/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /*************************************************************************** * server.cc * * Wed Aug 22 12:16:03 CEST 2007 * Copyright 2007 Bent Bisballe Nyeng, Lars Bisballe Jensen and Peter Skaarup * deva@aasimon.org, elsenator@gmail.com and piparum@piparum.dk ****************************************************************************/ /* * This file is part of Pracro. * * Pracro is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Pracro is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Pracro; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. */ #include "server.h" #include "tcpsocket.h" #include #include // For fork #include #include #include "configuration.h" #include "transaction.h" #include "xmlparser.h" #include "database.h" #include "macro.h" #include "macro_parser.h" #include "resumeparser.h" #include "tostring.h" #include #include "journal_commit.h" static void send_macro_widget(Widget &widget, TCPSocket &socket, std::string tabs) { socket.write(tabs + "<" + widget.type); WidgetPropertyList::iterator p = widget.properties.begin(); while(p != widget.properties.end()) { WidgetProperty &property = *p; socket.write(" " + property.name + "=\"" + property.value + "\""); p++; } socket.write(">\n"); WidgetList::iterator w = widget.widgets.begin(); while(w != widget.widgets.end()) { send_macro_widget(*w, socket, tabs + " "); w++; } socket.write(tabs + "\n"); } static void connection(TCPSocket &socket) { printf("Got connection...\n"); Transaction transaction; parse(socket, transaction); socket.write("\n"); socket.write("\n"); // Handle requests Requests::iterator i = transaction.requests.begin(); while(i != transaction.requests.end()) { Request request = *i; printf("Handling request for \"%s\"...", request.macro.c_str()); Macro macro; parse_macro(request.macro, macro); WidgetList::iterator w = macro.widgets.begin(); while(w != macro.widgets.end()) { send_macro_widget(*w, socket, " "); w++; } printf("done.\n"); i++; } // Handle commits if(transaction.commits.size() > 0) { std::string now = toString((unsigned int)time(NULL)); Commits::iterator i = transaction.commits.begin(); while(i != transaction.commits.end()) { Commit &commit = *i; Database db; db.post(transaction.user, transaction.cpr, now, commit); Macro macro; parse_macro(commit.macro, macro); std::string resume = resume_parser(macro.format.c_str(), commit); std::string journal_commit_addr = config()->lookup("journal_commit_addr"); int journal_commit_port = config()->lookup("journal_commit_port"); journal_commit(transaction.cpr.c_str(), transaction.user.c_str(), journal_commit_addr.c_str(), journal_commit_port, resume.c_str(), resume.length()); // printf(resume.c_str()); i++; } } socket.write("\n"); printf("Done with connection.\n"); } void server() { int port; try { port = config()->lookup("port"); } catch( ... ) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not read port."); return; } TCPSocket *socket; try { socket = new TCPSocket(); socket->listen(port); } catch (Exception &e) { fprintf(stderr, "Error during parsing:\n%s\n", e.what()); delete socket; return; } while(socket->connected()) { { // Reload if new port i assigned. int old_port = port; try { port = config()->lookup("port"); } catch( ... ) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not read port."); return; } if(port != old_port) { // Start listening on the new port delete socket; socket = new TCPSocket(); socket->listen(port); } } TCPSocket child = socket->accept(); if(child.connected()) { switch(fork()) { case -1: // error fprintf(stderr, "Could not fork: %s\n", strerror(errno)); break; case 0: // child socket->disconnect(); connection(child); delete socket; return; default: // parent break; } } } delete socket; fprintf(stderr, "Oups... dropped out of the main loop\n"); }