// -*- c++ -*- // Distributed under the BSD 2-Clause License. // See accompanying file LICENSE for details. #include "task_cc.h" #include #include #include #include "libctor.h" #include "execute.h" #include "util.h" #include "tools.h" TaskCC::TaskCC(const BuildConfiguration& config, const Settings& settings, const std::string& sourceDir, const Source& source) : Task(config, settings, sourceDir) , config(config) , settings(settings) , sourceDir(sourceDir) , _source(source) { sourceFile = sourceDir; sourceFile /= source.file; std::filesystem::path base = sourceFile.parent_path(); base /= cleanUp(config.target); base += "-"; base += sourceFile.stem(); target_type = TargetType::Object; source_language = source.language; if(source_language == Language::Auto) { source_language = languageFromExtension(sourceFile); } switch(source_language) { case Language::C: base += "_c"; break; case Language::Cpp: base += "_cc"; break; case Language::Asm: base += "_asm"; break; case Language::Auto: assert(0 && "This should never happen"); break; } if(source.output.empty()) { _targetFile = base; _targetFile += ".obj"; } else { _targetFile = source.output; } std::filesystem::create_directories(targetFile().parent_path()); depsFile = targetFile().parent_path() / targetFile().stem(); depsFile += ".deps"; flagsFile = targetFile().parent_path() / targetFile().stem(); flagsFile += ".flags"; } int TaskCC::registerDepTasksInner(const std::set>& tasks) { for(const auto& task : tasks) { if(*task == _source.file) { dependsTasks.insert(task); } } return 0; } std::string TaskCC::name() const { return {}; } bool TaskCC::dirtyInner() { if(!std::filesystem::exists(sourceFile)) { //std::cout << "Missing source file: " << std::string(sourceFile) << "\n"; return true; } if(!std::filesystem::exists(targetFile())) { //std::cout << "Missing targetFile\n"; return true; } if(!std::filesystem::exists(depsFile)) { //std::cout << "Missing depsFile\n"; return true; } if(!std::filesystem::exists(flagsFile)) { //std::cout << "Missing flagsFile\n"; return true; } if(std::filesystem::last_write_time(sourceFile) > std::filesystem::last_write_time(depsFile)) { //std::cout << "The sourceFile newer than depsFile\n"; return true; } { auto lastFlags = readFile(flagsFile.string()); if(flagsString() != lastFlags) { //std::cout << "The compiler flags changed\n"; return true; } } auto depList = readDeps(depsFile.string()); for(const auto& dep : depList) { if(!std::filesystem::exists(dep) || std::filesystem::last_write_time(targetFile()) < std::filesystem::last_write_time(dep)) { //std::cout << "The targetFile older than " << std::string(dep) << "\n"; return true; } } if(std::filesystem::last_write_time(sourceFile) > std::filesystem::last_write_time(targetFile())) { //std::cout << "The targetFile older than sourceFile\n"; return true; } return false; } int TaskCC::runInner() { if(!std::filesystem::exists(sourceFile)) { std::cout << "Missing source file: " << sourceFile.string() << "\n"; return 1; } auto args = getCompilerArgs(); { // Write flags to file. std::ofstream flagsStream(flagsFile.string()); flagsStream << flagsString(); } if(settings.verbose == 0) { switch(sourceLanguage()) { case Language::C: std::cout << "CC "; break; case Language::Cpp: std::cout << "CXX "; break; case Language::Auto: case Language::Asm: // Only c/c++ handled by this task type. break; } std::cout << sourceFile.lexically_normal().string() << " => " << targetFile().lexically_normal().string() << "\n"; } const auto& cfg = configuration(); return execute(compiler(), args, cfg.env, settings.verbose > 0); } int TaskCC::clean() { if(std::filesystem::exists(targetFile())) { std::cout << "Removing " << targetFile().string() << "\n"; std::filesystem::remove(targetFile()); } if(std::filesystem::exists(depsFile)) { std::cout << "Removing " << depsFile.string() << "\n"; std::filesystem::remove(depsFile); } if(std::filesystem::exists(flagsFile)) { std::cout << "Removing " << flagsFile.string() << "\n"; std::filesystem::remove(flagsFile); } return 0; } std::vector TaskCC::depends() const { return {}; } std::string TaskCC::target() const { return _targetFile.string(); } std::filesystem::path TaskCC::targetFile() const { return std::filesystem::path(settings.builddir) / _targetFile; } bool TaskCC::derived() const { return true; } std::string TaskCC::toJSON() const { std::string json; json += "\t{\n"; json += "\t\t\"directory\": \"" + sourceDir.string() + "\",\n"; json += "\t\t\"file\": \"" + sourceFile.lexically_normal().string() + "\",\n"; json += "\t\t\"output\": \"" + targetFile().string() + "\",\n"; json += "\t\t\"arguments\": [ \"" + compiler() + "\""; auto args = getCompilerArgs(); for(const auto& arg : args) { json += ", \"" + arg + "\""; } json += " ]\n"; json += "\t}"; return json; } std::string TaskCC::source() const { return sourceFile.string(); } std::vector TaskCC::flags() const { switch(sourceLanguage()) { case Language::C: return config.flags.cflags; case Language::Cpp: return config.flags.cxxflags; default: std::cerr << "Unknown CC target type\n"; exit(1); break; } } std::string TaskCC::flagsString() const { std::string flagsStr = compiler(); for(const auto& flag : flags()) { flagsStr += " " + flag; } return flagsStr; } std::vector TaskCC::getCompilerArgs() const { auto tool_chain = getToolChain(config.system); auto compiler_flags = flags(); // cl.exe (compiler - gcc/g++) // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/build/reference/compiler-options-listed-alphabetically?view=msvc-170 // /c Compiles without linking. // /Fo Object File Name (or path if .cc basename is re-used) // /F Output-File // /Fe (Name EXE File) // /sourceDependencies json file with dependenciy tree // /I include path // /LD Creates a dynamic-link library. // /link