/* -*- Mode: js2; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set et sw=2 ts=2: */ 'use strict'; /* function createNode() { var node = new Node(); node.id = 42; node.dump = function() { alert(this.id); } } */ function getNode(subscribeid, id) { } function updateNode(subscribeid, id, name, value) { } function getBoard(subscribeid) { var board = document.getElementById("board_" + subscribeid); if(!board) { board = document.createElement("div"); board.name = "board"; board.setAttribute("class", "board"); board.id = "board_" + subscribeid; boards.appendChild(board); } return board; } function removeBoard(subscribeid) { var board = document.getElementById("board_" + subscribeid); if(board) { boards.removeChild(board); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function clear() { document.getElementById("input_data").value = ""; } function deleteNode(id) { remove(id); } function getElementAfter(e) { if(!e.target.classList || !e.target.classList.contains("children")) { return null; } var element_after = null; var min_y_diff = 9999999999999; for(var i = 0; i < e.target.childNodes.length; ++i) { if(!e.target.children[i].classList.contains("node")) // Only look at node elements { continue; } var y_diff = e.target.children[i].getBoundingClientRect().y - e.y; if(y_diff > 0 && y_diff < min_y_diff) { element_after = e.target.children[i]; min_y_diff = y_diff; } } return element_after; } var drag_id = -1; function drag(e) { // e.target is always a node.element here var id = e.target.id; drag_id = id; e.stopPropagation(); // <--- this fixes the drag target problem update(idFromStr(id), "dragged", "true"); } var last_over = null; function dragenter(e) { // Only highlight children areas if(!e.target.classList || !e.target.classList.contains("children")) { return; } e.target.style.backgroundColor = "#c4ffd0"; last_over = e.target; } var last_after = null; function dragover(e) { // // Only highlight children areas // if(!e.target.classList.contains("children")) // { // return; // } e.preventDefault(); /* var after = getElementAfter(e); if(last_after != null) { last_after.style.borderColor = "black"; } if(after != null) { after.style.borderColor = "red black black black"; } last_after = after; */ } function dragleave(e) { // Only highlight children areas if(!e.target.classList || !e.target.classList.contains("children")) { return; } e.target.style.backgroundColor = ""; } function dragEnd(e) { e.stopPropagation(); var id = drag_id; update(idFromStr(id), "dragged", "false"); // // Only highlight children areas // if(!e.target.classList || !e.target.classList.contains("children")) // { // return; // } //e.target.style.backgroundColor = ""; if(last_after != null) { last_after.style.borderColor = "black"; last_after = null; } if(last_over != null) { last_over.style.backgroundColor = ""; last_over = null; } e.preventDefault(); } function drop(e) { e.stopPropagation(); // Only allow drops in children areas if(!e.target.classList || !e.target.classList.contains("children")) { return; } var id = drag_id; //update(idFromStr(id), "dragged", "false"); // Get drop id from targets parent (children tag inside the node) var dropid = e.target.parentElement.id; // Prevent dropping on item itself if(id == dropid) { return; } var before_id = -1; var element_after = getElementAfter(e); if(element_after != null) { before_id = idFromStr(element_after.id); } move(idFromStr(id), idFromStr(dropid), before_id); } function subscribeMe(target, e) { e.stopPropagation(); subscribe(target.nodeid); } function unsubscribeMe(target, e) { e.stopPropagation(); unsubscribe(target.nodeid); } function node_submit() { var data = document.getElementById("input_node_data"); transmit(data.value); data.value = ""; } function node_submit_KeyUpHandler(target, e) { if(e.which == 13) { // enter node_submit(); } } function onKeyUpHandlerDesc(e) { var node = findNodeFromString(e.target.id); if(node == null) { return; // no node } var lineedit = e.target; var updateid = idFromStr(lineedit.id); if(e.which == 13 && e.ctrlKey) { // enter node.data_element.removeChild(lineedit); update(updateid, "description", lineedit.value); node.setDraggable(true); } if(e.which == 27) { // escape node.data_element.removeChild(lineedit); node.setDraggable(true); } } function onLostFocusHandlerDesc(e) { var node = findNodeFromString(e.target.id); if(node == null) { return; // no node } var lineedit = e.target; node.data_element.removeChild(lineedit); node.setDraggable(true); } function editDescription(e) { e.stopPropagation(); const idstr = e.target.parentElement.parentElement.id; var node = findNodeFromString(idstr); if(node == null) { return; // no node } var lineedit = document.createElement("textarea"); lineedit.className = "edit"; lineedit.rows = 16; lineedit.setAttribute("onkeyup", "onKeyUpHandlerDesc(event)"); lineedit.setAttribute("onblur", "onLostFocusHandlerDesc(event)"); lineedit.placeholder = "Node Description (Ctrl+enter to save, esc to discard)"; lineedit.value = node.getDescription(); lineedit.id = idstr; lineedit.onmouseenter = function(ev) { var node = findNodeFromString(ev.target.id); node.setDraggable(false); }; lineedit.onmouseleave = function(ev) { var node = findNodeFromString(ev.target.id); node.setDraggable(true); }; node.data_element.appendChild(lineedit); lineedit.focus(); } function onKeyUpHandler(e) { var node = findNodeFromString(e.target.id); if(node == null) { return; // no node } var lineedit = e.target; var updateid = idFromStr(lineedit.id); if(e.which == 13) { // enter node.data_element.removeChild(lineedit); node.setDraggable(true); update(updateid, "title", lineedit.value); } if(e.which == 27) { // escape node.data_element.removeChild(lineedit); node.setDraggable(true); } } function onLostFocusHandler(e) { var node = findNodeFromString(e.target.id); if(node == null) { return; // no node } var lineedit = e.target; node.data_element.removeChild(lineedit); node.setDraggable(true); } function editTitle(e) { e.stopPropagation(); const idstr = e.target.parentElement.parentElement.id; var node = findNodeFromString(idstr); if(node == null) { return; // no node } var lineedit = document.createElement("input"); lineedit.setAttribute("class", "edit"); lineedit.setAttribute("onkeyup", "onKeyUpHandler(event)"); lineedit.setAttribute("onblur", "onLostFocusHandler(event)"); lineedit.placeholder = "Node Title (Enter to save, esc to discard)"; lineedit.value = node.getTitle(); lineedit.id = idstr; lineedit.onmouseenter = function(ev) { var node = findNodeFromString(ev.target.id); node.setDraggable(false); }; lineedit.onmouseleave = function(ev) { var node = findNodeFromString(ev.target.id); node.setDraggable(true); }; node.data_element.insertBefore(lineedit, node.description_element); lineedit.focus(); } function addChild(e) { e.stopPropagation(); const id = idFromStr(e.target.parentElement.parentElement.id); create("x", id, -1); } function collapse(e) { var id = e.target.parentElement.parentElement.id; var node = findNodeFromString(id); if(node == null) { return; // no node } var collapsed = localStorage.getItem(id+"_collapsed") == "true"; collapsed = !collapsed; localStorage.setItem(id+"_collapsed", collapsed?"true":"false"); e.stopPropagation(); node.setCollapsed(collapsed); } function changeState(e) { const idstr = e.target.parentElement.parentElement.id; const node = findNodeFromString(idstr); if(node == null) { return; // no node } const id = idFromStr(e.target.parentElement.parentElement.id); switch(node.attributes["state"]) { case "in-progress": update(id, "state", "blocked"); break; case "blocked": update(id, "state", "done"); break; case "done": update(id, "state", "todo"); break; default: case "todo": update(id, "state", "preparing"); break; case "preparing": update(id, "state", "ready"); break; case "ready": update(id, "state", "in-progress"); break; } } function getCookie(cname) { var name = cname + "="; var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie); var ca = decodedCookie.split(';'); for(var i = 0; i