========================================================================== TASKS ========================================================================== MessageBox: [x] - Make it! [/] - Make icons. [ ] - Test it. Mainwindow: [x] - Clean out mgui code. [x] - Make generic gui layout code. [/] - Make icons. [ ] - Test it. CPRQueryDialog: [x] - Make it! [ ] - Clean out unnessecary code. [ ] - Test it. MiavConfig: [x] - Integrate file parser. [ ] - Make code for input validity test. Makesystem: [x] - "Port" to automake/autoconf [x] - Make LibSDL detection in configure script [x] - Make LibJpeg detection in configure script [ ] - Make ffmpeg detection in configure script [x] - Make server standalone compilable (through flag to configure) ImgEncoder: [x] - Make libjpeg call agains work MovEncoder: [ ] - Enable sound. Decoder: [ ] - Enable sound decoding for the network stream. FFMpegWrapper: [ ] - Make it ========================================================================== FFMPEGWRAPPER INTERFACE ========================================================================== Constructor: - Params: Stream Destructor: - Cleanup getNextFrame: - returns: AVframe pointer