path: root/server/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'server/src/')
1 files changed, 256 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/server/src/ b/server/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5646bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set et sw=2 ts=2: */
+ * This file is part of Pracro.
+ *
+ * Pracro is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Pracro is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with Pracro; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+ */
+ * Updating the old tables;
+ *
+ * ALTER TABLE transactions ADD COLUMN uid bigint;
+ * CREATE SEQUENCE 'trseq';
+ * SELECT setval('trseq', (SELECT MAX(oid) FROM transactions));
+ * UPDATE transactions SET uid = oid;
+ * INSERT INTO fieldnames (name, description, timestamp) VALUES ('journal.resume', 'Journal resume text', (SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM now())::integer));
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "pracrodaopgsql.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+PracroDAOPgsql::PracroDAOPgsql(std::string _host, std::string _port, std::string _user, std::string _passwd, std::string _dbname)
+ : PracroDAO(_host, _port, _user, _passwd, _dbname)
+ conn = NULL;
+ std::string cs;
+ if(host.size()) cs += " host=" + host;
+ if(port.size()) cs += " port=" + port;
+ if(user.size()) cs += " user=" + user;
+ if(passwd.size()) cs += " password=" + passwd;
+ cs += " dbname=" + (dbname.size() ? dbname : "pracro");
+ conn = new pqxx::connection(cs);
+ PRACRO_DEBUG(db, "Pgsql connection %p (%s)\n", conn, cs.c_str());
+ if(conn) delete conn;
+void PracroDAOPgsql::commitTransaction(std::string user, std::string cpr, Macro &_macro, Fields &fields, time_t now)
+ PRACRO_DEBUG(db, "(%s, %s, %s, <%u fields>, %ld)\n", user.c_str(), cpr.c_str(), _macro.attributes["name"].c_str(), fields.size(), now);
+ if(!conn) PRACRO_DEBUG(db, "No pgsql connection\n");
+ if(fields.size() == 0) return;
+ std::string version = _macro.attributes["version"];
+ std::string macro = _macro.attributes["name"];
+ std::stringstream timestamp; timestamp << now;
+#ifndef WITHOUT_DB
+ std::string ts;
+ try {
+ pqxx::work W(*conn);
+ ts = "INSERT INTO transactions (uid, cpr, macro, version, \"timestamp\", \"user\") VALUES ("
+ " nextval('trseq'), "
+ " '" + W.esc(cpr) + "', "
+ " '" + W.esc(macro) + "', "
+ " '" + W.esc(version) + "', "
+ " '" + W.esc(timestamp.str()) + "', "
+ " '" + W.esc(user) + "' "
+ ")"
+ ;
+ PRACRO_DEBUG(sql, "Query: %s\n", ts.c_str());
+ pqxx::result R = W.exec(ts);
+ if(fields.size() > 0) {
+ // field table lookup
+ ts = "SELECT name FROM fieldnames WHERE name IN ( ";
+ std::map< std::string, std::string >::iterator i = fields.begin();
+ ts += "'" + W.esc(i->first) + "'";
+ i++;
+ while(i != fields.end()) {
+ ts += ", '" + W.esc(i->first) + "'";
+ i++;
+ }
+ ts += ")";
+ PRACRO_DEBUG(sql, "Query: %s\n", ts.c_str());
+ R = W.exec(ts);
+ PRACRO_DEBUG(db, "input fields: %d, output fields: %lu\n", fields.size(), R.size());
+ // Store known fields
+ pqxx::result::const_iterator ri = R.begin();
+ if(ri != R.end()) {
+ std::string name = (*ri)[0].c_str();
+ PRACRO_DEBUG(db, "Storing: %s with value %s\n", name.c_str(), fields[name].c_str());
+ ts = "INSERT INTO fields (transaction, name, value) VALUES ( currval('trseq'), '" + W.esc(name) + "', '" + W.esc(fields[name]) + "')";
+ ri++;
+ while(ri != R.end()) {
+ name = (*ri)[0].c_str();
+ PRACRO_DEBUG(db, "Storing: %s with value %s\n", name.c_str(), fields[name].c_str());
+ ts += ", (currval('trseq'), '" + W.esc(name) + "', '" + W.esc(fields[name]) + "')";
+ ri++;
+ }
+ PRACRO_DEBUG(sql, "Query: %s\n", ts.c_str());
+ W.exec(ts);
+ }
+ }
+ W.commit();
+ } catch(std::exception &e) {
+ PRACRO_ERR_LOG(db, "Query failed: %s: %s\n", e.what(), ts.c_str());
+ }
+#ifdef WITH_DEBUG
+ std::map< std::string, std::string >::iterator i = fields.begin();
+ while(i != fields.end()) {
+ PRACRO_DEBUG(db, "Storing field '%s': '%s'\n", i->first, i->second);
+ i++;
+ }
+ * The following select finds the newest timestamps for each fieldname
+ * belonging to the designated patient and from a set of fieldnames in the
+ * inner query. The outer query then finds the corresponding field values.
+ * Note: there is no protection agains duplicate fields that could
+ * theoretically occur within the same transaction.
+ *
+ * SELECT, ff.value, tt.timestamp FROM (
+ * SELECT, max(t.timestamp) AS ts
+ * FROM fields f, transactions t
+ * WHERE t.oid = f.transaction
+ * AND t.cpr = '1505050505'
+ * AND t.timestamp >= 0
+ * AND IN ('current_eye_disease')
+ * GROUP BY xx,
+ * transactions tt, fields ff
+ * WHERE xx.ts = tt.timestamp
+ * AND =
+ * AND tt.oid = ff.transaction
+ * AND tt.cpr = '1505050505'
+ */
+Values PracroDAOPgsql::getLatestValues(std::string cpr, Macro *macro, Fieldnames &fieldnames, time_t oldest)
+ PRACRO_DEBUG(db, "(%s, %s, <%u fieldnames>, %ld)\n", cpr.c_str(), macro ? macro->attributes["name"].c_str() : "(null)", fieldnames.size(), oldest);
+ if(!conn) PRACRO_DEBUG(db, "No pgsql connection\n");
+ Values values;
+#ifndef WITHOUT_DB
+ std::string query;
+ std::stringstream soldest; soldest << oldest;
+ try {
+ std::string namecond;
+ pqxx::work W(*conn);
+ if(fieldnames.size() > 0) {
+ std::vector< std::string >::iterator i = fieldnames.begin();
+ namecond += " AND IN ('" + W.esc(*i) + "'";
+ i++;
+ while(i != fieldnames.end()) {
+ namecond += ", '" + W.esc(*i) + "'";
+ i++;
+ }
+ namecond += ')';
+ }
+ query = "SELECT, ff.value, tt.timestamp FROM "
+ // Begin inner query
+ " (SELECT, MAX(t.timestamp) AS ts FROM fields f, transactions t "
+ " WHERE t.uid = f.transaction AND t.timestamp >= " + soldest.str() +
+ " AND t.cpr = '" + W.esc(cpr) + "' "
+ + namecond;
+ if(macro) {
+ query += " AND t.macro = '" + macro->attributes["name"] + "'";
+ if(macro->attributes["version"].size() > 0)
+ query += " AND t.version = '" + macro->attributes["version"] + "'";
+ }
+ query += " GROUP BY xx, "
+ // End inner query
+ " transactions tt, fields ff "
+ " WHERE xx.ts = tt.timestamp "
+ " AND = "
+ " AND tt.uid = ff.transaction "
+ " AND tt.cpr = '" + W.esc(cpr) + "' "
+ ;
+ if(macro) {
+ query += " AND tt.macro = '" + macro->attributes["name"] + "'";
+ if(macro->attributes["version"].size() > 0)
+ query += " AND tt.version = '" + macro->attributes["version"] + "'";
+ }
+ PRACRO_DEBUG(sql, "Query: %s\n", query.c_str());
+ pqxx::result R = W.exec(query);
+ pqxx::result::const_iterator ri = R.begin();
+ while(ri != R.end()) {
+ Value v;
+ v.value = (*ri)[1].c_str();
+ v.timestamp = atol((*ri)[2].c_str());
+ values[(*ri)[0].c_str()] = v;
+ ri++;
+ }
+ } catch (std::exception &e) {
+ PRACRO_ERR_LOG(db, "Query failed: %s: %s\n", e.what(), query.c_str());
+ }
+#ifdef WITH_DEBUG
+ PRACRO_DEBUG(db, "getLatestValues(%s, <fields...>, %ld) -- not implemented without database...\n", cpr.c_str(), oldest);
+ return values;
+unsigned PracroDAOPgsql::nrOfCommits(std::string cpr, std::string macroname, time_t oldest)
+#ifndef WITHOUT_DB
+ std::string query;
+ std::stringstream soldest; soldest << oldest;
+ try {
+ pqxx::work W(*conn);
+ query = "SELECT count(*) FROM transactions "
+ " WHERE cpr = '" + W.esc(cpr) + "' "
+ " AND macro = '" + W.esc(macroname) + "' "
+ " AND timestamp >= " + soldest.str()
+ ;
+ PRACRO_DEBUG(sql, "Query: %s\n", query.c_str());
+ pqxx::result R = W.exec(query);
+ if(R.size() != 1) {
+ PRACRO_ERR_LOG(db, "No result set; expected one row with one column\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ unsigned n = (unsigned)atol((*R.begin())[0].c_str());
+ PRACRO_DEBUG(db, "Found %u commits for %s(%s) from %ld\n", n, cpr.c_str(), macroname.c_str(), oldest);
+ return n;
+ } catch (std::exception &e) {
+ PRACRO_ERR_LOG(db, "Query failed: %s: %s\n", e.what(), query.c_str());
+ }
+#ifdef WITH_DEBUG
+ PRACRO_DEBUG(db, "Returning 0 commits without database\n");
+ return 0;