/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
 * RTVideoRec Realtime video recoder and encoder for Linux
 * Copyright (C) 2004  Bent Bisballe
 * Copyright (C) 2004  B. Stultiens
 * Copyright (C) 2004  Koen Otter and Glenn van der Meyden
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 * $Id$
 * $Log$
 * Revision 1.19  2005/05/01 12:23:20  deva
 * Now snapshot is read from frame queue.
 * Revision 1.18  2005/05/01 11:25:56  deva
 * Added code to read screenshot from frame queue, decode it to rgb and put it into a qimage.
 * Revision 1.17  2005/05/01 09:56:26  deva
 * Added Id and Log tags to all files
#include <config.h>
#ifdef USE_GUI

#include "encoder.h"

#include <time.h>

// Use libdv
#include <libdv/dv.h>
#include <libdv/dv_types.h>

Encoder::Encoder(Error* err,
                 const char *gip,
                 const int gport,
                 sem_t	*gsem,
                 Queue<Frame> *gqueue,
                 pthread_mutex_t *gmutex,
                 volatile int *grunning)
  errobj = err;

  strcpy(ip, gip);
  port = gport;
  memset(cpr, 0, sizeof(cpr));

  sem = gsem;
  queue = gqueue;
  mutex = gmutex;
  running = grunning;

  record = 0;

 	sem_init(&record_sem, 0, 0);

  s = NULL;
  n = NULL;

  shoot_request = 0;
  shoot_value = 0;
  freeze_request = 0;
  freeze_value = 0;

  if(n) delete n;
  if(s) delete s;

void Encoder::encode()
  Frame *frame;

  while(*running) {

    frame = queue->pop();
    if(frame) {
      if(record || 
         (freeze_request != freeze_value) || 
         (shoot_request != shoot_value)) {
        n_header h;
        h.header_type = DATA_HEADER;
        sprintf(h.header.h_data.cpr, cpr);
        h.header.h_data.freeze = (freeze_request != freeze_value);
        h.header.h_data.snapshot = (shoot_request != shoot_value);
        h.header.h_data.record = record;
        h.header.h_data.savestate = NO_CHANGE;
        if(freeze_request != freeze_value) freeze_value = freeze_request;
        if(shoot_request != shoot_value) shoot_value = shoot_request;
        n->sendPackage(&h, frame->data, frame->size);
      if(frame) delete frame;

void Encoder::setCpr(char *newcpr)
  strcpy(cpr, newcpr);

void Encoder::freeze()
  if(!s) {
    s = new Socket(port, errobj);
    n = new Network(s, errobj);
  if(!errobj->hasError()) freeze_request = 1 - freeze_request;

 * shoot
 * Set the shoot bit in the network header on the current frame.
 * return the decodet (rgba) version af that frame, for thumbnail show.
void Encoder::shoot(unsigned char *rgb)
  if(!s) {
    s = new Socket(port, errobj);
    n = new Network(s, errobj);
  if(!errobj->hasError()) shoot_request = 1 - shoot_request;

void Encoder::run() {
  fprintf(stderr, "Encoder thread stopped.\n"); fflush(stderr);

void Encoder::start() {
  if(!s) {
    s = new Socket(port, errobj);
    n = new Network(s, errobj);
  if(!errobj->hasError()) record = 1;

void Encoder::stop(n_savestate save) {
  struct timespec ts;
  // TODO: set save state in package header.

  // Lock the queue and wait until all elements are sent on the network.
  fprintf(stderr, "Emptying queue"); fflush(stderr);
  while(queue->peek()) {
    /* Remove any late buffer */
    /* We don't care, the encoder finishes them all */
    ts.tv_sec = 0;
    ts.tv_nsec = 500000000L;	// 100ms
    fprintf(stderr, "."); fflush(stderr);
    nanosleep(&ts, NULL);
  fprintf(stderr, "done!\n"); fflush(stderr);

  record = 0;

  if(s) {
    if(n) delete n;
    delete s;
    s = NULL;
    n = NULL;

void Encoder::getScreenshot(unsigned char *rgb)
  Frame *frame;

  unsigned char *pixels[3];
  int pitches[3];

  pixels[ 0 ] = rgb;
  pixels[ 1 ] = NULL;
  pixels[ 2 ] = NULL;

  pitches[ 0 ] = 720 * 3;
  pitches[ 1 ] = 0;
  pitches[ 2 ] = 0;
	dv_decoder_t *decoder = dv_decoder_new(FALSE/*this value is unused*/, FALSE, FALSE);
  decoder->quality = DV_QUALITY_BEST;

  frame = queue->peek();
  if(!frame) {
    memset(rgb, 0, sizeof(rgb));
    fprintf(stderr, "Queue is empty\n"); fflush(stderr);

  dv_parse_header(decoder, frame->data);
  decoder->system = e_dv_system_625_50;  // PAL lines, PAL framerate
  decoder->sampling = e_dv_sample_422;  // 4 bytes y, 2 bytes u, 2 bytes v
  decoder->std = e_dv_std_iec_61834;
  decoder->num_dif_seqs = 12;
  // libdv img decode to rgb

#endif /*USE_GUI*/