#include #include #include #include #include #include #include ///////////////////////////////////////// // // Listener and Notifier classes: // ///////////////////////////////////////// class Listener; class NotifierBase { public: virtual void disconnect(Listener* object) {} }; class Listener { public: virtual ~Listener() { for (auto signal: signals) { signal->disconnect(this); } } void registerNotifier(NotifierBase* signal) { signals.insert(signal); } void unregisterNotifier(NotifierBase* signal) { signals.erase(signal); } std::set signals; }; template class Notifier : public NotifierBase { public: Notifier() {} ~Notifier() { for (auto slot: slots) { slot.first->unregisterNotifier(this); } } void connect(Listener* object, std::function slot) { slots[object] = slot; object->registerNotifier(this); } void disconnect(Listener* object) { slots.erase(object); } void notify(T t, Args...args) { for (auto slot: slots) { slot.second(t, args...); } } std::map> slots; }; ///////////////////////////////////////// // // Code which I don't understand but does something clever and produces a compile warning: // ///////////////////////////////////////// template struct seq{}; template struct gen_seq : gen_seq{}; template struct gen_seq<0, Is...> : seq{}; template struct placeholder{}; namespace std{ template struct is_placeholder< ::placeholder > : integral_constant{}; } // std:: namespace aux{ template auto easy_bind(seq, F&& f, Ts&&... vs) -> decltype(std::bind(std::forward(f), std::forward(vs)..., ::placeholder<1 + Is>()...)) { return std::bind(std::forward(f), std::forward(vs)..., ::placeholder<1 + Is>()...); } } // aux:: template auto mem_bind(R (C::*ptmf)(FArgs...), Args&&... vs) -> decltype(aux::easy_bind(gen_seq<(sizeof...(FArgs) + 1) - sizeof...(Args)>(), ptmf, std::forward(vs)...)) { // the +1s for 'this' argument static_assert(sizeof...(Args) <= sizeof...(FArgs) + 1, "too many arguments to mem_bind"); return aux::easy_bind(gen_seq<(sizeof...(FArgs) + 1) - sizeof...(Args)>(), ptmf, std::forward(vs)...); } template auto mem_bind(T C::*ptmd, Args&&... vs) -> decltype(aux::easy_bind(gen_seq<1 - sizeof...(Args)>(), ptmd, std::forward(vs)...)) { // just 'this' argument static_assert(sizeof...(Args) <= 1, "too many arguments to mem_bind"); return aux::easy_bind(gen_seq<1 - sizeof...(Args)>(), ptmd, std::forward(vs)...); } ///////////////////////////////////////// // // Example: // ///////////////////////////////////////// class MyObject : public Listener { public: void onMouseMoved(int x, int y) { std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl; std::cout << "Mouse moved: " << x << "," << y << std::endl; } }; class MyObject2 : public Listener { public: void mouseMoved(int x, int y) { std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl; std::cout << "Mouse moved: " << x << "," << y << std::endl; } }; class Button { public: Notifier mouseMove; // arguments: (int x, int y) void emulateMouseMove(int x, int y) { mouseMove.notify(x, y); } }; #define CONN(O, M) &O, mem_bind(&decltype(O)::M, O) #define _connect(SRC, SIG, TAR, SLO) SRC.SIG.connect(&TAR, mem_bind(&decltype(TAR)::SLO, TAR)) int main() { Button btn; MyObject object; //btn.mouseMove.connect(&object, std::bind(&MyObject::onMouseMoved, std::ref(object), _1, _2 )); // 'Vanilla' interface //btn.mouseMove.connect(&object, std::bind(&decltype::onMouseMoved, std::ref(object), _1, _2 )); // Use decltype //btn.mouseMove.connect(&object, mem_bind(&decltype(object)::onMouseMoved, object)); // Use clever mem_bind construct btn.mouseMove.connect(CONN(object, onMouseMoved)); // Use convenience macro _connect(btn, mouseMove, object, onMouseMoved); MyObject2 object2; btn.mouseMove.connect(CONN(object2, mouseMoved)); // Now trigger the notification btn.emulateMouseMove(10,10); }