// -*- c++ -*- // Distributed under the BSD 2-Clause License. // See accompanying file LICENSE for details. #include "configure.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "execute.h" #include "libctor.h" #include "tasks.h" #include "rebuild.h" #include "externals.h" std::filesystem::path configurationFile("configuration.cc"); std::filesystem::path configHeaderFile("config.h"); std::map external_includedir; std::map external_libdir; const Configuration default_configuration{}; #if !defined(_WIN32) const Configuration& __attribute__((weak)) configuration() { return default_configuration; } #else //extern const char * pWeakValue; //extern const char * pDefaultWeakValue = NULL; // //#pragma comment(linker, "/alternatename:_pWeakValue=_pDefaultWeakValue") const Configuration& defConfiguration() { return default_configuration; } #pragma comment(linker, "/alternatename:?configuration@@YAABUConfiguration@@XZ=?defConfiguration@@YAABUConfiguration@@XZ") //https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2290587/gcc-style-weak-linking-in-visual-studio //https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20200731-00/?p=104024 //extern "C" //{ //void default_error_log() { /* do nothing */ } //} //// For expository simplification: assume x86 cdecl //#pragma comment(linker, "/alternatename:_error_log=_default_error_log") #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #endif void _copyAndRelaunch(int argc, char* argv[], const std::string& copy_src, const std::string& copy_tar, const std::string& compilation_name) { #ifdef _WIN32 CopyFile(copy_src.data(), copy_tar.data(), false); SetFileAttributes(copy_tar.data(), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN); auto t = std::filesystem::last_write_time(copy_src); std::filesystem::last_write_time(copy_tar, t); STARTUPINFO si{}; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi{}; si.cb = sizeof(pi); std::string args = copy_tar + " configure"; for(int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { args += " "; args += argv[i]; } args += " --name "; args += compilation_name; CreateProcess(nullptr, args.data(), 0,0,0,0,0,0,&si,&pi); exit(1); #endif // _WIN32 } namespace ctor { std::optional includedir; std::optional libdir; std::map conf_values; } bool hasConfiguration(const std::string& key) { if(key == cfg::ctor_includedir && ctor::includedir) { return true; } if(key == cfg::ctor_libdir && ctor::libdir) { return true; } if(ctor::conf_values.find(key) != ctor::conf_values.end()) { return true; } const auto& c = configuration(); return c.tools.find(key) != c.tools.end(); } const std::string& getConfiguration(const std::string& key, const std::string& defaultValue) { if(key == cfg::ctor_includedir && ctor::includedir) { return *ctor::includedir; } if(key == cfg::ctor_libdir && ctor::libdir) { return *ctor::libdir; } if(ctor::conf_values.find(key) != ctor::conf_values.end()) { return ctor::conf_values[key]; } const auto& c = configuration(); if(hasConfiguration(key)) { return c.tools.at(key); } return defaultValue; } std::string locate(const std::string& arch, const std::string& app) { std::string path_env = std::getenv("PATH"); //std::cout << path_env << "\n"; std::string program = app; if(!arch.empty()) { program = arch + "-" + app; } std::cout << "Looking for: " << program << "\n"; std::vector paths; { std::stringstream ss(path_env); std::string path; while (std::getline(ss, path, ';')) { paths.push_back(path); } } { const auto& cfg = configuration(); auto it = cfg.env.find("ctorPATH"); if(it != cfg.env.end()) { std::stringstream ss(it->second); std::string path; while (std::getline(ss, path, ';')) { paths.push_back(path); } } } for(const auto& path_str : paths) { std::filesystem::path path(path_str); auto prog_path = path / program; if(std::filesystem::exists(prog_path)) { std::cout << "Found file " << app << " in path: " << path << "\n"; auto perms = std::filesystem::status(prog_path).permissions(); if((perms & std::filesystem::perms::owner_exec) != std::filesystem::perms::none) { //std::cout << " - executable by owner\n"; } if((perms & std::filesystem::perms::group_exec) != std::filesystem::perms::none) { //std::cout << " - executable by group\n"; } if((perms & std::filesystem::perms::others_exec) != std::filesystem::perms::none) { //std::cout << " - executable by others\n"; } return prog_path.string(); } } std::cerr << "Could not locate " << app << " for the " << arch << " architecture\n"; exit(1); return {}; } class Args : public std::vector { public: Args(const std::string& name, const std::vector& args) { resize(args.size() + 1); (*this)[0] = strdup(name.data()); for(std::size_t i = 0; i < size() - 1; ++i) { (*this)[i + 1] = strdup(args[i].data()); } } ~Args() { for(std::size_t i = 0; i < size(); ++i) { free((*this)[i]); } } }; std::string esc(const std::string& in) { std::string out; for(auto c : in) { switch(c) { case '\\': out += "\\\\"; break; case '"': out += "\\\""; break; default: out += c; break; } } return out; } // helper constant for the visitor template inline constexpr bool always_false_v = false; int regenerateCache(Settings& settings, const std::string& name, const std::vector& args, const std::map& env) { Args vargs(name, args); dg::Options opt; int key{128}; std::string build_arch; std::string build_path; std::string host_arch; std::string host_path; std::string cc_prog = "gcc"; std::string cxx_prog = "g++"; std::string ar_prog = "ar"; std::string ld_prog = "ld"; std::string ctor_includedir; std::string ctor_libdir; opt.add("build-dir", required_argument, 'b', "Set output directory for build files (default: '" + settings.builddir + "').", [&]() { settings.builddir = optarg; return 0; }); opt.add("verbose", no_argument, 'v', "Be verbose. Add multiple times for more verbosity.", [&]() { settings.verbose++; return 0; }); opt.add("name", required_argument, 'n', "Set the output name of the ctor command to override the current one.", [&]() { settings.name = optarg; return 0; }); opt.add("cc", required_argument, key++, "Use specified c-compiler instead of gcc.", [&]() { cc_prog = optarg; return 0; }); opt.add("cxx", required_argument, key++, "Use specified c++-compiler instead of g++.", [&]() { cxx_prog = optarg; return 0; }); opt.add("ar", required_argument, key++, "Use specified archiver instead of ar.", [&]() { ar_prog = optarg; return 0; }); opt.add("ld", required_argument, key++, "Use specified linker instead of ld.", [&]() { ld_prog = optarg; return 0; }); opt.add("build", required_argument, key++, "Configure for building on specified architecture.", [&]() { build_arch = optarg; return 0; }); opt.add("build-path", required_argument, key++, "Set path to build tool-chain.", [&]() { build_path = optarg; return 0; }); opt.add("host", required_argument, key++, "Cross-compile to build programs to run on specified architecture.", [&]() { host_arch = optarg; return 0; }); opt.add("host-path", required_argument, key++, "Set path to cross-compile tool-chain.", [&]() { host_path = optarg; return 0; }); opt.add("ctor-includedir", required_argument, key++, "Set path to ctor header file, used for re-compiling.", [&]() { ctor_includedir = optarg; return 0; }); opt.add("ctor-libdir", required_argument, key++, "Set path to ctor library file, used for re-compiling.", [&]() { ctor_libdir = optarg; return 0; }); // Resolv externals ExternalConfigurations externalConfigs; for(std::size_t i = 0; i < numExternalConfigFiles; ++i) { auto newExternalConfigs = externalConfigFiles[i].cb(settings); externalConfigs.insert(externalConfigs.end(), newExternalConfigs.begin(), newExternalConfigs.end()); } auto add_path_args = [&](const std::string& name) { opt.add(name + "-includedir", required_argument, key++, "Set path to " + name + " header file.", [&]() { external_includedir[name] = optarg; return 0; }); opt.add(name + "-libdir", required_argument, key++, "Set path to " + name + " libraries.", [&]() { external_libdir[name] = optarg; return 0; }); }; for(const auto& ext : externalConfigs) { std::visit([&](auto&& arg) { using T = std::decay_t; if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { add_path_args(ext.name); } else { static_assert(always_false_v, "non-exhaustive visitor!"); } }, ext.external); } opt.add("help", no_argument, 'h', "Print this help text.", [&]() { std::cout << "configure usage stuff\n"; opt.help(); exit(0); return 0; }); opt.process(vargs.size(), vargs.data()); std::filesystem::path settings_file(settings.name); std::filesystem::path argv0_file(vargs[0]); if(settings_file.is_relative()) { settings_file = std::filesystem::current_path() / settings_file; } if(argv0_file.is_relative()) { argv0_file = std::filesystem::current_path() / argv0_file; } if(settings_file.string() == argv0_file.string()) { _copyAndRelaunch(vargs.size(), vargs.data(), vargs[0], "ctor-configure-tmp.exe", settings.name); exit(0); } if(host_arch.empty()) { host_arch = build_arch; } auto tasks = getTasks(settings, {}, false); /* bool needs_cpp{false}; bool needs_c{false}; bool needs_ar{false}; bool needs_asm{false}; for(const auto& task :tasks) { switch(task->sourceLanguage()) { case Language::Auto: std::cerr << "TargetLanguage not deduced!\n"; exit(1); break; case Language::C: needs_cpp = false; break; case Language::Cpp: needs_c = true; break; case Language::Asm: needs_asm = true; break; } } */ auto cc_env = env.find("CC"); if(cc_env != env.end()) { cc_prog = cc_env->second; } auto cxx_env = env.find("CXX"); if(cxx_env != env.end()) { cxx_prog = cxx_env->second; } auto ar_env = env.find("AR"); if(ar_env != env.end()) { ar_prog = ar_env->second; } auto ld_env = env.find("LD"); if(ld_env != env.end()) { ld_prog = ld_env->second; } std::string host_cc = locate(host_arch, cc_prog); std::string host_cxx = locate(host_arch, cxx_prog); std::string host_ar = locate(host_arch, ar_prog); std::string host_ld = locate(host_arch, ld_prog); std::string build_cc = locate(build_arch, cc_prog); std::string build_cxx = locate(build_arch, cxx_prog); std::string build_ar = locate(build_arch, ar_prog); std::string build_ld = locate(build_arch, ld_prog); // Store current values for execution in this execution context. if(!ctor_includedir.empty()) { ctor::conf_values[cfg::ctor_includedir] = ctor_includedir; } if(!ctor_libdir.empty()) { ctor::conf_values[cfg::ctor_libdir] = ctor_libdir; } ctor::conf_values[cfg::host_cxx] = host_cxx; ctor::conf_values[cfg::build_cxx] = build_cxx; ctor::conf_values[cfg::host_ld] = host_ld; ctor::conf_values[cfg::build_ld] = build_ld; std::cout << "Writing results to: " << configurationFile.string() << "\n"; { std::ofstream istr(configurationFile); istr << "#include \n\n"; istr << "const Configuration& configuration()\n"; istr << "{\n"; istr << " static Configuration cfg =\n"; istr << " {\n"; istr << " .args = {"; for(const auto& arg : args) { istr << "\"" << esc(arg) << "\","; } istr << "},\n"; istr << " .env = {\n"; for(const auto& e : env) { istr << " {\"" << e.first << "\", \"" << esc(e.second) << "\"},\n"; } istr << " },\n"; istr << " .tools = {\n"; istr << " { \"" << cfg::builddir << "\", \"" << esc(settings.builddir) << "\" },\n"; istr << " { \"" << cfg::host_cc << "\", \"" << esc(host_cc) << "\" },\n"; istr << " { \"" << cfg::host_cxx << "\", \"" << esc(host_cxx) << "\" },\n"; istr << " { \"" << cfg::host_ar << "\", \"" << esc(host_ar) << "\" },\n"; istr << " { \"" << cfg::host_ld << "\", \"" << esc(host_ld) << "\" },\n"; istr << " { \"" << cfg::build_cc << "\", \"" << esc(build_cc) << "\" },\n"; istr << " { \"" << cfg::build_cxx << "\", \"" << esc(build_cxx) << "\" },\n"; istr << " { \"" << cfg::build_ar << "\", \"" << esc(build_ar) << "\" },\n"; istr << " { \"" << cfg::build_ld << "\", \"" << esc(build_ld) << "\" },\n"; if(!ctor_includedir.empty()) { istr << " { \"" << cfg::ctor_includedir << "\", \"" << esc(ctor_includedir) << "\" },\n"; ctor::includedir = ctor_includedir; } if(!ctor_libdir.empty()) { istr << " { \"" << cfg::ctor_libdir << "\", \"" << esc(ctor_libdir) << "\" },\n"; ctor::libdir = ctor_libdir; } istr << " },\n"; istr << " .externals = {\n"; for(const auto& ext : externalConfigs) { istr << " { \"" << ext.name << "\", {\n"; Flags resolved_flags; if(std::holds_alternative(ext.external)) { if(auto ret = resolv(settings, ext, std::get(ext.external), resolved_flags)) { return ret; } } else { std::cout << "Unknown external type\n"; return 1; } if(!resolved_flags.cxxflags.empty()) { istr << " .cxxflags = {"; for(const auto& flag : resolved_flags.cxxflags) { istr << "\"" << flag << "\","; } istr << "},\n"; } if(!resolved_flags.cflags.empty()) { istr << " .cflags = {"; for(const auto& flag : resolved_flags.cflags) { istr << "\"" << flag << "\","; } istr << "},\n"; } if(!resolved_flags.ldflags.empty()) { istr << " .ldflags = {"; for(const auto& flag : resolved_flags.ldflags) { istr << "\"" << flag << "\","; } istr << "},\n"; } if(!resolved_flags.asmflags.empty()) { istr << " .asmflags = {"; for(const auto& flag : resolved_flags.asmflags) { istr << "\"" << flag << "\","; } istr << "},\n"; } istr << " }},\n"; } istr << " },\n"; istr << " };\n"; istr << " return cfg;\n"; istr << "}\n\n"; } { std::ofstream istr(configHeaderFile); istr << "#pragma once\n\n"; istr << "#define HAS_FOO 1\n"; istr << "//#define HAS_BAR 1\n"; } return 0; } int configure(const Settings& global_settings, int argc, char* argv[]) { Settings settings{global_settings}; std::vector args; for(int i = 2; i < argc; ++i) // skip command and the first 'configure' arg { args.push_back(argv[i]); } auto env = configuration().env; auto cc_env = getenv("CC"); if(cc_env) { env["CC"] = cc_env; } auto cxx_env = getenv("CXX"); if(cxx_env) { env["CXX"] = cxx_env; } auto ar_env = getenv("AR"); if(ar_env) { env["AR"] = ar_env; } auto ld_env = getenv("LD"); if(ld_env) { env["LD"] = ld_env; } // Env vars for msvc auto cl_env = getenv("CL"); if(cl_env) { env["CL"] = cl_env; } auto lib_env = getenv("LIB"); if(lib_env) { env["LIB"] = lib_env; } auto link_env = getenv("LINK"); if(link_env) { env["LINK"] = link_env; } auto path_env = getenv("PATH"); if(path_env) { env["ctorPATH"] = path_env; } auto ret = regenerateCache(settings, argv[0], args, env); if(ret != 0) { return ret; } recompileCheck(settings, argc, argv, false); return 0; } int reconfigure(const Settings& global_settings, int argc, char* argv[]) { Settings settings{global_settings}; bool no_rerun{false}; std::vector args; for(int i = 2; i < argc; ++i) // skip executable name and 'reconfigure' arg { if(i == 2 && std::string(argv[i]) == "--no-rerun") { no_rerun = true; continue; } args.push_back(argv[i]); } const auto& cfg = configuration(); std::cout << "Re-running configure:\n"; for(const auto& e : cfg.env) { std::cout << e.first << "=\"" << e.second << "\" "; } std::cout << argv[0] << " configure "; for(const auto& arg : cfg.args) { std::cout << arg << " "; } std::cout << "\n"; auto ret = regenerateCache(settings, argv[0], cfg.args, cfg.env); if(ret != 0) { return ret; } recompileCheck(settings, 1, argv, false); if(no_rerun) { return 0; // this was originally invoked by configure, don't loop } return execute(argv[0], args, {}); }