/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /*************************************************************************** * widget.h * * Tue Jul 17 12:15:59 CEST 2007 * Copyright 2007 Bent Bisballe Nyeng and Lars Bisballe Jensen * deva@aasimon.org and elsenator@gmail.com ****************************************************************************/ /* * This file is part of Pracro. * * Pracro is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Pracro is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Pracro; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. */ #ifndef __PRACRO_WIDGET_H__ #define __PRACRO_WIDGET_H__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lua.h" #ifdef LUA_CLASS #undef LUA_CLASS #endif #define LUA_CLASS "Widget" /*** * Virtual Base Widget * This tag is purely virtual. It is inherited by all other widgets. * @att name The name of the widget. This is also the name used by the scripts. * @att value The initial value of the widget. It is overwritten if there is a * map with a recent value or if the database contains a recent value. * @att onChange Change event script callback. This attribute contains script * code that are executed each time the widget is changed. * @att onInit Init event script callback. This attribute contains script code * that are executed when the widget has just been created. * @att map This attribute binds the value of the widget to a map. * @att width Use this attribute to set the width of the widget to a fixed * value. * @att height Use this attribute to set the height of the widget to a fixed * value. * @att help This attribute contains a help text for this widget. It will be * shown to the user when the mouse is hovering over the widget. * @att local This attribute is a boolean telling wether the field can be stored * in the database on commits. It can be either 'true' or 'false'. The default * is 'false'. * @att colour The foreground (text) colour of the widget. The value must be a * 6 byte hexadecimal string with each 2 byte pair describing the colour * channels in order: Red, green blue. Example: '0f1a3b'. * @att bgcolour The background colour of the widget. The value must be a * 6 byte hexadecimal string with each 2 byte pair describing the colour * channels in order: Red, green blue. Example: '0f1a3b'. */ class QLayout; class MacroWindow; class LUA; class Widget; class Widget : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: Widget(QDomNode &node, MacroWindow *macrowindow); virtual ~Widget(); QString name(); QString type(); bool local(); virtual QString luaclass() { return LUA_CLASS; } virtual QString value() = 0; virtual void setValue(QString value, QString source) = 0; // Set deep to true to validate inner widgets. bool valid(bool deep = false); void setValid(bool valid, bool deep = false); // Make sanity check before commit. bool committable(bool deep = false); // Implement in subclasses to contribute to the validation. virtual bool preValid() { return true; } // Implement in subclasses to change widget according to validation status. virtual void setWdgValid(bool valid) = 0; virtual void setEnabled(bool enabled); virtual bool enabled(); virtual void setVisible(bool visible); virtual bool visible(); virtual void setHidden(bool hidden); virtual bool hidden(); virtual bool setKeyboardFocus(); virtual void setForegroundColour(unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue); virtual void setBackgroundColour(unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue); virtual QWidget *qwidget() { return widget; } // Set deep to true to search through inner widgets. Widget *findWidget(QString name, bool deep = false); QVector< Widget* > widgetList(bool deep = false); void addChild(Widget *widget); virtual void setValues(); signals: void wasChanged(); /* * LUA scripting events: */ void eventOnChange(bool deep = false); void eventOnInit(bool deep = false); public slots: void childWasChanged(); void runEventOnChange(bool deep = false); void runEventOnInit(bool deep = false); protected: QWidget *widget; bool hideChildren; // Implement in subclasses to be able to block commits. virtual bool preCommit() { return true; } // Overload this to avoid children 'wasChanged' connection. virtual void connectChild(Widget *child); void addChildren(QDomNode &xml_node, QLayout *layout); LUA *lua; void createWidget(QDomNode &xml_node, QLayout *layout); QVector< Widget* > children; void setWdgValidRecursive(bool valid); // Store value in constructor to be set later. bool has_lazy; QString lazy_value; QString lazy_source; bool is_valid; QString widget_name; QString widget_type; bool widget_local; MacroWindow *macrowindow; bool hasOnChangeEvent; QString onChangeEventScript; bool hasOnInitEvent; QString onInitEventScript; QFrame *replwidget; }; /*** * @method string name() * This method is used to get the name of the widget. This name is the same as * the one specified in the name attribute. * @return a string containing the name of the widget. */ int wdg_name(lua_State *L); /*** * @method string type() * This method is used to get the type of the widget. This type is the same as * the widget tagname and can be used by script to verify the type before * calling any type specific methods. * @return a string containing the type of the widget. */ int wdg_type(lua_State *L); /*** * @method string value() * This method is used to get the current value of the widget. * @return a string containing the value of the widget. */ int wdg_value(lua_State *L); /*** * @method nil setValue(string value) * This method is used to set the value of the widget. * @param value A string containing the value to set. */ int wdg_set_value(lua_State *L); /*** * @method boolean enabled() * This method is used to get the current enable state of the widget. * @return a boolean value. If the widget is enabled the method returns true * otherwise it returns false. */ int wdg_enabled(lua_State *L); /*** * @method nil setEnabled(boolean enabled) * This method is used to either enable (make editable) or disable (grey out) * the widget. NOTE: A disabled widget will not supply its value to * the server during a commit. * @param enabled A boolean value. If true the widget is enabled. If false the * widget is disabled. */ int wdg_set_enabled(lua_State *L); /*** * @method boolean visible() * This method is used to get the current visibility state of the widget. * @return a boolean value. If the widget is visible the method returns true * otherwise it returns false. */ int wdg_visible(lua_State *L); /*** * @method nil setVisible(boolean visible) * This method is used to either show or hide the widget. * The widget will take up an equal amount of layout space regardless of its * visibility state meaning that the layout will remain static after a * hiding/showing of the widget. * NOTE: An invisble widget will not supply its value to the server * during a commit. * @param visible A boolean value. If true the widget is shown. If false the * widget is hidden. */ int wdg_set_visible(lua_State *L); /*** * @method boolean hidden() * This method is used to get the current hide state of the widget. * @return a boolean value. If the widget is hidden the method returns true * otherwise it returns false. */ int wdg_hidden(lua_State *L); /*** * @method nil setHidden(boolean hidden) * This method is used to either show or hide the widget, collapsing the occupied * space. * NOTE: A hidden widget will not supply its value to the server * during a commit. * @param hidden A boolean value. If true the widget is hidden. If false the * widget is shown. */ int wdg_set_hidden(lua_State *L); /*** * @method boolean valid() * This method is used to get the current validity state of the widget. See * also @see setValid(). * @return a boolean value. If the widget is valid the method returns true * otherwise it returns false. */ int wdg_valid(lua_State *L); /*** * @method nil setValid(boolean valid) * This method is used to set the widgets validity state. Most widgets have a * visual indication of their validity state (a red background colour for * example) and this will also be set using this method. See also @see valid(). * NOTE: An invalid widget that are not an inner widget will block a * server commit. * @param valid A boolean value. If true the widgets validity state is set to * 'valid'. If false the widgets validity state is set to 'invalid'. */ int wdg_set_valid(lua_State *L); /*** * @method nil setBackgroundColour(integer red, integer green, integer blue) * This method is used to change to background colour of the widget. * @param red An integer value in the range 0-255. This is the red component of * the RGB colour value. * @param green An integer value in the range 0-255. This is the green component * of the RGB colour value. * @param blue An integer value in the range 0-255. This is the blue component * of the RGB colour value. */ int wdg_set_bgcol(lua_State *L); /*** * @method nil setForegroundColour(integer red, integer green, integer blue) * This method is used to change to foreground (text) colour of the widget. * @param red An integer value in the range 0-255. This is the red component of * the RGB colour value. * @param green An integer value in the range 0-255. This is the green component * of the RGB colour value. * @param blue An integer value in the range 0-255. This is the blue component * of the RGB colour value. */ int wdg_set_fgcol(lua_State *L); #define WDG_METHS \ {"name", wdg_name},\ {"type", wdg_type},\ {"value", wdg_value},\ {"setValue", wdg_set_value},\ {"enabled", wdg_enabled},\ {"setEnabled", wdg_set_enabled},\ {"visible", wdg_visible},\ {"setVisible", wdg_set_visible},\ {"hidden", wdg_hidden},\ {"setHidden", wdg_set_hidden},\ {"valid", wdg_valid},\ {"setValid", wdg_set_valid},\ {"setForegroundColour", wdg_set_fgcol},\ {"setBackgroundColour", wdg_set_bgcol} const struct luaL_Reg wdg_meths[] = { WDG_METHS, {NULL, NULL} }; inline void register_widget(lua_State *L) { luaL_newmetatable(L, LUA_CLASS); lua_pushliteral(L, "__index"); lua_pushvalue(L, -2); lua_rawset(L, -3); luaL_register(L, NULL, wdg_meths); } #endif/*__PRACRO_WIDGET_H__*/