========================================================================== TASKS (client) ========================================================================== MessageBox: [x] - Make it. [/] - Make icons. [ ] - Test it. SplashScreen: [ ] - Make it. Mainwindow: [x] - Clean out mgui code. [x] - Make generic gui layout code. [x] - Make icons. [x] - Make statusbar. [x] - Make flashing record bar. [ ] - Show network connection status in statusbar. [ ] - Show camera connection status in statusbar. [x] - Save movie messagebox (yes/no/dunno) [ ] - Test it. CPRQueryDialog: [x] - Make it! [x] - Clean out unnesessary code. [ ] - Make cancel posibility (return code 0 should do something useful) [x] - Insert timer for network connection timeout. [x] - Send connection status info to mainwindow. [ ] - Make icons? [ ] - Test it. Encoder: [ ] - Send savestate signal. [ ] - Make all data sent before deleting network object. (flush) Decoder: [ ] - Enable sound decoding for the network stream. Camera: [x] - Add initialize method (constructor should do nothing). [%] - Add getStatus methods. (implemented through error object) ========================================================================== TASKS (server) ========================================================================== ImgEncoder: [x] - Make libjpeg calls work again. MovEncoder: [ ] - Enable sound. Main: [ ] - Save movie signal handling. ========================================================================== TASKS (common) ========================================================================== Makesystem: [x] - "Port" to automake/autoconf [x] - Make LibSDL detection in configure script [x] - Make LibJpeg detection in configure script [ ] - Make ffmpeg detection in configure script [x] - Make server standalone compilable (through flag to configure) [x] - Include pixmaps and tools in distdir. [x] - Make pixmaps correctly intalled. [ ] - Make QT link correctly on fedora core 1 MiavConfig: [x] - Integrate file parser. [ ] - Make code for input validity test. ErrorObject: [x] - Make it. [x] - Maintain error string stack, instead of appending. [x] - Make it thread safe. FFMpegWrapper: [ ] - Make it. ========================================================================== FFMPEGWRAPPER INTERFACE ========================================================================== Constructor: - Params: Stream Destructor: - Cleanup getNextFrame: - returns: AVframe pointer ========================================================================== SAVE THE MOVIE? ========================================================================== When the stop button is clicked, a msg box pops up, "Save? [yes, no, dunno]" network connection is no killed before this has been answered, and an empty frame has been send to the server with the answer. On the serverside, a variable describing wether the file is to be saved (SAVE), deleted (DELETE), og scheduled for later descision (LATER). It is initialized with LATER, in order to prevent errors due to a malfunction leading to a disconnection. If a flag is recieved, the state is overwritten. If the state is SAVE, when the connection is terminated, the file is moved to a folder containing permanent data store. If the state is DELETE, the file is moved to a folder containing files scheduled for deletion, when more space is needed (no files are removed at this point) If the state is LATER, the file is moved to a folder containing files with this purpose. A cron job examines this folder regularly (test how often). If a file has been here for more than a week, the administrator is contacted by email. ========================================================================== Semphores and mutexes in the client network architechture ========================================================================== ,-----------. | DV stream | `-----------' | V ,-----------. | Decoder | `-----------' | \ V \ ,-----------. \ | Player | \ `-----------' \ \ ,-----------. ->| Encoder | `-----------'