\title{Essay: Applying Contemporary C++ in Enviroments Without Free-Store} \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{graphicx} %\usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \usepackage{listings} \usepackage{subfig} \usepackage{biblatex} \addbibresource{references.bib} \renewcommand{\floatpagefraction}{.8}% %\renewcommand{\thesubfigure}{Figure \arabic{subfigure}} \captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=simple, labelsep=colon} \pagestyle{fancy} \author{Bent Bisballe Nyeng University of Aarhus} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} %\section*{Abstract} In this essay I want to examine to which extend it is possible to use free-store allocating constructs from the standard template library (STL) and C++ core-language in enviroments without access to a free-store. \end{abstract} \section{Introduction} C++ contains a lot of helpful constructs that can be widely used, including in environments without a free-store, such as \texttt{concepts}, \texttt{module}s, \texttt{template}s in general, and functions from \texttt{algorithm} in particular but some parts of the language and the STL is off-limits when building applications in environments without free-store such as the perhaps obvious, but useful \texttt{std::vector} or \texttt{std::string}, but also the less obvious co-routines\cite{belson} or storing lambdas in \texttt{std::function}s\cite{elbeno}. This also inherently means that RAII cannot be used for managing memory allocations (such as smart-pointers), but can still be used for managing other types of resources, such as locks or hardware peripheral access. \subsection{Dynamic Memory Allocation} There can be many reasons for not allocating on the free-store, either by convention; ``no allocations allowed after the engines has started'', or because the hardware or operating system doesn't have a virtual memory abstraction, ie. doesn't have a memory management unit (MMU)\cite{tannenbaum}, and therefore, over time, is at risk at fragmenting the memory available ultimately leading to memory depletion\cite{weis}. In the case of memory fragmentation one might argue that it is not the allocation that is the problem but rather the free'ing since this is when the fragmentation happens. This problem is shown in figure \ref{frag}, which might be possible to circumvent in singular concrete cases, but cannot be solved in general without the page indirections of the virtual memory\cite{weis}. \begin{figure} \makebox[\textwidth][c]{% \includegraphics[scale=0.8]{fragmentation.pdf}} \caption{\textit{(a) visualizes the full, free, memory of a system. Then, in (b), 4 equal-sized chunks of memory has been allocated filling up the whole memory. In (c) chunk 2 and 4 has been free'd and finally, in (d), a chunk which can fit in the total amount of free memory, is being allocated but fails because of memory fragmentation.}} \label{frag} \end{figure} This can to some degree be prevented by monotonic allocations which might work for not very practical in real-world software and certainly not for the dynamic allocations in the STL or the core-language. In particular, a lambda stored in a \texttt{std::function} might allocate memory on the free-store if the lambda exceeds the size of the (compiler dependent) small-buffer optimization (SBO) buffer inside the \texttt{std::functions}\cite{elbeno}. In much the same way as the \texttt{std::string} has its small string optimization (also compiler dependent). \subsection{Free-Standing} Work is being done to modify the ``free-standing C++'' towards, among other things, making it run on systems without free-store by isolating the parts of the STL that can be used entirely without allocating along with not supporting exceptions and run-time type information\cite{craig}. Working with the resulting small sub-set of the available components, however, is not well suited for making contemporary C++ applications. The ideal solution would be to find ways to be able to use all (or at least most) features, but with a potential known set of restictions or limitations. \section{Method} In the following, 3 methods for managing memory allocations will be investigated, and their suitability for real-life applications be evaluated: \begin{itemize} \item Using Custom Allocators for the STL components that supports it. \item Overloading \texttt{new}/\texttt{delete} to use stack allocated memory instead of the free-store for all allocation. \item Support from the compiler to fail compilation if an unintentional \texttt{new} or \texttt{delete} is being called, at least preventing accidental allocations. \end{itemize} Each of the three will be evaluated with large lambda captures, \texttt{std::vector} allocation and some simple co-routines. The epxeriments are done on a linux PC using the gcc-11.2 compiler. \section{Experiments} ---------------------------------------- No access to MMU, implicitly, prohibits calls to delete after initialization phase. Otherwise this will lead to memory fragmentation which again might lead to free-store depletion and ultimately application failure. Writing a custom allocator is only a solution to a sub-set of the allocations in an application, for example if all allocations are guaranteed to always be of the same size, in which can no fragmentation will occur. But for most applications (or at least most parts on an application) this is not the case, and therefore others means need to be taken into use. The most common way of addressing this, is simply to only use stack allocation, or store all objects in as static globals. But in certain areas of the C++ language dynamic allocation might occur without the developer knowing about it. \texttt{std::string}s of sizes that doesn't fit in the SSO buffer is one example, but even more devious is the capture clause of a lambda, which might allocate extra memory, if more than $N$ members are captured, where $N$ is compiler dependent. No way of telling the compiler that ``no allocations allowed, fail if one is made'' exists, but one could wish for such a mechanism in the wake of the ``free-standing C++'' subset work. One thing is to prohibit use of language constructs that are guaranteed to allocate, but quite another is to allow using constructs in ways that doesn't make them allocate. This, I think, is not part of the ``free-standing C++'' work. \printbibliography \end{document}