/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set et sw=2 ts=2: */ /*************************************************************************** * session.cc * * Tue Dec 15 13:36:49 CET 2009 * Copyright 2009 Bent Bisballe Nyeng * deva@aasimon.org ****************************************************************************/ /* * This file is part of Pracro. * * Pracro is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Pracro is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Pracro; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. */ #include "session.h" #include #include // for stat #include #include #include #include #include "journal.h" #include "journal_uploadserver.h" #include "database.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "connectionpool.h" #include "sessionserialiser.h" #include "environment.h" Session::Session(Environment *e, std::string sid, std::string pid, std::string t) : env(e) { _journal = NULL; sessionid = sid; patientid = pid; templ = t; DEBUG(session, "[%p] new Session(sessionid: '%s', patientid: '%s'," " template: '%s')\n", this, sid.c_str(), pid.c_str(), t.c_str()); isreadonly = true; } Session::~Session() { DEBUG(session, "[%p] delete Session(sessionid: '%s')\n", this, sessionid.c_str()); if(_journal) delete _journal; } std::string Session::id() { if(sessionid == "") { AutoBorrower borrower(env->dbpool); Database *db = borrower.get(); sessionid = db->newSessionId(); } return sessionid; } void Session::lock() { mutex.lock(); } void Session::unlock() { mutex.unlock(); } void Session::commitMacro(Transaction &transaction, Commit &commit, Macro ¯o) { DEBUG(session, "[%p] commitMacro(sessionid: '%s')\n", this, sessionid.c_str()); AutoBorrower borrower(env->dbpool); Database *db = borrower.get(); db->commitTransaction(transaction, commit, macro, id()); isreadonly = false; } bool Session::idle() { if(isreadonly) return false; { AutoBorrower borrower(env->dbpool); Database *db = borrower.get(); return db->idle(id()); } } void Session::setIdle(bool idle) { if(isreadonly == false) { AutoBorrower borrower(env->dbpool); Database *db = borrower.get(); return db->setIdle(id(), idle); } } void Session::commit() { DEBUG(session, "[%p] commit(sessionid: '%s')\n", this, sessionid.c_str()); if(_journal != NULL) { _journal->commit(); delete _journal; _journal = NULL; } if(isreadonly == false) { AutoBorrower borrower(env->dbpool); Database *db = borrower.get(); db->commit(id()); } } void Session::nocommit() { DEBUG(session, "[%p] nocommit(sessionid: '%s')\n", this, sessionid.c_str()); if(isreadonly == false) { AutoBorrower borrower(env->dbpool); Database *db = borrower.get(); db->nocommit(id()); } } void Session::discard() { DEBUG(session, "[%p] discard(sessionid: '%s')\n", this, sessionid.c_str()); // Store session file in discarded folder before deleting. if(isreadonly == false && Conf::session_discard_path != "") { SessionSerialiser ser(env, Conf::session_discard_path); ser.save(this); } if(_journal) { delete _journal; _journal = NULL; } if(isreadonly == false) { AutoBorrower borrower(env->dbpool); Database *db = borrower.get(); db->discard(id()); } } Journal *Session::journal() { if(_journal == NULL) { _journal = new JournalUploadServer(Conf::journal_commit_addr, Conf::journal_commit_port); } return _journal; } Sessions::Sessions(Environment *e) : env(e) { } static bool fexists(const std::string &f) { bool ret; FILE *fp = fopen(f.c_str(), "r"); ret = fp != NULL; if(fp) fclose(fp); return ret; } Session *Sessions::newSession(std::string patientid, std::string templ) throw(SessionAlreadyActive) { MutexAutolock lock(mutex); std::map::iterator i = sessions.begin(); while(i != sessions.end()) { if(i->second->patientid == patientid && i->second->templ == templ) { Session *session = i->second; if(!session->idle()) { DEBUG(session, "Patient/template matched session is already active."); throw SessionAlreadyActive(session->id()); } return session; } i++; } { // Look up patientid / template tupple in session files. SessionSerialiser ser(env, Conf::session_path); Session *session = ser.findFromTupple(patientid, templ); if(session != NULL) { sessions[session->id()] = session; if(!session->idle()) { DEBUG(session, "Looked up session by id is already active."); throw SessionAlreadyActive(session->id()); } return session; } } Session *session = new Session(env, "", patientid, templ); sessions[session->id()] = session; return session; } Session *Sessions::session(std::string sessionid) { MutexAutolock lock(mutex); if(sessions.find(sessionid) != sessions.end()) return sessions[sessionid]; std::string filename = getSessionFilename(Conf::session_path, sessionid); if(fexists(filename)) { SessionSerialiser ser(env, Conf::session_path); Session *s = ser.load(sessionid); sessions[s->id()] = s; return s; } return NULL; } Session *Sessions::takeSession(std::string sessionid) { MutexAutolock lock(mutex); DEBUG(session,"%s\n", sessionid.c_str()); Session *s = NULL; if(sessions.find(sessionid) != sessions.end()) { s = sessions[sessionid]; } if(s) { sessions.erase(sessionid); } else DEBUG(session, "No such session!\n"); return s; } void Sessions::deleteSession(std::string sessionid) { Session *s = takeSession(sessionid); if(s) delete s; } size_t Sessions::size() { return sessions.size(); } void Sessions::store() { MutexAutolock lock(mutex); std::map::iterator i = sessions.begin(); while(i != sessions.end()) { SessionSerialiser ser(env, Conf::session_path); ser.save(i->second); delete i->second; sessions.erase(i); i++; } sessions.clear(); } std::vector Sessions::activeSessions() { MutexAutolock lock(mutex); std::vector act; std::map::iterator i = sessions.begin(); while(i != sessions.end()) { act.push_back(i->first); i++; } return act; } SessionAutolock::SessionAutolock(Session &s) : session(s) { session.lock(); } SessionAutolock::~SessionAutolock() { session.unlock(); } #ifdef TEST_SESSION //deps: configuration.cc journal.cc journal_uploadserver.cc journal_commit.cc mutex.cc debug.cc sessionserialiser.cc sessionparser.cc saxparser.cc environment.cc semaphore.cc artefact.cc xml_encode_decode.cc database.cc pracrodaopgsql.cc pracrodaotest.cc pracrodao.cc entitylist.cc macrolist.cc templatelist.cc macroheaderparser.cc templateheaderparser.cc versionstr.cc exception.cc log.cc inotify.cc //cflags: -I.. $(PTHREAD_CFLAGS) $(EXPAT_CFLAGS) -DWITHOUT_ARTEFACT -DWITHOUT_DB //libs: $(PTHREAD_LIBS) $(EXPAT_LIBS) #include #define PID "1505050505" #define TMPL "test" TEST_BEGIN; debug_parse("+all"); Conf::database_backend = "testdb"; Conf::database_poolsize = 1; Conf::xml_basedir = "../xml"; Environment env; // Make sure we start out on an empty session directory. Conf::session_path = "/tmp/test_session"; while(mkdir(Conf::session_path.c_str(), 0777) == -1 && errno == EEXIST) { Conf::session_path += "X"; } Session *s1 = env.sessions.newSession(PID, TMPL); TEST_EXCEPTION(env.sessions.newSession(PID, TMPL), Sessions::SessionAlreadyActive, "Session should be 'locked'"); Session *s2 = env.sessions.session(s1->id()); TEST_EQUAL(s1, s2, "They should be the same session."); env.sessions.takeSession(s1->id()); Session *s3 = env.sessions.newSession(PID, TMPL); TEST_NOTEQUAL_STR(s1->id(), s3->id(), "Testing if IDs are unique."); TEST_EQUAL_INT(env.sessions.size(), 1, "Testing if size is 1."); std::string id = s3->id(); env.sessions.deleteSession(id); Session *s4 = env.sessions.session(id); TEST_EQUAL(s4, NULL, "No session should be returned."); TEST_EQUAL_INT(env.sessions.size(), 0, "Testing if size is 0."); Session *s5 = env.sessions.newSession(PID, TMPL); TEST_NOTEQUAL(s5, NULL, "A new session was created."); { Transaction transaction; transaction.cpr = PID; transaction.user = "me"; Commit commit; commit.fields["field1"] = "hello"; commit.fields["field2"] = "world"; commit.templ = TMPL; Macro macro; macro.attributes["version"] = "1.0"; macro.attributes["name"] = "somemacro"; s5->commitMacro(transaction, commit, macro); } id = s5->id(); env.sessions.store(); // Resume session using session id. Session *s6 = env.sessions.session(id); TEST_NOTEQUAL(s6, NULL, "We did get one right?"); TEST_EQUAL_STR(s6->id(), id, "Did we get the stored session?"); { Transaction transaction; transaction.cpr = PID; transaction.user = "me"; Commit commit; commit.fields["field1"] = "hello"; commit.fields["field2"] = "world"; commit.templ = TMPL; Macro macro; macro.attributes["version"] = "1.0"; macro.attributes["name"] = "somemacro"; s6->commitMacro(transaction, commit, macro); } s6->nocommit(); env.sessions.store(); // Resume session using patientid/template tupple. Session *s7 = env.sessions.newSession(PID, TMPL); TEST_NOTEQUAL(s7, NULL, "We did get one right?"); TEST_EQUAL_STR(s7->id(), id, "Did we get the stored session?"); // Get an existing session and test locking. Session *s8 = env.sessions.session(s7->id()); s7->lock(); TEST_FALSE(s8->mutex.trylock(), "Session should be locked.") s7->unlock(); { Transaction transaction; transaction.cpr = PID; transaction.user = "me"; Commit commit; commit.fields["field1"] = "hello"; commit.fields["field2"] = "world"; commit.templ = TMPL; Macro macro; macro.attributes["version"] = "1.0"; macro.attributes["name"] = "somemacro"; s7->commitMacro(transaction, commit, macro); } TEST_FALSE(s7->idle(), "Session is active."); TEST_FALSE(s7->isReadonly(), "Not read only session."); s7->setIdle(true); // Force idle TEST_TRUE(s7->idle(), "Session is idle."); Session *s9 = env.sessions.newSession(PID, TMPL"empty"); TEST_TRUE(s9->isReadonly(), "Read only session."); TEST_FALSE(s9->idle(), "Readonly session is not idle."); s9->setIdle(true); // Force idle (no effect) TEST_FALSE(s9->idle(), "Readonly session still not idle."); TEST_END; #endif/*TEST_SESSION*/