path: root/server/xml/macros
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2010-03-02Make ready for 1.2.0 release.R1_2_0deva
2010-03-01added FLEX procedure to dropdownssenator
2010-02-16added ingen korrektion in patienten benyttersenator
2010-02-10corrected field name 90_dlinse.hul_eller_rift_kl.odxt to 90d_linse.hul_eller_...senator
2010-02-09changed all less than to daarligere end because of a special char bugsenator
2010-02-09interface for osin now gets submitted to pcp journal as expectedsenator
2010-02-09changed all less than to daarligere end because of a special char bugsenator
2010-02-09changed less-than char to have double escaping. no idea if it workssenator
2010-02-09removed query mapping as it did not work correctlysenator
2010-02-08minor adjustmentssenator
2010-02-08lua adjustments i thinksenator
2010-02-08removed lensmeter query nmapping as it did not work correctlysenator
2010-01-04minor bug in gui mappingsenator
2009-12-15added pentominos service for lensmeter to queriessenator
2009-12-15added phoropter integration with pentominossenator
2009-12-15added phoropter integration with pentominossenator
2009-12-14removed paabegyndes from resume textsenator
2009-12-09adjusted lensmeter maps. it should now work with the lensmeter data exportsenator
2009-12-09minor fix in the samtykke textsenator
2009-12-09added less than 0,05 to snelle list. a seemingly unrelated problem exist in t...senator
2009-12-07removed paabegyndes from resume textsenator
2009-12-07split boelgefront into odxt and osinsenator
2009-11-25fixed oejendrypning macro. changed dato to date in resumesenator
2009-11-23Fixed error where missing_eye_osin and odxt had kilde instead of source as su...senator
2009-11-20further minor changes to fieldnamessenator
2009-11-19changed pretty much everything from english to danish in field namessenator
2009-11-17found an error in the search and replace of .osin. and .odxt. Rectified it.senator
2009-11-17moved all .osin. instances from any instance containing it to the end of the ...senator
2009-11-16Several more changes to field names. These are done with sed, so it is possib...senator
2009-11-16auto-replaced all instances of h�jre �je and henstre �je with o.dxt and o.sin...senator
2009-11-16auto-replaced all instances of H�jre �je and Venstre �je with o.dxt and o.sin...senator
2009-11-16Corrected decimal error in keratometri macrosenator
2009-11-16Latest changes, mostly to visus macrossenator
2009-11-11moved 90D_linse to 90d_linsesenator
2009-11-11Minor changes, mostly to oejendrypning macrosenator
2009-11-06all sf cyl grader macros now allow only sf filled in. templates updatedsenator
2009-11-06added ou to visus-template and other stuffsenator
2009-11-04Further refined visus template, also minor changes to other thingssenator
2009-10-16*** empty log message ***senator
2009-10-16moved informeret_samtykke out of the konklusion macrossenator
2009-10-15added spaltelampe-template to repo. It can possibly be used as a starting poi...senator
2009-10-15merged all ref spaltelampe macrossenator
2009-10-14added combo to define 'hul eller rift kl'. Also moved from 90D to 90dsenator
2009-10-14added surgery type in overskrift for efterkontrol and foerstedagskontrolsenator
2009-10-13all visus macros fixed. all files containing tremaaneder moved to efterkontro...senator
2009-10-13removed tremaaneder files as they are renamed to efterkontrol insteadsenator
2009-10-12moved to visus-manifest_refraktion-1.0.xmlsenator
2009-10-12renamed from visus-optimal_korr-1.0.xmlsenator
2009-10-09all ref macros ready for 1st reviewsenator
2009-10-06Added ref_behandling macrossenator