>
- <item caption="60" value="60"/>
- <item caption="61" value="61"/>
- <item caption="62" value="62"/>
- <item caption="63" value="63"/>
- <item caption="64" value="64"/>
- <item caption="65" value="65"/>
- <item caption="66" value="66"/>
- <item caption="67" value="67"/>
- <item caption="68" value="68"/>
- <item caption="69" value="69"/>
- <item caption="70" value="70"/>
- <item caption="71" value="71"/>
- <item caption="72" value="72"/>
- <item caption="73" value="73"/>
- <item caption="74" value="74"/>
- <item caption="75" value="75"/>
- <item caption="76" value="76"/>
- <item caption="77" value="77"/>
- <item caption="78" value="78"/>
- <item caption="79" value="79"/>
- <item caption="80" value="80"/>
- <item caption="81" value="81"/>
- <item caption="82" value="82"/>
- <item caption="83" value="83"/>
- <item caption="84" value="84"/>
- <item caption="85" value="85"/>
- <item caption="86" value="86"/>
- <item caption="87" value="87"/>
- <item caption="88" value="88"/>
- <item caption="89" value="89"/>
- <item caption="90" value="90"/>
- <item caption="91" value="91"/>
- <item caption="92" value="92"/>
- <item caption="93" value="93"/>
- <item caption="94" value="94"/>
- <item caption="95" value="95"/>
- <item caption="96" value="96"/>
- <item caption="97" value="97"/>
- <item caption="98" value="98"/>
- <item caption="99" value="99"/>
- <item caption="100" value="100"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
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- <!--
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label/>
- <label caption="Korr:"/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Sf:"/>
- <lineedit name="visus.egen_korr.korr.sf.ou" regexp="[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt20gt-25" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Cyl:"/>
- <lineedit name="visus.egen_korr.korr.cyl.ou" regexp="|[-+]?[\d]{1,2},[\d]{2,2}" script="lt10gt-15" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Grader:"/>
- <lineedit name="visus.egen_korr.korr.grader.ou" regexp="|[\d]+" script="lt359gt0" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- -->
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- </frame>
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- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/visus-manifest_refraktion-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/visus-manifest_refraktion-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 74b8ea3..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/visus-manifest_refraktion-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1261 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="visus-manifest_refraktion" version="1.0">
- Info ved oprettelse af ny visus macro hvor denne kopieres.
- query-replace på .navn1. til .navn2.
- skift macro navnet under macro tagget helt i toppen
- skift overskrift i resumeet (navn1->navn2)
- skift GUI overskrift for macroen under widgets afsnittet
- fjern resume felter der ikke skal bruges
- fjern tilsvarende GUI felter der ikke skal bruges
- -->
- <resume language="lua">
- function lttoxml(value)
- return string.gsub(value, '&lt;', '&amp;lt;')
- end
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.mangler.odxt') == '' or getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.mangler.osin') == '' or getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.ou') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Visus optimal refraktion:\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.mangler.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'o.dxt: '
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.snellen.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. lttoxml(getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.snellen.odxt'))
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.etdrs.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.etdrs.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.snellen.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- end
- out = out .. getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.etdrs.odxt') .. ' ETDRS, '
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.kontrast.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.kontrast.odxt') .. ' kontrast, '
- end
- out = out .. 'cc ' .. getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.korr.sf.odxt') .. ' sf'
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.korr.cyl.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.korr.cyl.odxt') .. ' cyl'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.korr.grader.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.korr.grader.odxt') .. ' grader'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.st_hul.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.st_hul.snellen.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. lttoxml(getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.st_hul.snellen.odxt'))
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.st_hul.etdrs.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.st_hul.etdrs.odxt') .. ' ETDRS'
- end
- out = out .. ' st.h.'
- end
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'o.sin: '
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.snellen.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. lttoxml(getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.snellen.osin'))
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.etdrs.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.etdrs.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.snellen.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- end
- out = out .. getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.etdrs.osin') .. ' ETDRS, '
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.kontrast.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.kontrast.osin') .. ' kontrast, '
- end
- out = out .. 'cc ' .. getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.korr.sf.osin') .. ' sf'
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.korr.cyl.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.korr.cyl.osin') .. ' cyl'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.korr.grader.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.korr.grader.osin') .. ' grader'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.st_hul.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.st_hul.snellen.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. lttoxml(getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.st_hul.snellen.osin'))
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.st_hul.etdrs.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.st_hul.etdrs.osin') .. ' ETDRS'
- end
- out = out .. ' st.h.'
- end
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.ou') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'o.u: '
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.snellen.ou') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. lttoxml(getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.snellen.ou'))
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.etdrs.ou') ~= '' )
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.snellen.ou') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- end
- out = out .. getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.etdrs.ou') .. ' ETDRS'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.kontrast.ou') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.kontrast.ou') .. ' kontrast'
- end
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- <map name="missing_eye_osin_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
- </map>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="lt20gt-25">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return false
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= -25 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 20)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="lt10gt-15">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return true
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= -15 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 10)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="lt359gt0">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return true
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= 0 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 359)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="snellen.odxt">
- if (value == '')
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.etdrs.odxt') == '' )
- then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="snellen.osin">
- if (value == '')
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.etdrs.osin') == '' )
- then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="etdrs.odxt">
- if (value == '')
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.snellen.odxt') == '' )
- then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="etdrs.osin">
- if (value == '')
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.snellen.osin') == '' )
- then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="st_hul.snellen.odxt">
- if (value == '')
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.st_hul.etdrs.odxt') == '' )
- then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="st_hul.snellen.osin">
- if (value == '')
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.st_hul.etdrs.osin') == '' )
- then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="st_hul.etdrs.odxt">
- if (value == '')
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.st_hul.snellen.odxt') == '' )
- then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="st_hul.etdrs.osin">
- if (value == '')
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.st_hul.snellen.osin') == '' )
- then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="etdrs.ou">
- if (value == '')
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.snellen.ou') == '' )
- then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="snellen.ou">
- if (value == '')
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.manifest_refraktion.etdrs.ou') == '' )
- then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="st_hul_check.odxt">
- if (value == '')
- then
- disable('st_hul_frame.odxt')
- else
- enable('st_hul_frame.odxt')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="st_hul_check.osin">
- if (value == '')
- then
- disable('st_hul_frame.osin')
- else
- enable('st_hul_frame.osin')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="st_hul_check.ou">
- if (value == '')
- then
- disable('st_hul_frame.ou')
- else
- enable('st_hul_frame.ou')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="right_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('right_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('right_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="left_eye">
- if ( value == 'mangler' )
- then
- disable('left_eye_frame')
- else
- enable('left_eye_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="ou">
- if ( value == '' )
- then
- disable('ou_frame')
- else
- enable('ou_frame')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
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- <item caption="30" value="30"/>
- <item caption="31" value="31"/>
- <item caption="32" value="32"/>
- <item caption="33" value="33"/>
- <item caption="34" value="34"/>
- <item caption="35" value="35"/>
- <item caption="36" value="36"/>
- <item caption="37" value="37"/>
- <item caption="38" value="38"/>
- <item caption="39" value="39"/>
- <item caption="40" value="40"/>
- <item caption="41" value="41"/>
- <item caption="42" value="42"/>
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- <item caption="49" value="49"/>
- <item caption="50" value="50"/>
- <item caption="51" value="51"/>
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- <item caption="54" value="54"/>
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- <item caption="0,32" value="0,32"/>
- <item caption="0,25" value="0,25"/>
- <item caption="0,2" value="0,2"/>
- <item caption="0,16" value="0,16"/>
- <item caption="0,125" value="0,125"/>
- <item caption="0,1" value="0,1"/>
- <item caption="0,08" value="0,08"/>
- <item caption="0,05" value="0,05"/>
- <item caption="&amp;lt;0,05" value="&amp;lt;0,05"/>
- <item caption="6/60" value="6/60"/>
- <item caption="3/60" value="3/60"/>
- <item caption="1/18" value="1/18"/>
- <item caption="1/24" value="1/24"/>
- <item caption="1/36" value="1/36"/>
- <item caption="1/60" value="1/60"/>
- <item caption="FGT" value="FGT"/>
- <item caption="HBV" value="HBV"/>
- <item caption="+L+P" value="+L+P"/>
- <item caption="+L-P" value="+L-P"/>
- <item caption="-L" value="-L"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="ETDRS:"/>
- <combobox name="visus.manifest_refraktion.etdrs.ou" value="" type="search" script="etdrs.ou">
- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value=""/>
- <item caption="0" value="0"/>
- <item caption="1" value="1"/>
- <item caption="2" value="2"/>
- <item caption="3" value="3"/>
- <item caption="4" value="4"/>
- <item caption="5" value="5"/>
- <item caption="6" value="6"/>
- <item caption="7" value="7"/>
- <item caption="8" value="8"/>
- <item caption="9" value="9"/>
- <item caption="10" value="10"/>
- <item caption="11" value="11"/>
- <item caption="12" value="12"/>
- <item caption="13" value="13"/>
- <item caption="14" value="14"/>
- <item caption="15" value="15"/>
- <item caption="16" value="16"/>
- <item caption="17" value="17"/>
- <item caption="18" value="18"/>
- <item caption="19" value="19"/>
- <item caption="20" value="20"/>
- <item caption="21" value="21"/>
- <item caption="22" value="22"/>
- <item caption="23" value="23"/>
- <item caption="24" value="24"/>
- <item caption="25" value="25"/>
- <item caption="26" value="26"/>
- <item caption="27" value="27"/>
- <item caption="28" value="28"/>
- <item caption="29" value="29"/>
- <item caption="30" value="30"/>
- <item caption="31" value="31"/>
- <item caption="32" value="32"/>
- <item caption="33" value="33"/>
- <item caption="34" value="34"/>
- <item caption="35" value="35"/>
- <item caption="36" value="36"/>
- <item caption="37" value="37"/>
- <item caption="38" value="38"/>
- <item caption="39" value="39"/>
- <item caption="40" value="40"/>
- <item caption="41" value="41"/>
- <item caption="42" value="42"/>
- <item caption="43" value="43"/>
- <item caption="44" value="44"/>
- <item caption="45" value="45"/>
- <item caption="46" value="46"/>
- <item caption="47" value="47"/>
- <item caption="48" value="48"/>
- <item caption="49" value="49"/>
- <item caption="50" value="50"/>
- <item caption="51" value="51"/>
- <item caption="52" value="52"/>
- <item caption="53" value="53"/>
- <item caption="54" value="54"/>
- <item caption="55" value="55"/>
- <item caption="56" value="56"/>
- <item caption="57" value="57"/>
- <item caption="58" value="58"/>
- <item caption="59" value="59"/>
- <item caption="60" value="60"/>
- <item caption="61" value="61"/>
- <item caption="62" value="62"/>
- <item caption="63" value="63"/>
- <item caption="64" value="64"/>
- <item caption="65" value="65"/>
- <item caption="66" value="66"/>
- <item caption="67" value="67"/>
- <item caption="68" value="68"/>
- <item caption="69" value="69"/>
- <item caption="70" value="70"/>
- <item caption="71" value="71"/>
- <item caption="72" value="72"/>
- <item caption="73" value="73"/>
- <item caption="74" value="74"/>
- <item caption="75" value="75"/>
- <item caption="76" value="76"/>
- <item caption="77" value="77"/>
- <item caption="78" value="78"/>
- <item caption="79" value="79"/>
- <item caption="80" value="80"/>
- <item caption="81" value="81"/>
- <item caption="82" value="82"/>
- <item caption="83" value="83"/>
- <item caption="84" value="84"/>
- <item caption="85" value="85"/>
- <item caption="86" value="86"/>
- <item caption="87" value="87"/>
- <item caption="88" value="88"/>
- <item caption="89" value="89"/>
- <item caption="90" value="90"/>
- <item caption="91" value="91"/>
- <item caption="92" value="92"/>
- <item caption="93" value="93"/>
- <item caption="94" value="94"/>
- <item caption="95" value="95"/>
- <item caption="96" value="96"/>
- <item caption="97" value="97"/>
- <item caption="98" value="98"/>
- <item caption="99" value="99"/>
- <item caption="100" value="100"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!--
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label/>
- <label caption="Korr:"/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Sf:"/>
- <lineedit name="visus.manifest_refraktion.korr.sf.ou" regexp="[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt20gt-25" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Cyl:"/>
- <lineedit name="visus.manifest_refraktion.korr.cyl.ou" regexp="|[-+]?[\d]{1,2},[\d]{2,2}" script="lt10gt-15" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Grader:"/>
- <lineedit name="visus.manifest_refraktion.korr.grader.ou" regexp="|[\d]+" script="lt359gt0" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- -->
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/visus-ou-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/visus-ou-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3382b4d..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/visus-ou-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="visus-ou" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- function lttoxml(value)
- return string.gsub(value, '&lt;', '&amp;lt;')
- end
- out = ''
- out = out .. 'Visus, o.u.'
- if ( getValue('visus.ou.kontrast') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.ou.kontrast') .. ' kontrast'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.ou.st_hul') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.ou.st_hul')
- end
- out = out .. ':\n'
- if ( getValue('visus.ou.snellen') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Snellen: ' .. lttoxml(getValue('visus.ou.snellen')) .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.ou.etdrs') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'ETDRS: ' .. getValue('visus.ou.etdrs') .. '\n'
- end
- out = out .. 'Korr.: ' .. getValue('visus.ou.korr.sf') .. ' sf'
- if ( getValue('visus.ou.korr.cyl') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.ou.korr.cyl') .. ' cyl'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.ou.korr.grader') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.ou.korr.grader') .. ' grader'
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="lt20gt-25">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return false
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= -25 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 20)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="lt10gt-15">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return true
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= -15 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 10)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="lt359gt0">
- if(value == '')
- then
- return true
- end
- value = string.gsub(value, ',', '.')
- if(tonumber(value) &gt;= 0 and tonumber(value) &lt;= 359)
- then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="snellen">
- if (value == '')
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.ou.etdrs') == '' )
- then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- </script>
- <script language="lua" name="etdrs">
- if (value == '')
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.ou.snellen') == '' )
- then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Visus - o.u."
- layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Kontrast:"/>
- <combobox name="visus.ou.kontrast" value="">
- <item caption="Ej relevant" value=""/>
- <item caption="20%" value="20%"/>
- <item caption="50%" value="50%"/>
- <item caption="75%" value="75%"/>
- </combobox>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <checkbox name="visus.ou.st_hul" caption="Der er anvendt st. hul" truevalue="st. hul er anvendt" falsevalue=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Snellen:"/>
- <combobox name="visus.ou.snellen" layout="vbox" type="search" value="" script="snellen">
- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value=""/>
- <item caption="2,0" value="2,0"/>
- <item caption="1,6" value="1,6"/>
- <item caption="1,33" value="1,33"/>
- <item caption="1,0" value="1,0"/>
- <item caption="0,8" value="0,8"/>
- <item caption="0,67" value="0,67"/>
- <item caption="0,5" value="0,5"/>
- <item caption="0,4" value="0,4"/>
- <item caption="0,32" value="0,32"/>
- <item caption="0,25" value="0,25"/>
- <item caption="0,2" value="0,2"/>
- <item caption="0,16" value="0,16"/>
- <item caption="0,125" value="0,125"/>
- <item caption="0,1" value="0,1"/>
- <item caption="0,08" value="0,08"/>
- <item caption="0,05" value="0,05"/>
- <item caption="&amp;lt;0,05" value="&amp;lt;0,05"/>
- <item caption="6/60" value="6/60"/>
- <item caption="3/60" value="3/60"/>
- <item caption="1/18" value="1/18"/>
- <item caption="1/24" value="1/24"/>
- <item caption="1/36" value="1/36"/>
- <item caption="1/60" value="1/60"/>
- <item caption="FGT" value="FGT"/>
- <item caption="HBV" value="HBV"/>
- <item caption="+L+P" value="+L+P"/>
- <item caption="+L-P" value="+L-P"/>
- <item caption="-L" value="-L"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="ETDRS:"/>
- <combobox name="visus.ou.etdrs" value="" type="search" script="etdrs">
- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value=""/>
- <item caption="0" value="0"/>
- <item caption="1" value="1"/>
- <item caption="2" value="2"/>
- <item caption="3" value="3"/>
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- <item caption="12" value="12"/>
- <item caption="13" value="13"/>
- <item caption="14" value="14"/>
- <item caption="15" value="15"/>
- <item caption="16" value="16"/>
- <item caption="17" value="17"/>
- <item caption="18" value="18"/>
- <item caption="19" value="19"/>
- <item caption="20" value="20"/>
- <item caption="21" value="21"/>
- <item caption="22" value="22"/>
- <item caption="23" value="23"/>
- <item caption="24" value="24"/>
- <item caption="25" value="25"/>
- <item caption="26" value="26"/>
- <item caption="27" value="27"/>
- <item caption="28" value="28"/>
- <item caption="29" value="29"/>
- <item caption="30" value="30"/>
- <item caption="31" value="31"/>
- <item caption="32" value="32"/>
- <item caption="33" value="33"/>
- <item caption="34" value="34"/>
- <item caption="35" value="35"/>
- <item caption="36" value="36"/>
- <item caption="37" value="37"/>
- <item caption="38" value="38"/>
- <item caption="39" value="39"/>
- <item caption="40" value="40"/>
- <item caption="41" value="41"/>
- <item caption="42" value="42"/>
- <item caption="43" value="43"/>
- <item caption="44" value="44"/>
- <item caption="45" value="45"/>
- <item caption="46" value="46"/>
- <item caption="47" value="47"/>
- <item caption="48" value="48"/>
- <item caption="49" value="49"/>
- <item caption="50" value="50"/>
- <item caption="51" value="51"/>
- <item caption="52" value="52"/>
- <item caption="53" value="53"/>
- <item caption="54" value="54"/>
- <item caption="55" value="55"/>
- <item caption="56" value="56"/>
- <item caption="57" value="57"/>
- <item caption="58" value="58"/>
- <item caption="59" value="59"/>
- <item caption="60" value="60"/>
- <item caption="61" value="61"/>
- <item caption="62" value="62"/>
- <item caption="63" value="63"/>
- <item caption="64" value="64"/>
- <item caption="65" value="65"/>
- <item caption="66" value="66"/>
- <item caption="67" value="67"/>
- <item caption="68" value="68"/>
- <item caption="69" value="69"/>
- <item caption="70" value="70"/>
- <item caption="71" value="71"/>
- <item caption="72" value="72"/>
- <item caption="73" value="73"/>
- <item caption="74" value="74"/>
- <item caption="75" value="75"/>
- <item caption="76" value="76"/>
- <item caption="77" value="77"/>
- <item caption="78" value="78"/>
- <item caption="79" value="79"/>
- <item caption="80" value="80"/>
- <item caption="81" value="81"/>
- <item caption="82" value="82"/>
- <item caption="83" value="83"/>
- <item caption="84" value="84"/>
- <item caption="85" value="85"/>
- <item caption="86" value="86"/>
- <item caption="87" value="87"/>
- <item caption="88" value="88"/>
- <item caption="89" value="89"/>
- <item caption="90" value="90"/>
- <item caption="91" value="91"/>
- <item caption="92" value="92"/>
- <item caption="93" value="93"/>
- <item caption="94" value="94"/>
- <item caption="95" value="95"/>
- <item caption="96" value="96"/>
- <item caption="97" value="97"/>
- <item caption="98" value="98"/>
- <item caption="99" value="99"/>
- <item caption="100" value="100"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label/>
- <label caption="Korr:"/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Sf:"/>
- <lineedit name="visus.ou.korr.sf" regexp="[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt20gt-25" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Cyl:"/>
- <lineedit name="visus.ou.korr.cyl" regexp="|[-+]?[\d]{1,2},[\d]{2,2}" script="lt10gt-15" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Grader:"/>
- <lineedit name="visus.ou.korr.grader" regexp="|[\d]+" script="lt359gt0" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/visus-template-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/visus-template-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7199903..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/visus-template-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1321 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="visus-template" version="1.0">
- Info ved oprettelse af ny visus macro hvor denne kopieres.
- query-replace på .navn1. til .navn2.
- skift macro navnet under macro tagget helt i toppen
- skift overskrift i resumeet (navn1->navn2)
- skift GUI overskrift for macroen under widgets afsnittet
- fjern resume felter der ikke skal bruges og juster kommaer saa de passer
- fjern tilsvarende GUI felter der ikke skal bruges
- -->
- <resume language="lua">
- function lttoxml(value)
- value = string.gsub(value, '&lt;', '&amp;lt;')
- return value
- end
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('visus.template.mangler.odxt') == '' or getValue('visus.template.mangler.osin') == '' or getValue('visus.template.ou') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Visus template:\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.template.mangler.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'o.dxt: '
- if ( getValue('visus.template.snellen.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. lttoxml(getValue('visus.template.snellen.odxt'))
- if ( getValue('visus.template.etdrs.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.template.etdrs.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.template.snellen.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- end
- out = out .. getValue('visus.template.etdrs.odxt') .. ' ETDRS, '
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.template.kontrast.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('visus.template.kontrast.odxt') .. ' kontrast, '
- end
- out = out .. 'cc ' .. getValue('visus.template.korr.sf.odxt') .. ' sf'
- if ( getValue('visus.template.korr.cyl.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.template.korr.cyl.odxt') .. ' cyl'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.template.korr.grader.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.template.korr.grader.odxt') .. ' grader'
- end
- out = out .. ', add ' .. getValue('visus.template.add.sf.odxt') .. ' sf'
- if ( getValue('visus.template.add.cyl.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.template.add.cyl.odxt') .. ' cyl'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.template.add.grader.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.template.add.grader.odxt') .. ' grader'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.template.st_hul.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.template.st_hul.snellen.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. lttoxml(getValue('visus.template.st_hul.snellen.odxt'))
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.template.st_hul.etdrs.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.template.st_hul.etdrs.odxt') .. ' ETDRS'
- end
- out = out .. ' st.h.'
- end
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.template.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'o.sin: '
- if ( getValue('visus.template.snellen.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. lttoxml(getValue('visus.template.snellen.osin'))
- if ( getValue('visus.template.etdrs.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.template.etdrs.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.template.snellen.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- end
- out = out .. getValue('visus.template.etdrs.osin') .. ' ETDRS, '
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.template.kontrast.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('visus.template.kontrast.osin') .. ' kontrast, '
- end
- out = out .. 'cc ' .. getValue('visus.template.korr.sf.osin') .. ' sf'
- if ( getValue('visus.template.korr.cyl.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.template.korr.cyl.osin') .. ' cyl'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.template.korr.grader.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.template.korr.grader.osin') .. ' grader'
- end
- out = out .. ', add ' .. getValue('visus.template.add.sf.osin') .. ' sf'
- if ( getValue('visus.template.add.cyl.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.template.add.cyl.osin') .. ' cyl'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.template.add.grader.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.template.add.grader.osin') .. ' grader'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.template.st_hul.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.template.st_hul.snellen.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. lttoxml(getValue('visus.template.st_hul.snellen.osin'))
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.template.st_hul.etdrs.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.template.st_hul.etdrs.osin') .. ' ETDRS'
- end
- out = out .. ' st.h.\n'
- end
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.template.ou') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'o.u: '
- if ( getValue('visus.template.snellen.ou') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. lttoxml(getValue('visus.template.snellen.ou'))
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.template.etdrs.ou') ~= '' )
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.template.snellen.ou') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- end
- out = out .. getValue('visus.template.etdrs.ou') .. ' ETDRS'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.template.kontrast.ou') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.template.kontrast.ou') .. ' kontrast'
- end
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- <map name="missing_eye_odxt_map">
- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
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- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- end
- end
- return value, timestamp, source
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- then
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- return true
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- <item caption="27" value="27"/>
- <item caption="28" value="28"/>
- <item caption="29" value="29"/>
- <item caption="30" value="30"/>
- <item caption="31" value="31"/>
- <item caption="32" value="32"/>
- <item caption="33" value="33"/>
- <item caption="34" value="34"/>
- <item caption="35" value="35"/>
- <item caption="36" value="36"/>
- <item caption="37" value="37"/>
- <item caption="38" value="38"/>
- <item caption="39" value="39"/>
- <item caption="40" value="40"/>
- <item caption="41" value="41"/>
- <item caption="42" value="42"/>
- <item caption="43" value="43"/>
- <item caption="44" value="44"/>
- <item caption="45" value="45"/>
- <item caption="46" value="46"/>
- <item caption="47" value="47"/>
- <item caption="48" value="48"/>
- <item caption="49" value="49"/>
- <item caption="50" value="50"/>
- <item caption="51" value="51"/>
- <item caption="52" value="52"/>
- <item caption="53" value="53"/>
- <item caption="54" value="54"/>
- <item caption="55" value="55"/>
- <item caption="56" value="56"/>
- <item caption="57" value="57"/>
- <item caption="58" value="58"/>
- <item caption="59" value="59"/>
- <item caption="60" value="60"/>
- <item caption="61" value="61"/>
- <item caption="62" value="62"/>
- <item caption="63" value="63"/>
- <item caption="64" value="64"/>
- <item caption="65" value="65"/>
- <item caption="66" value="66"/>
- <item caption="67" value="67"/>
- <item caption="68" value="68"/>
- <item caption="69" value="69"/>
- <item caption="70" value="70"/>
- <item caption="71" value="71"/>
- <item caption="72" value="72"/>
- <item caption="73" value="73"/>
- <item caption="74" value="74"/>
- <item caption="75" value="75"/>
- <item caption="76" value="76"/>
- <item caption="77" value="77"/>
- <item caption="78" value="78"/>
- <item caption="79" value="79"/>
- <item caption="80" value="80"/>
- <item caption="81" value="81"/>
- <item caption="82" value="82"/>
- <item caption="83" value="83"/>
- <item caption="84" value="84"/>
- <item caption="85" value="85"/>
- <item caption="86" value="86"/>
- <item caption="87" value="87"/>
- <item caption="88" value="88"/>
- <item caption="89" value="89"/>
- <item caption="90" value="90"/>
- <item caption="91" value="91"/>
- <item caption="92" value="92"/>
- <item caption="93" value="93"/>
- <item caption="94" value="94"/>
- <item caption="95" value="95"/>
- <item caption="96" value="96"/>
- <item caption="97" value="97"/>
- <item caption="98" value="98"/>
- <item caption="99" value="99"/>
- <item caption="100" value="100"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
-<!-- start fjern herfra hvis korr felterne ikke skal bruges -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label/>
- <label caption="Korr:"/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Sf:"/>
- <lineedit name="visus.template.korr.sf.osin" regexp="[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt20gt-25" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Cyl:"/>
- <lineedit name="visus.template.korr.cyl.osin" regexp="|[-+]?[\d]{1,2},[\d]{2,2}" script="lt10gt-15" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Grader:"/>
- <lineedit name="visus.template.korr.grader.osin" regexp="|[\d]+" script="lt359gt0" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
-<!-- slut fjern hertil hvis korr felterne ikke skal bruges -->
-<!-- start fjern herfra hvis add felterne ikke skal bruges -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption=""/>
- <label caption="Add:"/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Sf:"/>
- <lineedit name="visus.template.add.sf.osin" regexp="[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt20gt-25" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Cyl:"/>
- <lineedit name="visus.template.add.cyl.osin" regexp="|[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt10gt-15" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Grader:"/>
- <lineedit name="visus.template.add.grader.osin" regexp="|[\d]+" script="lt359gt0" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
-<!-- slut fjern hertil hvis add felterne ikke skal bruges -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <checkbox name="visus.template.st_hul.osin" caption="Yderligere måling med st. hul (udfyld herunder)" truevalue="true" falsevalue="" script="st_hul_check.osin"/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox" name="st_hul_frame.osin">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Snellen:"/>
- <combobox name="visus.template.st_hul.snellen.osin" layout="vbox" type="search" value="" script="st_hul.snellen.osin">
- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value=""/>
- <item caption="2,0" value="2,0"/>
- <item caption="1,6" value="1,6"/>
- <item caption="1,33" value="1,33"/>
- <item caption="1,0" value="1,0"/>
- <item caption="0,8" value="0,8"/>
- <item caption="0,67" value="0,67"/>
- <item caption="0,5" value="0,5"/>
- <item caption="0,4" value="0,4"/>
- <item caption="0,32" value="0,32"/>
- <item caption="0,25" value="0,25"/>
- <item caption="0,2" value="0,2"/>
- <item caption="0,16" value="0,16"/>
- <item caption="0,125" value="0,125"/>
- <item caption="0,1" value="0,1"/>
- <item caption="0,08" value="0,08"/>
- <item caption="0,05" value="0,05"/>
- <item caption="&amp;lt;0,05" value="&amp;lt;0,05"/>
- <item caption="6/60" value="6/60"/>
- <item caption="3/60" value="3/60"/>
- <item caption="1/18" value="1/18"/>
- <item caption="1/24" value="1/24"/>
- <item caption="1/36" value="1/36"/>
- <item caption="1/60" value="1/60"/>
- <item caption="FGT" value="FGT"/>
- <item caption="HBV" value="HBV"/>
- <item caption="+L+P" value="+L+P"/>
- <item caption="+L-P" value="+L-P"/>
- <item caption="-L" value="-L"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="ETDRS:"/>
- <combobox name="visus.template.st_hul.etdrs.osin" value="" type="search" script="st_hul.etdrs.osin">
- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value=""/>
- <item caption="0" value="0"/>
- <item caption="1" value="1"/>
- <item caption="2" value="2"/>
- <item caption="3" value="3"/>
- <item caption="4" value="4"/>
- <item caption="5" value="5"/>
- <item caption="6" value="6"/>
- <item caption="7" value="7"/>
- <item caption="8" value="8"/>
- <item caption="9" value="9"/>
- <item caption="10" value="10"/>
- <item caption="11" value="11"/>
- <item caption="12" value="12"/>
- <item caption="13" value="13"/>
- <item caption="14" value="14"/>
- <item caption="15" value="15"/>
- <item caption="16" value="16"/>
- <item caption="17" value="17"/>
- <item caption="18" value="18"/>
- <item caption="19" value="19"/>
- <item caption="20" value="20"/>
- <item caption="21" value="21"/>
- <item caption="22" value="22"/>
- <item caption="23" value="23"/>
- <item caption="24" value="24"/>
- <item caption="25" value="25"/>
- <item caption="26" value="26"/>
- <item caption="27" value="27"/>
- <item caption="28" value="28"/>
- <item caption="29" value="29"/>
- <item caption="30" value="30"/>
- <item caption="31" value="31"/>
- <item caption="32" value="32"/>
- <item caption="33" value="33"/>
- <item caption="34" value="34"/>
- <item caption="35" value="35"/>
- <item caption="36" value="36"/>
- <item caption="37" value="37"/>
- <item caption="38" value="38"/>
- <item caption="39" value="39"/>
- <item caption="40" value="40"/>
- <item caption="41" value="41"/>
- <item caption="42" value="42"/>
- <item caption="43" value="43"/>
- <item caption="44" value="44"/>
- <item caption="45" value="45"/>
- <item caption="46" value="46"/>
- <item caption="47" value="47"/>
- <item caption="48" value="48"/>
- <item caption="49" value="49"/>
- <item caption="50" value="50"/>
- <item caption="51" value="51"/>
- <item caption="52" value="52"/>
- <item caption="53" value="53"/>
- <item caption="54" value="54"/>
- <item caption="55" value="55"/>
- <item caption="56" value="56"/>
- <item caption="57" value="57"/>
- <item caption="58" value="58"/>
- <item caption="59" value="59"/>
- <item caption="60" value="60"/>
- <item caption="61" value="61"/>
- <item caption="62" value="62"/>
- <item caption="63" value="63"/>
- <item caption="64" value="64"/>
- <item caption="65" value="65"/>
- <item caption="66" value="66"/>
- <item caption="67" value="67"/>
- <item caption="68" value="68"/>
- <item caption="69" value="69"/>
- <item caption="70" value="70"/>
- <item caption="71" value="71"/>
- <item caption="72" value="72"/>
- <item caption="73" value="73"/>
- <item caption="74" value="74"/>
- <item caption="75" value="75"/>
- <item caption="76" value="76"/>
- <item caption="77" value="77"/>
- <item caption="78" value="78"/>
- <item caption="79" value="79"/>
- <item caption="80" value="80"/>
- <item caption="81" value="81"/>
- <item caption="82" value="82"/>
- <item caption="83" value="83"/>
- <item caption="84" value="84"/>
- <item caption="85" value="85"/>
- <item caption="86" value="86"/>
- <item caption="87" value="87"/>
- <item caption="88" value="88"/>
- <item caption="89" value="89"/>
- <item caption="90" value="90"/>
- <item caption="91" value="91"/>
- <item caption="92" value="92"/>
- <item caption="93" value="93"/>
- <item caption="94" value="94"/>
- <item caption="95" value="95"/>
- <item caption="96" value="96"/>
- <item caption="97" value="97"/>
- <item caption="98" value="98"/>
- <item caption="99" value="99"/>
- <item caption="100" value="100"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!-- Begge oejne -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer/>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <checkbox caption="Aktiver o.u. måling"
- name="visus.template.ou" script="ou"
- truevalue="true" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <frame name="ou_frame" caption="o.u." layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Kontrast:"/>
- <combobox name="visus.template.kontrast.ou" value="">
- <item caption="Ej relevant" value=""/>
- <item caption="20%" value="20%"/>
- <item caption="50%" value="50%"/>
- <item caption="75%" value="75%"/>
- </combobox>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Snellen:"/>
- <combobox name="visus.template.snellen.ou" layout="vbox" type="search" value="" script="snellen.ou">
- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value=""/>
- <item caption="2,0" value="2,0"/>
- <item caption="1,6" value="1,6"/>
- <item caption="1,33" value="1,33"/>
- <item caption="1,0" value="1,0"/>
- <item caption="0,8" value="0,8"/>
- <item caption="0,67" value="0,67"/>
- <item caption="0,5" value="0,5"/>
- <item caption="0,4" value="0,4"/>
- <item caption="0,32" value="0,32"/>
- <item caption="0,25" value="0,25"/>
- <item caption="0,2" value="0,2"/>
- <item caption="0,16" value="0,16"/>
- <item caption="0,125" value="0,125"/>
- <item caption="0,1" value="0,1"/>
- <item caption="0,08" value="0,08"/>
- <item caption="0,05" value="0,05"/>
- <item caption="&amp;lt;0,05" value="&amp;lt;0,05"/>
- <item caption="6/60" value="6/60"/>
- <item caption="3/60" value="3/60"/>
- <item caption="1/18" value="1/18"/>
- <item caption="1/24" value="1/24"/>
- <item caption="1/36" value="1/36"/>
- <item caption="1/60" value="1/60"/>
- <item caption="FGT" value="FGT"/>
- <item caption="HBV" value="HBV"/>
- <item caption="+L+P" value="+L+P"/>
- <item caption="+L-P" value="+L-P"/>
- <item caption="-L" value="-L"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="ETDRS:"/>
- <combobox name="visus.template.etdrs.ou" value="" type="search" script="etdrs.ou">
- <item caption="Ikke udfyldt" value=""/>
- <item caption="0" value="0"/>
- <item caption="1" value="1"/>
- <item caption="2" value="2"/>
- <item caption="3" value="3"/>
- <item caption="4" value="4"/>
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- <item caption="6" value="6"/>
- <item caption="7" value="7"/>
- <item caption="8" value="8"/>
- <item caption="9" value="9"/>
- <item caption="10" value="10"/>
- <item caption="11" value="11"/>
- <item caption="12" value="12"/>
- <item caption="13" value="13"/>
- <item caption="14" value="14"/>
- <item caption="15" value="15"/>
- <item caption="16" value="16"/>
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- <item caption="18" value="18"/>
- <item caption="19" value="19"/>
- <item caption="20" value="20"/>
- <item caption="21" value="21"/>
- <item caption="22" value="22"/>
- <item caption="23" value="23"/>
- <item caption="24" value="24"/>
- <item caption="25" value="25"/>
- <item caption="26" value="26"/>
- <item caption="27" value="27"/>
- <item caption="28" value="28"/>
- <item caption="29" value="29"/>
- <item caption="30" value="30"/>
- <item caption="31" value="31"/>
- <item caption="32" value="32"/>
- <item caption="33" value="33"/>
- <item caption="34" value="34"/>
- <item caption="35" value="35"/>
- <item caption="36" value="36"/>
- <item caption="37" value="37"/>
- <item caption="38" value="38"/>
- <item caption="39" value="39"/>
- <item caption="40" value="40"/>
- <item caption="41" value="41"/>
- <item caption="42" value="42"/>
- <item caption="43" value="43"/>
- <item caption="44" value="44"/>
- <item caption="45" value="45"/>
- <item caption="46" value="46"/>
- <item caption="47" value="47"/>
- <item caption="48" value="48"/>
- <item caption="49" value="49"/>
- <item caption="50" value="50"/>
- <item caption="51" value="51"/>
- <item caption="52" value="52"/>
- <item caption="53" value="53"/>
- <item caption="54" value="54"/>
- <item caption="55" value="55"/>
- <item caption="56" value="56"/>
- <item caption="57" value="57"/>
- <item caption="58" value="58"/>
- <item caption="59" value="59"/>
- <item caption="60" value="60"/>
- <item caption="61" value="61"/>
- <item caption="62" value="62"/>
- <item caption="63" value="63"/>
- <item caption="64" value="64"/>
- <item caption="65" value="65"/>
- <item caption="66" value="66"/>
- <item caption="67" value="67"/>
- <item caption="68" value="68"/>
- <item caption="69" value="69"/>
- <item caption="70" value="70"/>
- <item caption="71" value="71"/>
- <item caption="72" value="72"/>
- <item caption="73" value="73"/>
- <item caption="74" value="74"/>
- <item caption="75" value="75"/>
- <item caption="76" value="76"/>
- <item caption="77" value="77"/>
- <item caption="78" value="78"/>
- <item caption="79" value="79"/>
- <item caption="80" value="80"/>
- <item caption="81" value="81"/>
- <item caption="82" value="82"/>
- <item caption="83" value="83"/>
- <item caption="84" value="84"/>
- <item caption="85" value="85"/>
- <item caption="86" value="86"/>
- <item caption="87" value="87"/>
- <item caption="88" value="88"/>
- <item caption="89" value="89"/>
- <item caption="90" value="90"/>
- <item caption="91" value="91"/>
- <item caption="92" value="92"/>
- <item caption="93" value="93"/>
- <item caption="94" value="94"/>
- <item caption="95" value="95"/>
- <item caption="96" value="96"/>
- <item caption="97" value="97"/>
- <item caption="98" value="98"/>
- <item caption="99" value="99"/>
- <item caption="100" value="100"/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <!--
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label/>
- <label caption="Korr:"/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Sf:"/>
- <lineedit name="visus.template.korr.sf.ou" regexp="[+-]{0,1}\d{1,2},\d{2}" script="lt20gt-25" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Cyl:"/>
- <lineedit name="visus.template.korr.cyl.ou" regexp="|[-+]?[\d]{1,2},[\d]{2,2}" script="lt10gt-15" value=""/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <label caption="Grader:"/>
- <lineedit name="visus.template.korr.grader.ou" regexp="|[\d]+" script="lt359gt0" value=""/>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- </frame>
- -->
- </frame>
- </frame>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- <!-- Knapper -->
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <spacer />
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
- </frame>
- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/visus-uden_korr-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/visus-uden_korr-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 886b262..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/visus-uden_korr-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1202 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<macro name="visus-uden_korr" version="1.0">
- Info ved oprettelse af ny visus macro hvor denne kopieres.
- query-replace på .navn1. til .navn2.
- skift macro navnet under macro tagget helt i toppen
- skift overskrift for begge øjne + ou i resumeet (navn1->navn2)
- skift GUI overskrift for macroen under widgets afsnittet
- fjern resume felter der ikke skal bruges
- fjern tilsvarende GUI felter der ikke skal bruges
- -->
- <resume language="lua">
- function lttoxml(value)
- value = string.gsub(value, '&lt;', '&amp;lt;')
- return value
- end
- out = ''
- if ( getValue('visus.uden_korr.mangler.odxt') == '' or getValue('visus.uden_korr.mangler.osin') == '' or getValue('visus.uden_korr.ou') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'Visus uden korrektion:\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.uden_korr.mangler.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'o.dxt: '
- if ( getValue('visus.uden_korr.snellen.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. lttoxml(getValue('visus.uden_korr.snellen.odxt'))
- if ( getValue('visus.uden_korr.etdrs.odxt') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.uden_korr.etdrs.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.uden_korr.snellen.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- end
- out = out .. getValue('visus.uden_korr.etdrs.odxt') .. ' ETDRS, '
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.uden_korr.kontrast.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('visus.uden_korr.kontrast.odxt') .. ' kontrast'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.uden_korr.st_hul.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.uden_korr.st_hul.snellen.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. lttoxml(getValue('visus.uden_korr.st_hul.snellen.odxt'))
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.uden_korr.st_hul.etdrs.odxt') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.uden_korr.st_hul.etdrs.odxt') .. ' ETDRS'
- end
- out = out .. ' st.h.'
- end
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.uden_korr.mangler.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'o.sin: '
- if ( getValue('visus.uden_korr.snellen.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. lttoxml(getValue('visus.uden_korr.snellen.osin'))
- if ( getValue('visus.uden_korr.etdrs.osin') == '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- end
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.uden_korr.etdrs.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.uden_korr.snellen.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- end
- out = out .. getValue('visus.uden_korr.etdrs.osin') .. ' ETDRS, '
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.uden_korr.kontrast.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. getValue('visus.uden_korr.kontrast.osin') .. ' kontrast'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.uden_korr.st_hul.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.uden_korr.st_hul.snellen.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. lttoxml(getValue('visus.uden_korr.st_hul.snellen.osin'))
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.uden_korr.st_hul.etdrs.osin') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.uden_korr.st_hul.etdrs.osin') .. ' ETDRS'
- end
- out = out .. ' st.h.'
- end
- out = out .. '\n'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.uden_korr.ou') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. 'o.u: '
- if ( getValue('visus.uden_korr.snellen.ou') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. lttoxml(getValue('visus.uden_korr.snellen.ou'))
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.uden_korr.etdrs.ou') ~= '' )
- then
- if ( getValue('visus.uden_korr.snellen.ou') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', '
- end
- out = out .. getValue('visus.uden_korr.etdrs.ou') .. ' ETDRS'
- end
- if ( getValue('visus.uden_korr.kontrast.ou') ~= '' )
- then
- out = out .. ', ' .. getValue('visus.uden_korr.kontrast.ou') .. ' kontrast'
- end
- end
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_odxt" ttl="1000000"/>
- <query service="pracro" class="missing_eye_osin" ttl="1000000"/>
- </queries>
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- value = 0
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- if( missing_eye_odxt )
- then
- if( missing_eye_odxt.value and missing_eye_odxt.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_odxt.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_odxt.source
- end
- end
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- value = 0
- timestamp = 0
- source = ''
- if( missing_eye_osin )
- then
- if( missing_eye_osin.value and missing_eye_osin.value == '' )
- then
- value = ''
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- else
- value = 'mangler'
- timestamp = missing_eye_osin.timestamp
- source = missing_eye_osin.source
- end
- end
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- then
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- then
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- return true
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- then
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- return true
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- <item caption="71" value="71"/>
- <item caption="72" value="72"/>
- <item caption="73" value="73"/>
- <item caption="74" value="74"/>
- <item caption="75" value="75"/>
- <item caption="76" value="76"/>
- <item caption="77" value="77"/>
- <item caption="78" value="78"/>
- <item caption="79" value="79"/>
- <item caption="80" value="80"/>
- <item caption="81" value="81"/>
- <item caption="82" value="82"/>
- <item caption="83" value="83"/>
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- <item caption="-L" value="-L"/>
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- <item caption="92" value="92"/>
- <item caption="93" value="93"/>
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- <item caption="1/60" value="1/60"/>
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- <item caption="-L" value="-L"/>
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- </frame>
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- <label caption="Cyl:"/>
- <lineedit name="visus.uden_korr.korr.cyl.ou" regexp="|[-+]?[\d]{1,2},[\d]{2,2}" script="lt10gt-15" value=""/>
- </frame>
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- <label caption="Grader:"/>
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- -->
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diff --git a/server/xml/macros/vurdering_af_fundus-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/vurdering_af_fundus-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e76a81c..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/vurdering_af_fundus-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
- 20090420: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Resume opdateret så det altid inkluderer både randhæmorrhagier og
- exsudater, både hvis de er observerede og hvis de ikke er det.
- -->
-<macro name="vurdering_af_fundus" version="1.0">
- <resume language="lua">
- out = '90-D undersøgelse:\nDer findes '
- if(getValue('fundus.randhaemorrhagier') == '' and getValue('fundus.exsudater') == '')
- then
- out = out .. 'ingen randhæmorrhagier eller exsudater'
- else
- if(getValue('fundus.randhaemorrhagier') ~= '' and getValue('fundus.exsudater') ~= '')
- then
- out = out .. 'randhæmorrhagier og exsudater'
- else
- if(getValue('fundus.randhaemorrhagier') ~= '')
- then
- out = out .. 'randhæmorrhagier, men ingen exsudater'
- end
- if(getValue('fundus.exsudater') ~= '')
- then
- out = out .. 'ingen randhæmorrhagier, men exsudater'
- end
- end
- end
- out = out .. '.\n'
- return out
- </resume>
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Vurdering af fundus (B.2.5)"
- layout="vbox">
- <combobox name="fundus.kilde" value="">
- <item caption="Fundus foto" value="Fundus foto"/>
- <item caption="90-D linse undersøgelse" value="90-D linse undersøgelse"/>
- </combobox>
- <label caption="viser"/>
- <checkbox name="fundus.randhaemorrhagier" caption="Randhæmorrhagier"
- truevalue="Randhæmorrhagier" falsevalue="" value=""/>
- <checkbox name="fundus.exsudater" caption="Exsudater"
- truevalue="Exsudater" falsevalue="" value=""/>
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- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/macros/yderligere_diagnostik-1.0.xml b/server/xml/macros/yderligere_diagnostik-1.0.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index eab7421..0000000
--- a/server/xml/macros/yderligere_diagnostik-1.0.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
- 20081204: Bent Bisballe Nyeng
- Feltnavnene ændret så de giver mening.
- -->
-<macro name="yderligere_diagnostik" version="1.0">
- <resume>${amd_preop.konklusion. ${amd_preop.konklusion.oeje}
- <queries>
- </queries>
- <maps>
- </maps>
- <scripts>
- <script language="lua" name="afsluttes">
- if value == 'Der findes ingen indikation for yderligere udredning af AMD.'
- then
- setValue('amd_preop.konklusion.afsluttes', ' - Afsluttes')
- end
- return true
- </script>
- </scripts>
- <widgets caption="Yderligere diagnostik (B.2.2.8)"
- layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="vbox">
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <label caption="Øje:" width="50"/>
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- <radiobutton caption="o.dxt" value="o.dxt"/>
- <radiobutton caption="o.sin" value="o.sin"/>
- </radiobuttons>
- <spacer/>
- </frame>
- <frame layout="hbox">
- <combobox name="amd_preop.konklusion"
- value=""
- script="afsluttes">
- <item caption="Ingen indikation for yderligere udredning af AMD."
- value="Der findes ingen indikation for yderligere udredning af AMD."/>
- <item caption="Der findes indikation for fluorescens angiografi"
- value="Der findes indikation for fluorescens angiografi."/>
- </combobox>
- </frame>
- <label caption="Supplerende:"/>
- <textedit name="amd_preop.konklusion.yderligere" value=""/>
- <checkbox caption="Afsluttes" name="amd_preop.konklusion.afsluttes"
- truevalue=" - Afsluttes" falsevalue="" value=""/>
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- <spacer/>
- <button caption="Gem" action="commit"/>
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- </widgets>
diff --git a/server/xml/templates/ b/server/xml/templates/
index 7d487a6..b3b805c 100644
--- a/server/xml/templates/
+++ b/server/xml/templates/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- example.xml
+ test.xml
xmldir = $(datadir)/xml/templates
xml_DATA = \
- example.xml
+ test.xml
diff --git a/server/xml/templates/amd_behandling.xml b/server/xml/templates/amd_behandling.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index db32331..0000000
--- a/server/xml/templates/amd_behandling.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<template name="amd_behandling" version="1.0" title="AMD behandling">
- <macro name="header" static="true"/>
- <macro name="amd_behandling_overskrift"/>
- <header caption="Behandling"/>
- <macro name="intravitreal_injektion_indikation" requires="amd_behandling_overskrift"/>
- <macro name="gennemgang_af_de_5_trin" requires="amd_behandling_overskrift"/>
- <macro name="amd_procedure" requires="amd_behandling_overskrift"/>
diff --git a/server/xml/templates/amd_forunders.xml b/server/xml/templates/amd_forunders.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a9f567..0000000
--- a/server/xml/templates/amd_forunders.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<template name="amd_forunders" version="1.0" title="AMD forundersøgelse">
- <macro name="header" static="true"/>
- <macro name="henvisning"/>
- <header caption="Anamnese"/>
- <macro name="allergier" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="medicin" requires="henvisning" compact="true"/>
- <macro name="tidligere_alment" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="tobaksrygning" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="tidligere_oejensygdomme" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="aktuelle" requires="henvisning"/>
- <header caption="Objektiv undersøgelse"/>
- <macro name="visus" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="egen_brille" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="autorefraktion" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="oct_maaling" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="oct_konklusion" requires="henvisning,oct_maaling"/>
- <macro name="oejentryk" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="spaltelampe" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="90d_linse" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="yderligere_diagnostik" requires="henvisning"/>
- <header caption="Øjendrypning"/>
- <macro name="oejendrypning" requires="henvisning"/>
- <header caption="Fluorescens angiografi"/>
- <macro name="fluorescens_injektion" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="fluorescens_faser" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="fluorescens_konklusion" requires="henvisning"/>
- <header caption="Samlet konklusion"/>
- <macro name="information" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="amd_behandlingsindikation" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="informeret_samtykke" requires="henvisning" compact="true"/>
diff --git a/server/xml/templates/amd_kontrolunders.xml b/server/xml/templates/amd_kontrolunders.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 56ecda4..0000000
--- a/server/xml/templates/amd_kontrolunders.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<template name="amd_kontrolunders" version="1.0" title="AMD kontrolundersøgelse">
- <macro name="header" static="true"/>
- <macro name="amd_kontrolunders_overskrift"/>
- <header caption="Anamnese"/>
- <macro name="allergier" requires="amd_kontrolunders_overskrift"/>
- <macro name="medicin" compact="true" requires="amd_kontrolunders_overskrift"/>
- <macro name="subjektiv_evaluering" requires="amd_kontrolunders_overskrift"/>
- <macro name="aktuelle" requires="amd_kontrolunders_overskrift"/>
- <header caption="Objektiv undersøgelse"/>
- <macro name="visus" requires="amd_kontrolunders_overskrift"/>
- <macro name="egen_brille" requires="amd_kontrolunders_overskrift"/>
- <macro name="autorefraktion" requires="amd_kontrolunders_overskrift"/>
- <macro name="oct_maaling" requires="amd_kontrolunders_overskrift"/>
- <macro name="oct_konklusion" requires="octmeasurement,amd_kontrolunders_overskrift"/>
- <macro name="oejentryk" requires="amd_kontrolunders_overskrift"/>
- <macro name="spaltelampe" requires="amd_kontrolunders_overskrift"/>
- <macro name="90d_linse" requires="amd_kontrolunders_overskrift"/>
- <macro name="yderligere_diagnostik" requires="amd_kontrolunders_overskrift"/>
- <macro name="vurdering_af_fundus" requires="amd_kontrolunders_overskrift"/>
- <header caption="Øjendrypning"/>
- <macro name="oejendrypning" requires="amd_kontrolunders_overskrift"/>
- <header caption="Fluorescens angiografi"/>
- <macro name="fluorescens_faser" requires="amd_kontrolunders_overskrift"/>
- <macro name="fluorescens_konklusion" requires="amd_kontrolunders_overskrift"/>
- <header caption="Samlet konklusion"/>
- <macro name="information" requires="amd_kontrolunders_overskrift"/>
- <macro name="amd_genbehandlingsindikation" requires="amd_kontrolunders_overskrift"/>
- <macro name="informeret_samtykke" compact="true" requires="amd_kontrolunders_overskrift"/>
diff --git a/server/xml/templates/example.xml b/server/xml/templates/example.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 23e54a3..0000000
--- a/server/xml/templates/example.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<template name="example" version="1.0" title="Example template">
- <header caption="Some header caption"/>
- <macro name="example"/>
- <macro name="example" requires="someothermacro"/>
diff --git a/server/xml/templates/ref_behandling.xml b/server/xml/templates/ref_behandling.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ad71bb..0000000
--- a/server/xml/templates/ref_behandling.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<template name="ref_behandling" version="1.0" title="Behandling Refraktivt indgreb">
- <macro name="header" static="true"/>
- <macro name="ref_behandlinghklargoering"/>
- <macro name="de_5_trin" requires="ref_behandlinghklargoering"/>
- <macro name="ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure" requires="ref_behandling.klargoering,de_5_trin"/>
- <macro name="oejendrypning" requires="ref_behandling.klargoering,de_5_trin,ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure"/>
- <macro name="supplerende" requires="ref_behandling.klargoering,de_5_trin,ref_behandling.kirurgisk_procedure"/>
diff --git a/server/xml/templates/ref_efterkontrol.xml b/server/xml/templates/ref_efterkontrol.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d959493..0000000
--- a/server/xml/templates/ref_efterkontrol.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<template name="ref_efterkontrol" version="1.0" title="Refraktiv kirurgi, efterkontrol">
- <macro name="header" static="true"/>
- <macro name="ref_efterkontrol.overskrift"/>
- <header caption="Anamnese"/>
- <macro name="allergier" requires="ref_efterkontrol.overskrift"/>
- <macro name="medicin" requires="ref_efterkontrol.overskrift" compact="true"/>
- <macro name="tidligere_alment" requires="ref_efterkontrol.overskrift"/>
- <header caption="Objektiv undersøgelse"/>
- <macro name="ref_efterkontrol.aktuelle" requires="ref_efterkontrol.overskrift"/>
- <macro name="visus-uden_korr" requires="ref_efterkontrol.overskrift"/>
- <macro name="visus-egen_korr" requires="ref_efterkontrol.overskrift"/>
- <macro name="visus-manifest_refraktion" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="egen_brille" requires="ref_efterkontrol.overskrift"/>
- <macro name="autorefraktion" requires="ref_efterkontrol.overskrift"/>
-<!-- <macro name="manifest_refraktion" requires="ref_efterkontrol.overskrift"/> -->
- <macro name="cycloplegisk_refraktion" requires="ref_efterkontrol.overskrift"/>
- <macro name="keratometri" requires="ref_efterkontrol.overskrift"/>
- <macro name="tonometri" requires="ref_efterkontrol.overskrift"/>
- <macro name="akselaengde" requires="ref_efterkontrol.overskrift"/>
- <macro name="central_corneatykkelse" requires="ref_efterkontrol.overskrift"/>
- <macro name="topografi" requires="ref_efterkontrol.overskrift"/>
- <macro name="boelgefront" requires="ref_efterkontrol.overskrift"/>
- <header caption="Øjendrypning"/>
- <macro name="oejendrypning" requires="ref_efterkontrol.overskrift"/>
- <macro name="ref.spaltelampe" requires="ref_efterkontrol.overskrift"/>
- <macro name="ref_90d_linse" requires="ref_efterkontrol.overskrift"/>
- <macro name="supplerende" requires="ref_efterkontrol.overskrift"/>
- <header caption="Samlet konklusion"/>
- <macro name="ref_efterkontrol.konklusion" requires="ref_efterkontrol.overskrift"/>
- <macro name="ref_efterkontrol.informeret_samtykke" requires="ref_efterkontrol.overskrift"/>
diff --git a/server/xml/templates/ref_foerstedagskontrol.xml b/server/xml/templates/ref_foerstedagskontrol.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index cde1ae6..0000000
--- a/server/xml/templates/ref_foerstedagskontrol.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<template name="ref_foerstedagskontrol" version="1.0" title="Refraktiv kirurgi førstedagskontrol">
- <macro name="header" static="true"/>
- <macro name="ref_foerstedagskontrol.overskrift"/>
- <header caption="Anamnese"/>
- <macro name="ref_subjektivt" requires="ref_foerstedagskontrol.overskrift"/>
- <header caption="Objektiv undersøgelse"/>
- <macro name="visus-uden_korr" requires="ref_foerstedagskontrol.overskrift"/>
- <macro name="ref.spaltelampe" requires="ref_foerstedagskontrol.overskrift"/>
- <macro name="ref_komplikationer" requires="ref_foerstedagskontrol.overskrift"/>
- <macro name="oejendrypning" requires="ref_foerstedagskontrol.overskrift"/>
- <macro name="ref_kontrol" requires="ref_foerstedagskontrol.overskrift"/>
diff --git a/server/xml/templates/ref_forunders.xml b/server/xml/templates/ref_forunders.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b398df1..0000000
--- a/server/xml/templates/ref_forunders.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<template name="ref_forunders" version="1.0" title="Refraktiv kirurgi forundersøgelse">
- <macro name="header" static="true"/>
- <macro name="henvisning"/>
- <header caption="Anamnese"/>
- <macro name="allergier" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="medicin" requires="henvisning" compact="true"/>
- <macro name="tidligere_alment" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="gravid_eller_ammende" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="tidligere_oejensygdomme" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="ref_aktuelle" requires="henvisning"/>
- <header caption="Objektiv undersøgelse"/>
- <macro name="visus-uden_korr" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="egen_brille" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="visus-egen_korr" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="autorefraktion" requires="henvisning"/>
-<!-- <macro name="manifest_refraktion" requires="henvisning"/> -->
- <macro name="visus-manifest_refraktion" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="cycloplegisk_refraktion" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="keratometri" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="tonometri" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="akselaengde" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="central_corneatykkelse" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="pupilstoerrelse" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="topografi" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="boelgefront" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="oejendrypning" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="ref.spaltelampe" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="ref_90d_linse" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="supplerende" requires="henvisning"/>
- <header caption="Samlet konklusion"/>
- <macro name="ref_forunders.konklusion" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="information" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="ref_forunders.informeret_samtykke" requires="henvisning" compact="true"/>
diff --git a/server/xml/templates/tao_forunders.xml b/server/xml/templates/tao_forunders.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4af4b11..0000000
--- a/server/xml/templates/tao_forunders.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
-<template name="tao_forunders" version="1.0" title="TAO forundersøgelse">
- <macro name="header" static="true"/>
- <macro name="henvisning"/>
- <header caption="Anamnese"/>
- <macro name="allergier" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="medicin" requires="henvisning" compact="true"/>
- <macro name="tidligere_alment" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="tobaksrygning" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="tidligere_oejensygdomme" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="tao_aktuelle" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="visus-uden_korr" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="egen_brille" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="autorefraktion" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="farvesynstest" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="tonometri" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="oejendrypning" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="pupillen" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="externa" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="orbita" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="motilitet" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="tao_spaltelampe" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="tao_computerstyret_perimetri" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="tao_oftalmoskopi" requires="henvisning"/>
- <macro name="tao_konklusion" requires="henvisning"/>